Flag: Brazil
Registered: August 30, 2022
Last post: May 24, 2024 at 6:14 AM
Posts: 128
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posted about a year ago

Congratulations, it's the worst list i've seen so far.

posted about a year ago

The evolution of this team since the first match is insane. Sadly they prob won't make to playoffs.

posted about a year ago

Agreed. If you're north american you will cheer for the NA team playing. The same happen on LOCK IN. The samew would happen on a championship on LATAM if a LATAM team were playing. It's part of the "having a crowd" actually.

posted about a year ago

That would happen anywhere in the world. But i just remember everyone crying their lungs out when brazilian crowd was doing it. This is simply cheering for the team you like.

posted about a year ago

If communication wasn't a problem, LEV should even consider picking Xand by the time he left KRU.

posted about a year ago

But i feel like Keznit has so much more impact on the game. Maybe his OP is not better than Taco's, but on game impact overall Keznit clears.

posted about a year ago

Yes, and that's why i didn't get keep him instead of Keznit on the team. Since i believe keznit to be the best duelist of LATAM region (excluding BR of course).

posted about a year ago

I mean, the guy is good, don't get me wrong. But i think that a S tier duelist would make Leviatan unstoppable since everyone on the team (except taco) is goated.

posted about a year ago

Cloud9 played greatly, give then time and they will be a good team. Also, cry for your mum qwerty. Respec for cloud 9 +++. Respec for Qwerty ---

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Brazil = 5 times world champion
China = China

posted about a year ago

Ainda precisam aperfeiçoar muito a pool e essa comp de double duelist não ta dando certo com o saadhak. Se eles dropassem essa comp e jogassem o meta que eles são acostumados os mapas seriam muito mais pegados, pq todas essas compa já foram lidas pela FNATIC.

posted about a year ago

Theres not even comparsion. Sentinels dis that because it was the first tournament of the GAME, nobody was that familiar and they were great aims. Fnatic just look INSANE after the game has a solid base. It's completely different.

posted about a year ago

First champ of the year. New roster. Saadhak playing duelists. They getting experience. And besides all, FNATIC just look freaking INSANEEEEEE

posted about a year ago

Need a lot of improvement. They're just testing a few things. But i feel like is a 4v5

posted about a year ago

Yes, he would help much more with an agent of another role. But its the first champ of the year, so they will evolve their playstyle a lot more through the year.

posted about a year ago

Dude, if pAncada were on Loud as smoker, it would be at the same level as Fnatic. Now i feel loud is below but not that far.

posted about a year ago

Trent? Are you joking? I never seen anybody playing like him.

posted about a year ago

First champ of the year. Loud was beaten by KRU on Conpenhagen. Just chill, we're still on March.

posted about a year ago

They're trying new things and playing pretty great besides the new players. The problem is that Fnatic looks impecable with the meta comp and boaster reading is out of this world on this tournament.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

That guy is just INSANE

posted about a year ago

Just like Navi did ☺️

posted about a year ago

They are just INSANE

posted about a year ago

"it's safe to say". It's safe to say that your team is not on finals.

posted about a year ago

His champions trophy and the MVP title disagrees.

posted about a year ago

Shame that you don't consider mimi a pro, shes great

posted about a year ago

Comentar aqui pra ler mais tarde, mas show demais Artur.

posted about a year ago

Pretty hecking cool

posted about a year ago
  1. Saadhak
  2. Aspas
  3. pANcada
posted about a year ago

"Woman are not willing to succeed on video games". The year is 2023 and you gotta read things like that, my eyes are almost bleeding.

posted about a year ago

Five players are needed lil bro

posted about a year ago

If you wanna pay the tickets, i wouldn't mind going.

posted about a year ago

Risky. Is like beting on loud x NRG...

posted about a year ago

Sick is on twitter bro

posted about a year ago

Shao is a BEAST, and JessieVash trolled that

posted about a year ago

LOL, of course not. This game was about who threw more rounds. Of course there are a lot of good things to talk about the 2 teams, but i don't see any of them winning against a more prepared team for what they showed today.

posted about a year ago

Dude, he just shoot the corridor next to the corners. EDG that was stupid enough to stand there.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Who would win?

posted about a year ago

"i believe"

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Why does every time a team loses (with usually new roster) on a single elimination championship theres a lot of posts with how to fix thoses teams? Its the first champ of the year bro, of course the teams will still have to improve their playstyle and synergyas well as gather information about their adversaries. Why judge any team on this tournament? For me is more about a showmatch.

posted about a year ago

Funny how every team that loses a match on a single elimination tournament with new roster gets a "(insert team) fix" post.

posted about a year ago

If it compared to zyw00 and s1mple, he woud've been where zyw00 and s1mple are.

posted about a year ago

Just don't take 90% of the stuff you read on this site as truth. Lot of baits here.

posted about a year ago

Agreed. I think that's part of their respective qualities. While FNS is a beast at reading the enemy team, Saadhak is the most versatile IGL on the game due to the variety of agents he plays (and his good with them).

posted about a year ago

What i feel sad is for Optic organization which invested on the players and made them be one of the best teams of the last year, but the organization now simply disappeared from valorant due to franchise system.

posted about a year ago
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