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Registered: May 13, 2021
Last post: December 15, 2024 at 3:52 AM
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nitr0: Damn do you guys remember how good cNed was in CS back when I won the grand slam?

Ethan: No, I don't...

nitr0: Yeah, me neither

Very chilling scenes

posted about 3 years ago

G2 is just better. Vision Strikers vs G2 finals.

posted about 3 years ago

As a SEN fan I am vomitting and crying right now. Very important match and SEN just lose like this. I cannot continue supporting this line up. Please SEN, disband and reform with a lineup that includes YaBoiDre. Sad to see SEN go out the tournament like this.

posted about 3 years ago

TenZ YaBoiDre ShahZam Asunaa Yay

Only chance NA has against EMEA and Korea.

posted about 3 years ago

It's not quite that duelists have to carry or sentinels need to be bottom frag, that's quite extreme. But, in the current meta that is observable by the vast majority of Tier 1 teams you notice that duelists trend towards the top of scoreboard in perfomance and sentinels trends towards the bottom. You can list off all the tier 1 teams and you'll notice that is true. This is just my observation about Gambit, they seemed to have that trend flipped in their previous performances. But in this match, it went right back to what we normally see. The duelists are in fact near the top and the sentinels are in fact below them. It's not about "right vs. wrong", it's just how things are normally playing out right now in Valorant.

posted about 3 years ago

Before this LAN, I always thought d3ffo was weak in his role as a Jett compared to other Tier 1 teams and that nAts overperformed in his Sentinel role. Here in Berlin so far, it seems that things went back to what you would expect and d3ffo showed a lot of skills while nAts went to what you would expect from a Sentinel player performance (still good, just not hard carry nAts from online). Excited for this 3rd map against 100T

posted about 3 years ago

Yes some people did. But we needed grandfinals to be sure.

posted about 3 years ago

I don't mind bandwagon too much either but every time a top team is proven a huge influx of bandwagoners come along. As a fan since beta and the TSM rivalries it feels good to be among the first.

posted about 3 years ago

Definitely my MVP given he frags out AND igls. But statwise tenz would take it and I can see them dishing it to him.

posted about 3 years ago

I'm just happy to not be a bandwagon. Loved Shahzam since cs and that made me a SEN fan since they formed in 2020. Hella hyped!

posted about 3 years ago

I'm a SEN fan but that's not true. Imagine two runners where one consistently beats the other by 20 miliseconds. It's close but one is still consistently better. Hope that clears it up.

posted about 3 years ago

TenZ is a better and more consistent fragger than derke. Derke has better accuracy with his aim i.e headshot percentage but when it comes to getting kills TenZ is unmatched.

posted about 3 years ago

Such a bad take with flawed logic. Even if Shahzam was bad in Tier 1 CS the people he's playing against were nobodies/way lower tier, so how does that have any weight? It's a new game stop bringing up CS performance too often.

posted about 3 years ago

People have downplayed ShahZam's impact since beta to be honest. I believe some people have and still hated him for issues in his past with CS and let that cloud their vision regarding his current career. He's definitely Top 3 players on his team and also the captain/igl. One of the best players in the world.

posted about 3 years ago

True about the score but never forget they got 13-5'd as well on one map. Regardless, the statlines were very similar which is indicative of firepower. A team like V1/SEN/FNATIC/Liquid all have more firepower and are much more tactically sound. I used to hold NUTURN around their level but not anymore. We will see though.

posted about 3 years ago

I concede that the scorelines were never close in any map, but the overall statline and results were close. Which indicates their firepower being similarly matched. It came down to playstyle difference which NUTURN had undoubtedly bested Sharks at. That firepower level is not going to cut it versus V1 and V1 should be much more tactically strong.

posted about 3 years ago

After seeing NUTURN against Sharks earlier this week I thought that NUTURN would be among the better teams here. Now, after seeing how poor Sharks really is and how close that match up with NUTURN was, I am unsure about NUTURN. I believe V1 will dismember them quite easily.

posted about 3 years ago
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