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Registered: April 11, 2024
Last post: March 10, 2025 at 11:05 PM
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youre making the scene worse by being unrealistic. i want to see flor in T1 but she needs to go through T2 shes clearly talented but GC just isnt the highest of standards

posted 4 months ago

dont think its a coach issue

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

bcos of yay i guess

posted 4 months ago

LMAO so mad for what? just cos you didnt understand its not my fault. 1.1k posts 0 stars

posted 4 months ago

inferring the wrong thing entirely lmao. hop off his dick. pros also see hes not an entry duelist

posted 4 months ago

on occasion he did. he was 2nd or 3rd entry for EG tho which is why they saw success and other rosters didnt. Jawg entry with boostio also running it down allowing demon1 to get trades. easy recipe for success honestly. I think for lev, mazino and king usually were running it down which is why aspas could get other kills, so would be interesting to see how they do it this time. theyre in the same department except aspas has more versatility in agent pool. agree tho heavily just putting him in for pure aim.

posted 4 months ago

we cannot deny that they had jawg one of the best entries in the game, and boostio who just ran it in also. easy trades for demon1.

posted 4 months ago
  1. i never said it was bad, re read what i wrote cos im not saying its bad im saying improvements take time.
  2. So its been there longer with not alot of advertisement and engagement bcos riot doesnt push it and you all think its crap
  3. talking about emotions bcos you all bring that into the game and politics you all care that flor is trans.
  4. i never overhyped it, i never said they deserve T1 look on my account at other comments ive made ive said they need to go into T2 and play through it. Bold assumptions to make.
posted 4 months ago

why do we care so much?

posted 4 months ago

entirely different league. china got slapped around before they got their own region and it took 2 years for them to get to the top. Gc get their own league years after others and again like EDG theyre the best there and they play in T2 (when china played in internationals they bomb out) get slapped around its the same. however china put a shit ton of money into it respected the fact they were trying and that theyre humans with emotions gave them resources and actually helped instead of just going "hahah ur T4 u suck". its embarrassing the most common thing to do is call ppl shit immediately. this games so toxic and the community wait for the exact moment someone does something bad to bring them down instead of just watching ppl play. if you all had a little respect youd see the league develop instead none of you actually think

posted 4 months ago

and yet youre not in the league no way. its a team game they win as a team lose as one.

posted 4 months ago

didnt EG get 13-0 by loud and then go to win champs. see how when you take stuff out of context it just makes it sound bad with having zero relevance at all

posted 4 months ago

correlation isnt causation. read some studies cos its so clear you dont know anything ab GC and dont care so stop talking about it lmao.

posted 4 months ago

name some? or maybe read studies.

posted 4 months ago

exactly as of rn the GC money is way more sustainable than going to T2. narrate literally says she could do it but just need to prove herself in T2 first and brush up on mistakes. alot of the teams in GC just need to keep playing T2 teams and theyll get better its just that ppl see that and go oh theyre shit instead of giving them a chance. typical vlr uses tbh and just the val community in general

posted 4 months ago

thats all u take from it lmao if you cant understand dont speak ab something you know nothing about. literally all that means is if all you care ab is T1 why comment on T2 or GC? cos you clearly dont care

posted 4 months ago

alot of pros say she can easily be in T1 based on mechanics alone but she need to get better at making decisions. Thats why she needs a T2 team to prove herself in a way and not just GC as the league is not as competitive.

posted 4 months ago

not really hardstuck is it when youve been years behind in development due to ppl being sexist. everyone said the same about china bcos they finally got their league in 2022. 2023 Boostio: China will never be better than NA, the only way china ever got good practice was when they were playing at internationals as their in league teams were bad. 2024: China wins Champs. its crazy how when a place puts time, money and actually cares about the scene to give them proper role models then they will progress. SR need to play more pugs and in T2/3 challengers whatever and they will get better. cut some slack itll take a while to get better, if you just wanna watch good valorant stick to T1 then and be boring

posted 4 months ago

well considering also kajaak also trialed and leo could not return getting narrate would make sense. personally idk why they just didnt keep hiro, move alfa to duelist and grab patitek for their init if derke wanted to leave. literally couldve been the best roster

posted 4 months ago

is something confusing ab that?

posted 4 months ago

hes Leos replacement for the off season

posted 4 months ago

these arguments are so funny. FNC and NRG both did reaction time videos, guess who won? Boaster and FNS neither are known for their insane aim lmao. when will people learn just having a fast reaction time doesnt make you good at val when theres hundreds of things going on. exactly the same with aimlabs its not the answer, but it helps for sure

posted 4 months ago

ive come back again after 4 months and it still cracks me up.

posted 4 months ago

and yet there have been studies done to show that with these differences they equate to fuck all in game bcos theres alot more going on. NRG and FNC did a video each testing all their players reaction times, guess who won? Boaster and FNS. Now theyre very good players but they are not known for being the best of shooters. you see how reaction time in an enclosed space males will beat females, but in the grand scheme of thing it literally equates to nothing. that isnt to say you dont need it but that "difference" alone doesnt matter

posted 4 months ago

except experience, role models and money are a big thing. there isnt alot of experience as val is a young game, but its changed alot, GC wasnt a thing from the start, the same way the chinese league wasnt. plus no role models, by the time some of the new players are entering the scene from T2 etc there have been pros step down, like TenZ, ppl wanted to play against him so they grinded. Your role models dont have to be the same sex or anything but they usually are, seen as the GC scene isnt that big, ppl dont see the pros as their role models bcos nobody really knows them. We only know a few. Again relating it to china bcos theyre really a great example of how the league should be done, kangkang is a massive name, they poured a shit ton of money into promoting VCT china and into him and EDG that everyone else around got better. hes a massive role model for china and it boosted them massively. Side note EDG also said when they play its too easy in region to play bcos they know theyre better than everyone so their real test is international events and they usually bomb out pretty early, until recently, i think the same could be said for SR and GC in general. once they keep playing in challengers they will get better. we just need ppl to stop hating bcos thats gonna get us no where. ofc they look bad bcos they havent had the same opportunities as others have.

posted 4 months ago

why does it matter? just watch the matches why do you have to be weird about it

posted 4 months ago

this is a team game

posted 4 months ago

i dont even know why DRX dropped them. they played and did great. they just needed a little bit of work to touch up. less work than getting whole new players

posted 4 months ago

EMEA is Europe, Middle East and Africa. he comes from EMEA not EU

posted 4 months ago

it spread bcos of him saying a slur in his recent SEN game aswell. even SEN replied bcos it did it rounds.

posted 4 months ago

honestly they need new coaching cos wtf are these comps. when u look at their GC comps they actually work well. why sage? i think they just need to keep trying for challengers bcos no matter what its good training even if you lose 13-0

posted 4 months ago

ppl die due to racism also? are you just not making the link

posted 5 months ago

it just makes more sense for them to go into GC cos that was set up for everyone else to have a chance. the T2 scene is not consistent. ideally just mixed teams would be better to stop separating them but in terms of money GC would get them more places and actually get paid. GC champs prize pool was 500k, T2 is still split per region so makes sense to stay in the GC league but it was around 100k per region obvs you can only play 1 region but then atleast you get into VCT.

posted 5 months ago

honestly yeah. screaming at like every kill is just too much

posted 5 months ago

both of their duelists can play a larger pool then him and better so nah

posted 5 months ago

its actually insane cos hes been consistently top frag. why cant sen just buy him. if they lose this i want to see it happen ASAP

posted 5 months ago

was just about to say this. plays jett and yoru which is slightly different, but no raze or neon???? thats gonna hurt in some time when the maps change

posted 5 months ago

tf? zander is the only one who id want in T1. wouldnt be surprised to see M80 lose and zander gets picked up in T1.

posted 5 months ago

the only person realistically is zander that will be grabbed by T1.

posted 5 months ago

yeah but then youre shitting on T2 like its their fault? making stupid comparisons

posted 5 months ago

so back to normal lmao

posted 5 months ago

did we watch the same round?

posted 5 months ago

with the amount of advertisement riot gives to T2 its still pretty good.

posted 5 months ago

hes inconsistent asf. look at G2 they went up w him replaced him w leaf and got way better

posted 5 months ago

hes wayy too good to keep as a 6th man. he needs a team

posted 6 months ago

literally nobody cares. as Boo said stats are for people who dont know how to play the game. get over it. they placed where they are and they did good. enjoy the games played. the meta changed within those tournaments ppl got added to teams, teams anti strat. just watch the games nerd

posted 6 months ago

none of this is relevant as where are them teams now? The rankings are the rankings and regardless of all the "stats" and excuses ppl come up with, the reality is FNC have trophies because of boaster and the team. The same way so do others. Luck is part of the game and that sometimes means teams win over others in stupid ways when their "peak" is significantly different.

posted 6 months ago
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