Flag: Brazil
Registered: August 17, 2021
Last post: November 16, 2024 at 10:20 AM
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firstly wdym with "if you are engaging in space where English is the dominant language" ?
the example I gave is done in Portuguese in a crowd, English is not the dominant language in that situation and BRs don't expect understanding of anyone else

and for the other cases, I'm not going for the "its our culture" thing bro, because I'm talking about BRs calling out death threats from other BRs. If a BR joke or slang was mistranslatled as a death threat, no other Brazilian will call the guy out because we know what he really meant. At max, you'll find BRs explaining foreigners about the misunderstanding, which I see a lot happening in vlr at least

posted about a year ago

Country: Brazil
Registered: January 21, 2023
Last post: March 8, 2023 at 6:25 PM
Posts: 2

posted about a year ago

people from all countries think way more alike than we treat in this forum, we just convinced ourselves otherwise because of us/them mentality
tbh I don't recall ever seeing a genuine death threat from a Brazilian in I guess most of them are in DMs or in twitter comments, which I don't use. I also didn't follow fps back in cs days. That's what I can say for myself.

As for the others, I can think of two reasons. 1 - the "death threat" is clearly ironic, a copypasta or a slang (like the "uh vai morrer" which is obviously not literal) so there's no reason to call it out. 2 - one thing I've noticed at least here in vlr is that when brazilians disagree with each other we switch to portuguese so I guess you guys don't know when we're calling each other out.
or maybe I'm too optimistic and BRs don't call out themselves that much because of the us/them mentality.

Regardless, I feel a strong generalization of Brazilians. If an US kid send death threats or something, people will complain about the kid, and not about "Americans", which would be the case for BRs. Because of that, making a mea culpa rn, sometimes find myself stretching to defend a Brazilian just because I fear that foreigners will assume bad things about me just because of my flag.

posted about a year ago

wdym by that?

posted about a year ago

the people that send death threats and the people that complain about racism/xenophobia are not necessarily the same you know
I try my best to defend the BR point of view when I feel there's prejudice or misunderstanding, but obviously I won't agree with everyone's behavior

posted about a year ago

égua também usam no pará, né?
sou de sp

posted about a year ago

I love arriving at mutual comprehension in vlr

posted about a year ago

we will never understand :((

posted about a year ago

I do think there is a flaw, although as kbkdark said that's not the point with ardiis.
the crowd left because they were kicked out, and besides they were heartbroken and wanted to zone out, but that doesn't mean they didn't recognized FNC's victory, it only means they were either too sad or unallowed to see it live from the venue.
max, they didn't like the result, which is obvious
but when ardiis implies there were leaked vods he's also implying the match ha unfair stakes, which makes LOUD's win sound less legitimate.
one regards the emotions on the match and the other one regards competitive integrity
anyways, this discussion isn't important haha

posted about a year ago

acho que quem é o true brdreamer sou eu, vou continuar tentando argumentar na boa vontade pq acredito demais na humanidade kk

posted about a year ago

ah sim realmente, nao to falando que ta suave ficar manchando a imagem de um jogador e time sem nenhum embasamento

soq tipo do que a riot acusaria ele? ele não diretamente acusou nada. ela vai punir ele por "implicar infundadamente uma atitude anti-profissional sobre outro jogador?" é um problema burocrático tlg

posted about a year ago

well technically he didn't accuse ryotzz of anything, but he did lift up high suspicions over the guy
so I don't know at which extend that demands an action from riot
I think for this case just pointing out the L is fine, no?

posted about a year ago

nah bro those things are meant inside the game, sure it's an agressive style to cheer as a crowd, but you can't extrapolate that people are aggressive outside of this environment as well.
this is just like saying people that play FPS games are aggressive because they like shooting humans

posted about a year ago

why dont u guys have sex with one another

posted about a year ago

makes sense, when I was in the stadium the 25th I was watching the interview after the match and the staff kicked me and my friends out, when the transmission hadn't even ended. I wanted to see kiNgg's interview live goddamn :(

posted about a year ago

for a math rock band I guess

posted about a year ago

dude getting downvoted for post-ironic wholesome humor, smh vlr can't understand jokes

posted about a year ago

para de ser tao reativo se fosse por um clutch a loud podia ter ganhado e vc ia ter escrito um textao de como a loud é impecavel e soberana no mundo e ia partir p reclamar da furia e mibr q n alcancaram esse pico

smp tem alg pra reclamar esse mca kk

posted about a year ago

yeah I know, worst of all I've been hearing lots of people using this word to describe Brazilians during this event. kinda scares me ngl

posted about a year ago

sounds xenophobic as fuck to use that word tho

posted about a year ago

changed flag?

posted about a year ago

in this game specifically I totally get it, it was so heartbreaking that after it's over you need to zone out and take a breather

posted about a year ago

ggwp best match ever

posted about a year ago

ta em chok???

posted about a year ago

they let the crowd bring instruments and they were blasting some samba
I tried bringing some instruments but Riot didn't allow
that makes a lot of difference in volume

posted about a year ago

"love has ended
this shit will become hell!"

posted about a year ago

and instantaneous kk

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

bro when you're rooting real hard for a team in a grand finals and you get clutched of course you're gonna get silent and heartbroken, even if you admit the clutch was crazy
it's not even on purpose, you're there in the crowd in a tense situation, if you lose you instantly go hands in head and fall down on your seat, and if you win you're gonna start jumping and cheering

posted about a year ago

gigachad, imagine the sensation of knifing boaster and hearing the cheers

posted about a year ago

they're just envious and are coping

posted about a year ago

oops sorry wrong tab xP

posted about a year ago

way cooler the way it is though

posted about a year ago

come I'll offer a stay :)

posted about a year ago

some agalmatophilics in here huh

posted about a year ago

we all thought the same thing huh

posted about a year ago

it's ardiis he has stamina

posted about a year ago

ur the one being racist, regardless of being a bait

posted about a year ago

aspas is great on raze wdym

posted about a year ago

ikr grand finals in istanbul was way less hype than this

posted about a year ago

remake the entire series!

posted about a year ago

update: coreano slept 2 hours and drank lots in a churrasco place so I guess the content creators were taken there xD

posted about a year ago

heard from mch that Riot had an afterparty yesterday and got him drunk
sounded like he was joking when he said that but he also looks drunk/hung over

posted about a year ago

I've seen a handful of comments here some days ago about how it will be better in Tokyo because the japanese crowd is more contained, crowd here is being barbaric, etc

well whatever

posted about a year ago

-crowd is loud: complains
-crowd is quiet: complains
-crowd is lukewarm: complains

posted about a year ago

fnatic also won against americas
I think it's just because Fnatic's personalities are more liked by the crowd and it's a slightly less scary oponent for the grand finals

posted about a year ago

bro mining the ancient archives of vlr

posted about a year ago
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