Flag: France
Registered: April 9, 2023
Last post: July 19, 2023 at 6:26 AM
Posts: 327
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my boi keith is farming

posted about a year ago

nah, theyre using sykko paycheck to pay for marved flight. iceman can go to northpole and sen would pay

posted about a year ago

it could also be he's moving to LA permanently so he's getting his stuff

posted about a year ago

this is lower round, loud wouldve already qualified tokyo by then

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

my boy keith is hot, hope he keeps it up

posted about a year ago

the reason dephh is on initiator is so he can clear question marks on the map easier. its also harder to call when you lurk. that's why even fns don't play kg anymore, and play agent that stick with the team.

posted about a year ago

love this one

posted about a year ago

its bcs immediately after eg destroy kj utils, someone from loud reclear it, so they can comfortably stack site

posted about a year ago

except production, some missing replays

posted about a year ago

statistically, zekken is 7th based on rating in America league, marved is 2nd in the league. tenz is 2nd too, from the bottom. and he's oping on jett.

ideally, -deph and let sacy igl, but were in the middle of the season. its gonna be hard for sacy since he's never igled in English, and don't wanna put pressure on him since he's killing it on initiator.

stick with what works. feel sorry for tenz but its for the team success

posted about a year ago

stick with what works, sen doesnt have the leeway to experiment and suffer another loss

posted about a year ago

my goat too cold

posted about a year ago

i was right lol, and it was their pick too

posted about a year ago

out of context but NA has the worst production tho. sometimes no replay etc

posted about a year ago

kingg is the exception
also runi

posted about a year ago

honestly if they have the crowd buff, and still lose. you know whos the better team

posted about a year ago

i mentioned sadhaak and boaster simply bcs its more fair comparison cause they've both won LAN. and yes fns too. while dephh hasn't won anything.

posted about a year ago

overreaching, dephh hasnt won anything. hooxi got titles under his belt. if dephh ever won a lan, we can start talking again.
hooxi is closer to saadhak and boaster.

posted about a year ago

san andreas

posted about a year ago

im with sliggy on this one. his take

tl;dr if you're gonna let ardiis to play flex, why pick up ardiis? when there are better flex players out there to pick up?
also ardiis trialed for duelist role when nrg signed him up

posted about a year ago

imo, i dont think sentinel has the leeway to experiment right now. they should stick with what works and secure playoff first. i don't mind if tenz is benched for a bit. he can comeback to the active roster after playoffs are guaranteed and just play the remaining matches

posted about a year ago

not really in tier1 CS, while the IGL frag less, when they let their team down, it will be bcs they've been anti-stratted, bad calls or just wrong gamble.. its rarely bcs of their fragging capability. most of the tier1 igl can step up when they do need to frag. good example of this is cadian (igl, and op), also apex. also electronic, nafany

posted about a year ago

didnt know nats panda like to browse vlr

posted about a year ago

rockstar made a game on the city you and erick used to rule

posted about a year ago

them winning pistols 7 times help a lot ngl

posted about a year ago

im down for this, they both qualify playoff and duke it out

posted about a year ago

sen nrg and mibr will have a 3 way tie (based on h2h) after nrg win against kru. round diff and map diff gonna be important going forward for them

posted about a year ago

mans eternal winter, icecold as ever

posted about a year ago

my goat iceman

posted about a year ago

ice cold

just need to be consistent then he can remain in the squad. not sure what to do with tenz though, this squad looking too good to swap anyone out

posted about a year ago

tenz statistically has the second lowest rating in America right now and he's oping on duelist, lowest is dephh still tho.

posted about a year ago

dephh deserves it this week

posted about a year ago

yeah their pistol sucks. 7-1 holyyy

posted about a year ago

i feel like theyre setting ardiis to fail.
why chet put ardiis on kj in ascent when on haven ardiis is on jett? i bet they wont put yay on kj if they have him instead of ardiis

posted about a year ago

honestly give sacy igl just for trial, then lets see how well dephh can frags without igling. he'll run out of excuses then

posted about a year ago

oil money ruins football ngl

posted about a year ago

it will get better over time, tier1 players will slowly get exposed, and orgs will find replacement in the transfer window

toppling the top dog in each regional league is hard, cause most of them keep the same core and so the chemistry is already there. as you can see from loud, drx and fnatic. its gonna take time for new teams to catch up

posted about a year ago

their assistant coach is registered as their 6th. normally coach/ass coach cant play.
same with c9, qpert used to be a player but now is an assistant coach, he's registered as their 6th

posted about a year ago

same with money, they shouldnt show that to the other team.

posted about a year ago

he doenst need to perform like lev kingg, he just need to hold his ground like saadhak, boaster and fns. the problem is he's holding back the team.
its not like his igl is that good anyway, its mostly individual plays that win them round, not his calls.

posted about a year ago

they swap script with c9

posted about a year ago

by bad you mean worst in the league right?

posted about a year ago

in their current form, skrossi clears cryo

posted about a year ago

tenz catching strays left and right
give man a break

posted about a year ago
not hating on dephh, just looking things objectively

posted about a year ago

maybe the esport scene isnt as developed? at least, i don't know any Italian esport org

posted about a year ago

not vitality after they lost to BBL, probably giants

America, no NA teams. loud lev and furia

posted about a year ago

downplaying ur opponent doesn't change the fact that GE is still not good enough

GE will win against dfm, rrq is 50-50, but no hope vs TS and GEN G, also bind is coming back
at best GE get 2 more win and finish 3-6 in the league, still not enough to qualify

posted about a year ago
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