vanity wanted to tryout brimstone bro, they won 0 rounds because of the brimstone but atleast they tried no?
Flag: | Mexico |
Registered: | April 13, 2022 |
Last post: | February 21, 2025 at 2:13 AM |
Posts: | 11149 |
vanity wanted to tryout brimstone bro, they won 0 rounds because of the brimstone but atleast they tried no?
"wake up babe new copypaste just posted"
damn kayo cucked the alarm bot FeelsBadMan
me when im on a down bad tournament and my opponent is delusional_sa_fan ๐
dont compare anGOAT to van0ty
damn, to think people downfragged anyone who said 100t was better than c9 its crazy, maybe optic diehard fans thought this was their landscape to the optic roster disbanding and thought 3 years of optic work was going to move from one roster to another with 4 different players in a 2 month span ๐
if its better than galaxy racer imma watch it ngl
he meant its not as hard to have good utility, as top fragging against the best tier 1 aimers of the region.
damn whoever wins between kru/c9 means americas final on a emea tournament LMAO
maybe they just prefered to negotiate molsi and destrian was probably part of the deal or something
bro thinks kru is worse than eg LMAO
north america only has one but america has 4 latam north, brazil, latam south, and NA i also think there is a server on colombia but not sure if there is going to be a league there.
isnt he jinxing england? i thought it was a jinx thread
they literally had the option to take vakk which already did fine and took destrian who was a coin flip
cryo is atleast top 3 jetts of na without needing an op theyยดll be fine
this is literally what 100t lacked since their first roster tbh im surprised you are mentioning it like no one knew it ๐
idk naturE is he good enough to make tsm win it all?
england completely gonna win it no way the creator of football loses!!!!!!
no one gonna talk about nagz really? hes been improving a lot damn it
bruh kru got in again??? wtf is this event LMAO
im not too into his new stuff but old songs will always be classics so how am i supposed to dont hear them classics?
i know but klaus on fade were already decent so i thought he was going to play it
kru va voltar mano axeddy se le critico mucho pero el no es un player de smokes y aun asi dio todo siendo suplente siento que el team ira bien siempre y cuando todos se empiezen a sentir comodos con sus roles y se terminan de clarificar porque xand en fade no me parecio muy inteligente a mi pero estan probando cosas y se nota.
3 controllers comp on bind, what were fut thinking was going to happen?
br baiters only none of us latam mfers thought that but at least kru couldve done better with melser tho.
they won worlds beating all the best teams on comebacks dude
actually im surprised drx wasnt nominated they won a worlds and got a top 3 on the most important val tourney of the year
russia passport moment
bro i have year and a half on this site and i never knew when you hide a mfer it says "x children hidden" ๐
tell me you never watched ghost gaming matches without telling me you never watched ghost gaming matches
still dont understand if he came on a 2x1 with twisten or something if the point was getting a lithuanian vakk or dreamas were better options imo
bcj Jawgemo Boostio ethan CUM
that rule isnt even fair, an anime can have 11 good episodes and then ruin it all by the end, or have 200 mid episodes to start like one piece and then it becomes great the next 800 of them
being mid is a W for eg at this point
i also think the team wont succed but bcj on tier 1 made me happy
i remembered all the daily eg hate threads until he got announced on that roster, bro stopped all the hate with his presence Common BCJ W
maybe hes banned and this is his new account
why this seems like a bot generated thread where a malicious link will appear?