Flag: Philippines
Registered: September 4, 2022
Last post: May 31, 2024 at 8:30 AM
Posts: 534
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posted about a year ago

thats cap

posted about a year ago

nah but south asia viewership ain't close to zeta. val is super popular there yet they are really bad val is no where near as popular here

posted about a year ago

fuckoff cunt no one cares

posted about a year ago

fucking cooool

posted about a year ago

you proved his point lmao

posted about a year ago

blud is fighting for his life on every thread lmfao

posted about a year ago

average cs player iq is about 50

posted about a year ago

HE'S the motherfucking goat I can't wait for their team to improve

posted about a year ago

cope harder broke bum keep playing cs only thing your pc can run XD

posted about a year ago

more like delusional cs frogs thought a smoke change and overhyped graphics change was enough to make cs super popular again XDD

posted about a year ago

yeah all the csgo frogs spamming val dead were very secure XD

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

game peeked at 883k viewers on twitch on 22nd

dropped to 367k in one day lmaoo data:

rip bozo you ain't killing shit 🤣🤣🤣

posted about a year ago

no cap apex actually solos both games

posted about a year ago

it ain't killing val lmao million dollar bet

posted about a year ago

10 year old game gets a fucking graphics upgrade lmfao ain't no one care about that boomer shit

posted about a year ago

who tf even is he?

posted about a year ago

yeah idk about the last point. if I'm an 17 year old grinding valorant why would I switch to cs ?

posted about a year ago

it's gonna be fucking hilarious when fucking nothing happens to valorant

posted about a year ago

source 2 update will have little to no effect on valorant.the games have very different player bases now

posted about a year ago

damn I'm gonna be 20 sitting on 89 XD

posted about a year ago

lmao how old are you?

posted about a year ago

mine is 89

posted about a year ago

aren't most pro players verified tho?

posted about a year ago

she's giga beautiful 100/10

posted about a year ago

what happened did they stop or somthn?

posted about a year ago

anyone who is attracted to animals in any way should be shot on site

posted about a year ago

braindead nats fell of

posted about a year ago

fucking def play genshin

posted about a year ago

the hardest esport to go pro in is the one with the most competition.I believe mechanics and other factors don't really matter at the pro level.which is why


val is currently easier than cs as the competition for cs is still slightly higher although in the future I can see it surpassing cs the same way league did with dota

posted about a year ago

cs is harder due to more competition currently. how difficult it is to go pro it simply based on how many you have to beat.LoL>>>dota=cs>val

posted about a year ago

".was there heat in the stadium during rio major which is why the brazillian crowd was invisible?.How come there were reports of brazillians spitting on navi players?? why did we never hear of turkish people spitting on drx after they beat fnatic in front of them.whyh did we not see compete empty stadiums in turkey despite no turkish team playing unlike in brazil where multiple matches had no a matter of fact why we never hear retarded shit like this happening in crowds in iceland or berlin??? making excuses is very easy taking accountability is hard"

posted about a year ago

Its a boatload of fucking nonsense. none of this shit happened in rio major yet the brazillian crowd was invisible

posted about a year ago

so fucking what? brazil would have no one in finals because they don't care about valorant and only wanna watch brazil many matches had a complete empty audience unlike turkey. they should stick to watching brazillian challengers and never have an international event again. also I love how you don't answer any of the other points I mentioned

posted about a year ago

bro turkey isn't a rich country either yet they were no where near as disrespectful as brazil? .thread on vlr. even doug said on tariks stream if loud wasn't in the finals the stadium would be half empty.also if the problem was with heat in the stadium how come every single brazil match or latam match had people in the stadium?.was there heat in the stadium during rio major which is why the brazillian crowd was invisible?.How come there were reports of brazillians spitting on navi players?? why did we never hear of turkish people spitting on drx after they beat fnatic in front of a matter of fact why we never hear retarded shit like this happening in crowds in iceland or berlin??? making excuses is very easy taking accountability is hard

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

lmao she ain't dating you lil bro

posted about a year ago

what?china is literally the largest consumer of luxury goods

posted about a year ago

massive brazillian projection lmao. india isn't rich but its no where near as big of a murder infested shithole like brazil

posted about a year ago

health hazard my foot they were like this during the csgo major as well.

posted about a year ago

crying loud fan noises

posted about a year ago

average brazillian comeback

posted about a year ago

in your dreams

posted about a year ago

league crushed dota and val will do the same to cs I can't wait

posted about a year ago

its called being a massive pussy nothing else

posted about a year ago

I'm genuinely surprised by how retarded you are

posted about a year ago

league is super popular in eu doesn't mean they could do shit

posted about a year ago

the ranked player base can be found on they use riot api

posted about a year ago

I have seen some bad reasoning but this... is somthn else

posted about a year ago
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