I’m not like the other vlr users
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Registered: | January 29, 2025 |
Last post: | March 3, 2025 at 12:36 PM |
Posts: | 475 |
I’m not like the other vlr users
u just not gonna answer the question or are you gonna keep looking clueless and stupid
like hannibal lecter shit. like say that I say that I want to eat zekken alive is that weird?
I beat Kaycee’s mod and not only is it LITERALLY a DLC since it’s additional content post release of the game, but it’s straight up just Act 1 after skipping all the bullshit + restrictions are a thing + new final boss fight that’s somehow easier than the regular one shut the FUCK UP
fell off a cliff after act 1 bum ass get that shit out of here. literally killed the atmosphere with that rpg act 2 bullshit then came in with act 3 by making it unbelievably easy
2023 was by far the best for everyone
it’s not only ass but the lack of diversity in their sound is next to none it’s fucking unbelievable. they don’t fucking care. ik I sound like a white old man but believe me when I say that that shit is NOT music, young thuggerison clears that entire dogshit uk genre with any album
swear to god he’s the best aimer rn
taking a deep dive into his gameplay and mada is straight up 10x more talented it’s actually ridiculous.
if you actually want good fried chicken or just food in general, avoid fucking fast food garbage and go to some local small joint that sells what you want, the quality will always be better and sometimes even cheaper. People saying fucking Popeyes makes me want to gouge my eyes out, any mid family owned chicken restaurant in your area is 2x better than the best of Popeyes
facts facts facts. SEN has a severe “what do we wanna do” kinda issue, N4RRATE situation could be dealt with a lot better but SEN doesn’t wanna let someone of his role play like how he did in KC, it’s gg wp
SEN are the undisputed talent terrorists
WHY IS SEN MAKING HIM PLAY LIKE SACY 💔💔💔💔💔💔🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️😭😭😭😭😭😭
they’re pulling another Pancada in broad daylight 💔💔💔
they’re gonna lose their next match and immediately bench N4RRATE man
No disrespect on zekken’s part but SEN needs to stop playing around him and start playing around the actual best player on SEN, N4RRATE. SEN really just took KC’s star aggressive ass fragger and made him fill Sacy’s passive bitch role and thought it would work. I knew they were gonna ruin him.
NRG dropped a few frauds for MikeHD and the brawkation. Mada finally becomes the team’s star and will have his team play around him more, and his reunion with brawkington will be busted.
LEV acquired Rossy and Demon1 is looking like he’s off duelists -Jett
KRU are midseason regional merchants
LOUD just got unlucky with a few rookies needing to warm up
n4rrate needs to have more agency in matches to do what he wants cus this passive shit has been so garbage for him, let my goat play jett
I’m like desensitized to the zekken dick riding at this point that I really don’t care how wrong his fans are
they threw literally the easiest 2v2 to potentially win the map lololol
3 kills in final 4 rounds is this a tier 1 record btw?
did you start watching Val post Madrid cus what is this claim
might actually hold weight at this point, GENG Masters win, EDG world champs, what is going on
lowkey rooting for SEN too cus I hate apac more than I hate SEN, what is happening lol. Only 3 kills in all of SEN’s 4 rounds on attack
They were even better than I remembered, also LOUD vs EG Champs semis is the highest quality of Valorant ever, you can literally make a book out of that series alone
“shot in the dark” like brawk hasn’t been Verno 2.0 for over a year now
It’s upsetting that they couldn’t acquire Rossy (LEV def offered more) and Potter seems to be trapped for all eternity on EG, but the brawknation acquisition should’ve been obvious to everyone
didn’t C0M place farther than SEN in last years champs what are you trying to say here
I don’t recall OPTIC winning champs and I definitely don’t recall OPTIC having Potter
what is with SEN fans being jealous of the best NA team ever? you guys can someday be in the convo just wait until your team locks in or something idk ❤️
If NA fails to win anything this year for the first time EVER, all the NA orgs should band together and enact OPERATION: LA EG which is the act of reuniting 2023 EG under one team chosen via lottery to save this region. We CANNOT afford to lose another Champions.
Apparently Bonkar leaked that s0m isnt allowed to eat when the teams together until FNS gives him the ok. It’s supposed to be about some “building a tighter bond” shit but there were some days where FNS forgot to feed s0m which would make Verno and Bonkar agitated and confused.
dead site dead game dead future dead company dead strats dead community dead players dead fans dead execs dead agents dead parents dead league dead esport
imagine if s0m was a girl