Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | May 27, 2021 |
Last post: | May 11, 2023 at 8:54 PM |
Posts: | 711 |
Dont know this maverick
esperaram so o hastad sair de cena e ja tiraram o bld, enfim, nice gestao
they just waited for hastad to leave the scene and they took off bld, well, nice management
Man, copa america he is referering to is the comebol copa america, happening rn in brazil
copa america is the biggest bullshit ive ever seen, i remember that in 19 it was also here in brazi and the stadiums were almost empty, no one gives cares about it hr
md5 cria
clearly ironic but ok i guess
It doesnt really bother me that much but its kinda annoying to see this kid spend all day writing about how he dislikes valarante
I was searching for his name(cz id forgot) it's stussyb0b
Somehow i posted it twice
Even looking at Jhow's stats on that match they werent so bad, only on the last map, on the others he was constantly top-fragging during the game, and finnished at 3.
Even looking at Jhow's stats on that match they werent so bad, only on the last map, on the others he was constantly top-fragging during the game, and finnished at 3.
se entregou nessa risada kkkk, abrace sua verdadeira bandeira meu cria
that laugh "kkkk", embrace your true flag my child
, y pretend you are american
dude, its like 3/4 am in the balkans, u either lying or u are the most lonely person in the whole world
mano, para de baitar kk, td mundo sabe q tu tinha a bandeira br antes
lol, we know u r brazilian
did u really create an account only to post the same bs u did on twitter? loneliness
esse cara é dia sim dia n posta um negócio sobre o gtn, muito carente slk, só pq apanha do pai e nunca conquistou nada na vida
Not really, you cant be expelled, but they can forbid you to enroll next year
I mean, fallen played for like a month or 2 and couldnt leave plat in valorant
vsf mlk para de ser toxico fdp, deve passar o dia inteiro jogando, suando essas suas tetas obesas, mas n joga 1/3 do que o gtn joga
I'd say the rankings for VCT Iceland teams were more or less like (my opinion):
Rank S: Sentinels and Fnatic - Deny it or not, but it was a very close match
Rank A: TL, Nuturn and V1
Rank B: VKS, KRU and X10
Rank C: Sharks and CR
It really hurts me to write this down cz I'm brazilian, and I was really hyped to see they do well
still, i prefer having someone to blame
Havan liberty, cz they took gl off vct
this kid roadrunner is the toxiest, always doing some shit
exatamente por ele n estar consistente que a fase da gl ta assim
even shk beat nu in haven, doesnt mean shit
stfu eu faggot
Mwzera has not been consistent on the last few months, have you seen him against vks oon masters 1? absolute trash, costed gl the title
Pepa? Arent there any best controllers?
i'd never supported vikings or shk before this tornament, only to disappopint myself. They took gl spot for that?