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Registered: April 2, 2023
Last post: March 3, 2025 at 12:16 AM
Posts: 2428
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Not even joking, I think Chiwa is the best sentinel on Emea besides alfajer

posted about a year ago

Definitely not the best team

posted about a year ago

Nismo could easily be a top 3/4 initiator in americas imo

posted about a year ago

And they played at the exact same level, with zest, might as well take a risk with someone with a lot of pop off potential instead of keeping zest and settling for the same thing for 2024 again, there is almost downside of releasing zest

posted about a year ago

Blatant lie, with zest in or out, their level did not change. It’s better to take a chance with foxy9 instead of settling for mediocrity with zest. Not saying zest is mediocre, just saying the way DRX played for a large part of 2023 was mediocre.

posted about a year ago

Had to be done, when will ppl realize that DRX’s goal is to win a championship, and they have to take risks to do so, foxy9 and flashback have a lot of potential. They simply would not be able to win with the OG roster, as we have seen from the last 3 years now. Something had to be changed.

posted about a year ago

It had to be done, don’t feel ashamed

posted about a year ago

As much as I hate to say it, something needed to be done. Mako is easily the best player so and BuZz is easily their 2nd best, Foxy9 has a lot of pop off potential although he isn’t very consistent, but I believe that is a problem that can be fixed with time and effort

DRX have been playing at a high level for a while, but bc of the drop in form, i think looking at the players was a decision that had to be made despite how unfortunate of a situation it is. I hope flashback does well

posted about a year ago

not really rb hasn’t performed well this year

posted about a year ago
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