Flag: India
Registered: August 21, 2021
Last post: June 14, 2022 at 1:13 PM
Posts: 243
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FNC, GMB, all of the SEA teams honestly

posted about 3 years ago

Last hope for SEA? You really think X10 can't make it to playoffs, after that performance by NV and X10?

posted about 3 years ago

What I do about the matches I care about (which is usually late FNC games) is not open any social media or vlr till I'm done watching the game VODs, keeps the suspense of the match as well.

posted about 3 years ago

Doesn't that mean that nobody would support SEN

posted about 3 years ago

Duelist - Derke
Sova/IGL - Boaster
Breach - Crws
Controller - BORKUM
Sentinel - L1NK

posted about 3 years ago

They did cement their legacy though

As the first NA team to get knocked out of Champions, that is

posted about 3 years ago

If you genuinely thought KRU are the worst team in the tourney you exemplify everything wrong with society

posted about 3 years ago

IMO no NA teams in playoffs (which will happen, dw) is a much more worse outcome than an all EMEA semifinals

posted about 3 years ago

Both teams have very well coordinated set plays, they need a little bit more discipline to progress to playoffs. SEA valorant at international events is so fun to watch, ngl

posted about 3 years ago

NA education at it's finest. If anyone said that KRÜ, a team that has made it to all three LANs and only gotten better every time (8th out of 10 in Iceland, quarterfinals in Berlin - same as SEN btw), are shit, they need to look outside the three NA teams' performances.

posted about 3 years ago

Merging KR and JP makes a lot more sense since half of the JP teams have Koreans in them anyway.

posted about 3 years ago

Borkum over mako tbh

posted about 3 years ago

You're severely underestimating KRÜ. This is the only team, apart from SEN and CR, to feature in all 3 LANs, and SEN and KRÜ finished in the same spot in Masters 3 (5th-8th).

posted about 3 years ago

The ping would be horrendous for JP, why not merge em with KR, why not merge em with KR instead?

South Asia would most likely compete in SEA VCTs from next year (the competition level is still not that up to mark for a separate masters slot IMO), a 3-3 split between SA+SEA and KR+JP would be more ideal - keeps the total APAC slots distribution the same as well.

posted about 3 years ago

Internet penetration exploded only within the past decade, and PC ownership increased mainly due to COVID. Most Indian homes didn't have PCs, and still don't. We are a primarily rural nation, mobile penetration is huge though.

posted about 3 years ago

Viper moment

posted about 3 years ago

Isn't it like the 3rd time someone had to forfeit a game for that cam? X10 were penalised in Stage 3 playoffs as well IIRC

At this point it's Riot's fault for not patching out the cam, it's like the Sage wall boost on KJ turret - that exploit was in the game for an entire year, and might still be in the game. VK absolutely outclassed acNed on Breeze, this is ridiculously stupid.

posted about 3 years ago

El Quiablo coming clutch

posted about 3 years ago

jett - yay
raze - bunny
phoenix - sick
reyna - asuna
yoru - tenz
breach - stax
skye -soulcas
sova - crashies
kayo - steel
brimstone - boaster
omen - nitro
viper - nivera (simply cuz nAts is already on the cypher)
astra - zombs
cypher - nats
sage - sheydos
killjoy - fns

posted about 3 years ago

Except they don't drop you back

posted about 3 years ago

*Chamber :)

I expect TL to pick Chamber as well. They have two oppers, both of whom play defensive agents.

posted about 3 years ago

I mean if VGIA beat Fnatic after IceLAN, this result was nothing unexpected

posted about 3 years ago

Valorant has marketed the game well in Asia for its first year, give it more time, wait for OCE, SA and CN to properly integrate into VCT, and then we can see Valorant surpass CSGO in terms of eSports popularity.

posted about 3 years ago

What I don't get is how Masters has fewer teams than Champions. SA and SEA combined send 3 teams in Masters but send 3 teams directly to Champions? Which means some teams that would've never played in an international tourney get to compete in them via circuit points? Nicht gut.

Edit: nvm I'm braindead when it came to SA and SEA Champions slots

posted about 3 years ago

Absolutely. Which is why I'm also in favour of a merger between KR and JP, competition boosts the representatives the teams send.

posted about 3 years ago

The problem with SEA/SA is our subregions are way too small - only limited to 1/2 countries. We need bigger subregions, or do away with subregions altogether to allow for more quality competition without delimiting who we need to play.

Also, EMEA is absolutely massive with a lot of great teams, the competition is cutthroat there, which is why their teams perform a lot well in international events. I don't think high competition is necessarily a bad thing.

posted about 3 years ago

They are, but Pak/Af's home server is Bahrain, not Mumbai. This complicates getting scrims a hell lot, as Bahrain is EMEA, not APAC.

posted about 3 years ago

I'm slightly disappointed. I expected GE to finish 5-6th, and they came really close to doing that. Just goes on to show how little decisions can influence an entire match in Valorant.

posted about 3 years ago

What I'm not a big fan of is how there are nation-specific Challengers for SEA/SA. An EU-style Challengers, where we can have a Thai, a Viet, a Filipino, a Taiwanese and a Malaysian in the same team, and straight singular open into closed qualis for the entire region into Challengers playoffs would allow more competition across the various SEA regions.

posted about 3 years ago

Or that ^

posted about 3 years ago

OCE got cucked bad by VISA :(

posted about 3 years ago

SA not ready for Masters yet IMO. A complete LCQ circuit, like what OCE got, would be way more ideal IMO. Allows teams to compete year round, and then they can send 2 teams to LCQ.

posted about 3 years ago

You didn't really watch the games well then. Their Breach got a lot of impact, way more than what is expected for a minor region.

posted about 3 years ago

His Breach was good. His Sova? Not really.

posted about 3 years ago

gg, SA will come back stronger in the next LCQ

posted about 3 years ago

Spoke too soon?

posted about 3 years ago

People don't give Hellranger his due credit. His Breach is easily comparable to stax's Breach, he's easily one of the best Breaches in APAC, dare I say the world.

posted about 3 years ago

OK what the fuck just happened yesterday

posted about 3 years ago

He missed a fuck ton of shots vs GE yesterday though. But even davai has a decent agent pool (his Skye was beautiful in Berlin). Just keep Jingg on Jett man, forsaken would pop off on even Astra if you gave him the opportunity.

posted about 3 years ago

I'm just fucking exhauwusted at this point after APAC LCQ. Thought I could check EMEA stuff, but it's just a hell lot at this point.

posted about 3 years ago
  1. VS
  2. PRX
  3. NU
  4. CR

I haven't really followed TS much unfortunately to make an opinion of them, but I think PRX currently are a notch above them. shiba was a massive weak link, and they fixed it, Jingg's looking really scary rn, and forsaken can still frag out heavily even on agents like Sova and Kayo. They're probably a notch higher rn.

As for NU vs PRX, we've to wait till the finals.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Wrong language mate

posted about 3 years ago

Vancouver skye train makes up for it tbh

posted about 3 years ago

PRX nearly beat Vision strikers and SMB in Masters, and Jingg wasn't even in the squad yet. Things could've easily gone sideways for either squad had Jingg been there.

posted about 3 years ago

APAC LCQ is genuinely fun to watch, probably because we're split up into so many subregions and never play each other officially on a regular basis. EMEA and NA teams play each other regularly anyway so it isn't as hype.

posted about 3 years ago

read thread again

posted about 3 years ago

Breaking news: Forsaken skin bundle now off sale in India

posted about 3 years ago

GGs, that was a stomp. Good lord. Been my favourites for LCQ winners, and I'm being proven right. Go win it all. Can't wait to see Benkai and Forsaken back on LAN.

As for GE, shit happens. Not much use on dwelling over this loss, time to focus on the lower bracket. Crazy Racoon crashed hard in their first game VS Gambit in Berlin, and they came back so strong in the group decider. It isn't over, yet.

posted about 3 years ago
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