why didn't she say it seriously?
Flag: | United States |
Registered: | December 19, 2021 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 2:08 PM |
Posts: | 907 |
why didn't she say it seriously?
answer the question. Why didn't she say "no" seriously?
why didnt she say it seriously though?
and you kow alot about self respect and standing up for yourself
And how is her inability to say no my fault? That’s genuinely her issue.
Okay so if you’re getting sexually assaulted you would politely and playfully ask them to stop. Noted
You just contradicted your own statement…
Funny of you to assume…also what from the audio clip gives you the notion that he was raping her? Was it her telling him “no” in a rather playful voice. Personally if she was getting raped i would assume that he would tell him to stop in a much more commanding tone and do everything in her power to get away from him. But thats just me.
But its an opinion though. You’re using that word like you know for a fact that he did it.
I honestly cannot see dz beating knights and eg
Please explain to me why people like you throw around words like “rape” when you have absolutely no basis on the statement you just made.
You probably thought marved was trash before champs
Yeah but what you said was blasphemy lol
Yeah big named orgs are important…they would definitely make a big impact just on their names alone in kr
Dawg you’re not making any sense.
To this day i feel like T1 dropping vic and crashies is the biggest mistake in pro valorant
Please tell me youre baiting
Well early 2021 was when TSM started to fall off alongside cloud9 (they were never really that amazing but when tenz left that gutted them). I few teams had their 15 minutes of fame like faze for example but the still got outshined by sentinels. 100t wasnt bad but they definitely had a noticeable decline and at the time envy/optic was decent but they weren’t the team we know them as now. So to answer your question, the most beloved NA pro joins an already really popular team while other popular NA teams fell off.
nah they just struggle to get top 4
Okay EG is not on the same level as NRG bro. We have to see how far Faze can get but putting NRG and EG in the same tier is blasphemy.
at least we know tb was a fluke now
sexist? They just can't beat a tier 2/1.5 team its that simple. Sex has nothing to do with anything.
shanks was literally the worst jett last stage...and I like shanks
yeah thats the whole point of me making this thread, its to see other people's opinions. You had no reason to post under this.
used to be...this new roster is gonna qualify I'm sure of it
from what ive seen shaz never has anything positive to say about anyone...kind of a downer
cryo is nuts but kinda boring imo
There are alot but if I had to choose one it be Xeppaa
Shit shit my b
I’ll walk you through it. Yay has always been a good Jett. When he was on andbox he put up some of the best performances on jett that you will ever see. Unfortunately he lost in a heater match against TSM in eight OTs or sum like that. He then proceeds to sign with Envy because hes GOOD. Not cus he might be good or has potential to be good. He was good then and hes good now. Shaz who is a decent igl says that people are treating him like Tenz because he was just as good if not better. I don’t understand what isn’t clicking?
Okay…he won a championship tho and has Vanity? Didn’t think so
No he wasnt, yay was just on a mediocre andbox team but he was still putting up numbers better than tenz. He just didnt get recognition cus they never won or even qualified for anything.
You keep personally attacking me. That's not how you make an argument. You seem very upset. Jimzo is too icy 🥶
Its a genuine question but okay
V1, Liquid (when they actually play good), some other teams i cant think of
Am i wrong to think that 100T val team will be damn near obsolete by the end of the year?
Battlefy is where the teams register through and then thats where vlr gets the info for quals from.
Its not that…i think everyone can equally pull their weight but i just think that shits just not gonna go their way this time around. Its more of a feeling than an actual reason
I kinda agree…but who knows he may frag tf out.
I really wanna see them win but I just cant see a future where they qualify for the next masters
Bro you are bitter
Your entire argument is invalid. Youre getting emotional and you proceed to make personal assumptions about me. Relax and put numbers aside. If you watch him play the game whether its his lurks, util usage, or clutches its clear as day that his impact was higher than just about anyone else. Only other is yay. Stats aren’t everything.
NRG and Ghost don’t exist anymore ig