cara ele começou a carreira tem pouco tempo, mais fácil sei lá, o qck ajudar ele com a exp, idade n diz nada, mas ele tem ido mt bem até
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | February 10, 2021 |
Last post: | September 26, 2021 at 6:46 PM |
Posts: | 539 |
cara ele começou a carreira tem pouco tempo, mais fácil sei lá, o qck ajudar ele com a exp, idade n diz nada, mas ele tem ido mt bem até
NA ppl should have their human rights taken away
+1 finally someone proposed something useful on this site
i dont think a major is about prize pool its more like the pressure involved for playing the "world cup"
i dont think so, masters was like a minor? so champions would be major
wait wait murika typing football instead soccer? must be fakeflagging
acend could be maintain at a high level and probably can go all the way to berlin but im not sure about g2 and heretics
nice only 9.961 km i might go to
plz guys stop starting these type of thread every single day
atleast wait for vct
ppl downvoting as if u being serious 😭
praising something related with tsm or sen
sim, quando soube q ele era mono astra isso me preocupou e tmb gostaria de ter visto a gl arriscar uma sage de entry com o mw, cned e scream tem feito isso muito bem e poderia dar bom aqui tmb, mas agora tem vct e provavelmente n vão arriscar muito
sim, gl é horrível em retake e after tem tempos e eles n mostraram nem sinal de melhora
prolly furia will throw the series but id like to see them whip the floor with gl just to know what excuses they have
not even close there are a bunch of players better than him
for the blind, gtn is the light.
for the hungry, gtn is the bread.
for the thirsty, gtn is the fountain.
for the sick, gtn is the cure.
for the prisoner, gtn is freedom.
for the liar, gtn is the truth.
for the traveler, gtn is the way.
for me, gtn is everything
falaram a msm coisa no último challengers e a gl tomou um sarrafo do time do VÉIO DA HAVAN
mwzera must get rid of this team if he wants a major imo
understandable once mwzera needs to drop 60+ for GL get win
is it confirmed?
damn bro i feel ur sadness from far away
lol? nyang has always been igling
thanks for jinx furia
i prefer to wait since teams from masters aint playing
brazilian users left out the site after masters, it just me and noyn i guess so
top 10 most boring vlr users:
gtn bout to become the best operator itw
dgzin q te machuca
"top 1 gtn" i see a man of culture as well
easy title for cned
whats ur point? jhow still a bad player individually
Messi: 0 k/d with yoru
Gtn: 0.76 with yoru
Gtn better than pessi in my book
lol top 1 cned when its actually gtn
plz sum1 help me why is there some hate on soniqs?
much ego, expected from esports proplayers
os caras acham q vão ganhar alguma coisa nessa várzea, e tu sabe como ego de pro player é, só dps q forem eliminados do vct pra perceberem isso