Flag: United States
Registered: October 7, 2022
Last post: May 11, 2024 at 6:40 PM
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bro still worried about sen

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

lmao not having zekken s-tier on this list after one bad series is so weird recency bias is insane

posted about 2 years ago

sick literally said rob moore is the only person from sen who understood his perspective and tried to help but ok

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

bro's lost it

posted about 2 years ago

ur wasting ur time bro.. this is vlr none of these guys have every played an actual sport nor have they watched actual sports.. they dont know it takes time for a team to be together for results to come

posted about 2 years ago

bro is making threads about sen when they aint even playing crazy

posted about 2 years ago

when franchising was announced I chose 2 other teams from each region to root for just to have a team to root for if sen is eliminated.. anybody else do this?

my teams:
amer - sen obviously
emea - navi (suygetsu the goat)
pacific - prx

posted about 2 years ago

fnatic flair with a W.. its like people forgot how good and consistent he was on entry last year

posted about 2 years ago

i get ur point ur saying at the moment they are bad which i agree with but i think you could have worded it different.. what im saying is that they have to go back to the drawing board just like when you lose in any other team sport.. this is their first couple of months together and their first real official match (dont count tarik x ludwig because the brazillians just landed a week before the tourney) they havent had time to notice their flaws there's only so much you can analyze in scrims because of outside factors.. some teams dont take scrims seriously.. some only practice specific scenarios etc fnatic were just better prepped and have had more time to gel is my overall point..

posted about 2 years ago

isnt he like cracked mechanically? i remember hearing someone from brazil is like insane but i cant remember if its him or not.. Brazilians help me out how do you guys rate him?

posted about 2 years ago

so when drx was getting close to winning all last year but kept getting top 5 were they shit? like that doesnt make sense thats like saying oh this team lost two games in the nba finals they are down 2-0 so they are shit... ur point has no logic backing it

posted about 2 years ago

idk maybe both those cores have been together for longer than one-two months? idk just a thought

posted about 2 years ago

telling a grown man to "put it in you" as another grown man is hilarious for sure my bad

posted about 2 years ago

u are a weirdo

posted about 2 years ago

yay to nrg, victor benched trust me bro

posted about 2 years ago

forget the sen discussion.. why do ppl like u say kekw im genuinely curious? like do u actually use that in your daily vocab? shits stupid cringe

posted about 2 years ago

the last man standing with perfect pickems how does he not miss?

posted about 2 years ago

cringest shit i’ve heard in a while 8/8

posted about 2 years ago

navi cant even play liquid in the final they’re on the same side of the bracket

posted about 2 years ago


hardest for me was TL vs Navi.. too many of my favorite pros in one series

posted about 2 years ago

what do you guys’ look like?

not too upset with mine so far:

posted about 2 years ago

to say contracts dont matter is a stretch lol this thread is literally about a plyer whose contract indeed did matter also another point is if loud didnt have the money to keep sacy and pancada what brazil team has the money to buy them out? doesnt make sense

posted about 2 years ago

from the global contract database i think the whole sen roster is signed until the end of 2024 besides tenz (ends at the end of 2023) so prob not likely


nrg is more likely because s0m contract ends after this year

posted about 2 years ago

ive seen enough, get this man on a franchised team IMMEDIATELY

posted about 2 years ago

Am bored so was thinking of who I believe will be the best players of the new year.... this is just my opinion lmk you guys' list (remember this is for the whole year)

  1. cryocells
  2. nats
  3. aspas
  4. yay
  5. pancada
  6. suygetsu
  7. jingg
  8. chronicle
  9. zekken
  10. derke
  11. sacy
  12. ardiis
  13. shao
  14. stax
  15. bang

Honorable mentions**: less, forsaken, derrek, leo, mako

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

zekken is deff 92-95

posted about 2 years ago

i love zekken but if this is an all time list there is no way ur not putting tenz in that list.. only one who matches his peak in 2021 is yay

posted about 2 years ago

yeah seriously, alfa barely speaks english on fnatic but they still work out idk why people think this will be such a extremely hard transition and they have four months to practice and get everything as close to perfect as they can.. syyko and kaplan are very good coaches, i dont think theyd sign him if they werent confident he would transition well

posted about 2 years ago

no update for sacy and pancada?

posted about 2 years ago

imo there is less than 10% chance that the rosters we see tomorrow are not the final rosters f or february..

  1. because why sign players to year long or even multi year long contracts just to replace them in a few months
  2. there are not many upgrades to players in free agency besides like marved so maybe some team drops their controller for marved but teams have 4 months to mold and fix issues internally and having that experience together is valuable so i think temas would sign who they want now and use the four months to fix problems just my opinion though idk if i explained that well
posted about 2 years ago

never thought of this but this would be the best team in NA even with c9 there ngl

posted about 2 years ago

I know a lot of teams haven't had the opportunity to showcase anything but ON PAPER what are the best coaching staffs right now?

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

bros fuming πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

posted about 2 years ago

if anything yay and leaf*

posted about 2 years ago

NA's version of f0rsaken and jingg incoming

posted about 2 years ago

welp have fun cheering on tier two valorant

posted about 2 years ago

chill u lil bro not me

posted about 2 years ago

wake up bro πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

posted about 2 years ago

you're hilarious little guy

posted about 2 years ago

cmon guys. 100t did the same thing that sen just did (drop og roster besides superstar) like u guys arent even giving the new guys a chance.. haven't even met sacy pancada or dephh and the fanbase already dislikes them its unfair to those guys like we all love the og roster but if we're sen fans we should welcome the new guys with open arms it sucks they're getting this type of reception from their new "fanbase"

posted about 2 years ago

" no one is a fan of the org" ive been a sen fan since 2017 before val was even out.. there are people who arent ban wagons or clout chasers who actually support orgs.. hence why optic's fan base was so huge.. no one who was a fan of optic beforehand supported envy they were fans of optic so when optic got a valorant team they supported them because of optic the org.. sen is basically doing the same thing 100t did like quite literally same thing with 100t they dropped everyone besides asuna and still have a big fan base because they arent crying over 100t doing whats in their best interest to win.. sen kept tenz and are trying to get better but get hate for it.. its childish

posted about 2 years ago

what team would they be under? u think they would play as f/a? idk i feel like they could get under like a lowkey org

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago
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