Flag: International
Registered: December 8, 2021
Last post: August 11, 2024 at 7:56 AM
Posts: 213
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I never claimed he is the best, I said he's the most valuable. Important distinction. Can't find a flex player who frags like him, while contributing to strat building and IGLing.

posted 10 months ago

He'll never come back. He is Singaporean and apparently quite well-off. He'll go to university or some shit.

posted 10 months ago

I'm convinced f0rsaken is the most valuable player in the world, in the sense that you can add him to any workable roster and it's an instant upgrade. Sad that the team is choking, and Monyet turned out to be shit, but f0rsaken's been an unmitigated monster today.

posted 10 months ago

His team is good, so he's allowed to play the game. Also he had 6 months to adapt to the new role.

posted 11 months ago

Least obvious bait or dementia.

posted 11 months ago

I've not seen a good Phoenix since Jingg. Kinda a bait pick. He doesn't really play like a duelist at all.

posted 11 months ago

They'd easily find a decent enough player to replace him with, he's the best Raze in the world, but still just one player.

posted about a year ago

Lock in doesn't matter. It's more of an expository event. Teams were still barely finalised then.

But honestly, EMEA is supposed to have 3 premier teams coming into Champions. Both TL and Na'Vi hard choked, and the punishing format sees them both booted.

I'd still expect upward of 3 contenders from EMEA every year, it's just been a tumultuous year for them.

posted about a year ago

He's arguing for jawgemo, not against ethan.

posted about a year ago

It's simply about the level of interest. Otherwise, I'm convinced if the Chinese want to win any esport title at all, they will.

posted about a year ago

Everything is nerfed. Seems the utils became a bit wild for their taste. Glad they had the onus to pull the level back down after a year of power creep.

More games should do this, btw. Nerf everything to lower the overall power level.

posted about a year ago

Sadhack is liked just fine.

posted about a year ago

They would clear every T1 EU team not named FNC or Na'Vi atm.

posted about a year ago

FEET Alfa the Turk superduperteam.

posted about a year ago

Termi really just sandbagged map pick yesterday so they can shatter EMEA's dreams and hopes AGAIN. Ruthless.

On a different note, DRX is the most inconsistent consistent team ever. Might be served with a competitive ruling for this one.

posted about a year ago

Give them a break, it's a heart-wrenching map 3, they needed to let it off their chest. They've been graceful losers yesterday, I'm sure they will have great words for their opposition today too, when all settles down.

posted about a year ago

If Forsaken plays CS now, he'd also be winning nothing. It's the simple matter of standards. Boom could afford to fuck around, but GE is in a franchise. They've got to carry their weight.

posted about a year ago

EG and DRX might turn up, but the 3 above are the lore canon, imo. They've all dominated their respective leagues, and came into franchise as the poster child of their regions.

posted about a year ago

Feels bad for the CIS folks. Could've gotten a team or two into franchising, if not for the war. Hope they get their shot elsewhere. I'm glad APAC orgs are picking them up from T2/T3.

posted about a year ago

Except the next 2 maps are their best maps yet. It's joever.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I love both of these teams man. I can't watch this shit any longer. Ping me when it's over boys.

posted about a year ago

Not underrated at all. Most people would agree, he's the best Valorant player in Asia rn.

posted about a year ago

Alright, it's a bonus round, but I'll give him this one. Another one and I'll edit the thread.

posted about a year ago

He's decent when they're ahead, but cannot carry his weight in competitive games. He botfragged against EDG as well.

posted about a year ago

Holy shit he's been choking all tournament long. Truly the T2 merchant. Ideally he cools the fuck down.

EDIT: He really showed the fuck up. I'll never doubt him anymore.

posted about a year ago

You get paid in respect, yes.

posted about a year ago

At this point, it seems more than possible. Of course, we've only seen the selected maps, but Na'vi certainly has the potential to.

posted about a year ago

Neither will make it there.

posted about a year ago

As I've said, winning is a matter of form. Say, NRG's shit form for example, flung them out of group, and C9, flushed by KRU during LCQ (probably the weakest team sent to Champs, btw).

I'd say Asia performed decently thus far. Reminder that before Loud won Champs last year, people were still whining about how shit SA was to be given so many slots.

posted about a year ago

I have no doubt Loud can do it again, but I wouldn't celebrate just yet. Loud's map wins have been too close for comfort lately.

posted about a year ago

They can't all choke, because they'll play against one another. One or two will go deep, then it's a toss up on the day.

They are not "good enough" to win, they are literally, better.

posted about a year ago

Your mom's the deepest by far, who, I have no doubt, is also American-sized.

posted about a year ago

They'll probably choke during playoffs. Again. The usual DRX experience.

posted about a year ago

Bold statement given DRX just swept both Loud and Na'vi, and PRX is even better.

BLG's win over NRG should tell you something about the power level of EDG, I'd hope.

posted about a year ago

Different games, different smokes, different maps, different mobility. The XM if ported to Val will also be broken.

posted about a year ago

You have delusional standards for an esport. Low-tier traditional sports are sustainable because the simple act of going to watch it in person is the very anti-thesis to going online, which people seem to be 24/7 nowadays. Not to mention the traditional sports themselves being embedded in the educational system, and promoted in the natal phases of youth development. Not to mention decades-long tribalism that spur people to support their local sporting efforts.

T2 Valorant will never have such privileges, and before trying to make orgs "sustainable", let's try to make them at least incentivised.

posted about a year ago

Well, yes, Brazil is part of Americas as well. Same reason I'd still classify Korean teams in a class of their own as well. They very rarely import foreign players.

posted about a year ago

They almost exclusively field rosters with mono-nationality players, so fair enough.

posted about a year ago

Grease burger, talk about footie much?

posted about a year ago

1 EU
1 TR
0 JP
1 KR
1 NA
1 BR
2 CN

It's doomed. It's their first year even playing this game.

Well, I'd still say every other PO team bar FUT beats EDG, so it's not like the region parity is entirely fucked.

posted about a year ago

The judge is OP, but only on players with abundant gamesense and teams that can enable them. We've seen Giants/NRG being shit on it today, meanwhile FNC/PRX/EDG/BLG absolutely thive on the pick.

posted about a year ago

If you're talking top flight, it's APAC. DRX + PRX are both top tier, borderline contenders. Of course, the rest of APAC is kinda shit, but well.

posted about a year ago

Why Fut? Why not feet? Feet like Fut no like.

posted about a year ago

Probably because historically, every BR roster had been strictly Brazilian-only. Same goes for CN, KR, TUR and most APAC teams, btw.

posted about a year ago

No. They are just shit.

posted about a year ago

CN has great PC esport infrastructure. India is simply more interested in mobile games.

Of course, if Singapore can do it, then there's no excuse.

posted about a year ago

That's literally what I said. PRX plays a bizarre game, and they win based off of that. They are evidently the pinnacle of coordination, I have thus referenced their hivemind nature.

True and tested means default. There isn't anything "special" about EDG's comp, no Yoru, no Gekko, no Reyna, no Phoenix, no intentional "trolling". They can make brash, aggressive calls when empowered, but their gameplay follow the usual cadence. PRX, on the other hand, has rounds that end in literal 10 seconds.

posted about a year ago

You have a sensible take, I don't think TS or C9 would have done much better.

People are simply casting EMEA the slot waster because of how underwhelming franchising had been. Many expected EU to feature a superior depth of talents, but that's unfounded imo. The main demographic that played CSGO has aged considerably, washed CS pros are simply not good enough for T1 anymore, and the new kids are not necessarily better than their foreign counterparts.

In fact, even in hindsight, I'd rather no other team at Champions. Na'vi put on a show, and Giants were at least better than PAC's 4th. FUT is there for the Turk fans, and Liquid might have turned up.

posted about a year ago

Not really, PRX plays like a crazed hivemind, jumping around with shorties and winning (& throwing) bizarre rounds for their antics.

EDG is worse mechanically, but they play with true and tested gameplans, albeit with lots of luck and heroics involved.

EDG will for sure get dismantled by FNC, for example, but PRX will stand a chance.

posted about a year ago
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