Flag: Seychelles
Registered: October 15, 2021
Last post: March 20, 2025 at 9:46 PM
Posts: 3067
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  1. zekken
  2. xeppaa
  3. demon1
  4. less
  5. mako
  6. chronicle
  7. derke
  8. nats
  9. jamppi
  10. sugarz3ro
posted about a year ago

Nothing to conclude from anything, it could be a variety of reasons, but it had to be extreme enough to prove to Riot that the problem was affecting other player's mental health enough that a replacement was not for competitive reasons but for the player's own health.

posted about a year ago

It had to be something insane like the players genuinely couldn't play with him on the team (refused to) or mentally broke down every game due to him. Guessing if the players are being negatively affected potentially outside of the game by a player inside the game, it could be proof enough that Riot can allow an emergency replacement.

posted about a year ago

Extremely well written! Thank you! Some notes to make-

I'm not surprised by this outcome; this is common behavior by most regions to my knowledge. Some people have a favorite team that they hinge their entire viewership on, and if they don't make it, they don't see a point in watching. However, because it is set in Japan which is more isolated compared to a tournament held in, for example, Europe, there's a larger amount of domestic ticket buyers meaning more people who are there for their home country which is not attending. If there was a tournament in Germany, neighboring countries could easily buy tickets and attend but Japan is isolated meaning that cannot be the case for this tournament.

I agree with #40 that it does seem to me slightly entitled to not enjoy an event that you already bought tickets for just because a team you like doesn't qualify, especially considering you bought them before knowing that outcome. This can come down to there obviously being limited seating in the Arena, and you don't want it to sell out on the chance that ZETA does qualify, however you should know the risks. In my opinion, there are many teams and regions in the game, and I feel it's easy to find individual players or teams you enjoy outside of your region. For example, I am a big fan of the Liquid roster as well as the LOUD roster even though I am in America. It's obviously more enjoyable and fun to root for the hometown heroes, but basing your entire enjoyment of the game off how a singular team is doing will only end up causing disappointment most times as your team will not always win. (RIP Loud beating Fnatic in Brazil.)

ZETA capitalizing on an "Idol" culture for their team is actually a fantastic idea and probably nets them a lot of money compared to other organizations. It's a solid revenue model and I think a lot of orgs really should be taking notes. I wouldn't be surprised if they are one of the more "profitable" organizations due to building up this culture and strong fanbase. However, you can see the results of this are that the fans are fanatic and clingy to the team, similar to many physical sports outside of eSports.

I do hope this situation ends up not affecting the tournament too negatively. I am very much looking forward to it, and I agree with the sentiment that if the audience does this and the attendance is not up to par, Riot has many other options in the future for hosting their tournaments.

posted about a year ago

Move T1 up to 6-10 and C9 down to 11-15
Move 100T up to 16-20 and ZETA down to 21-25
Besides that fantastic list.

posted about a year ago

I actually think this team is cool but I only did currently franchised players, would be great otherwise. maybe I will sometime make one for every player.

posted about a year ago

A: asuna, ardiis, aspas, alfajer, ange1
B: bang, bcj, boaster, boo, buzz
C: crashies, cauanzin, chronicle, cloud, cned
D: demon1, derrek, daveeys, derke, d4v41
E: ethan, eko, ejay, emman, ethos
F: FNS, f0rsaken, fl1pzjder, foxz, foxy9
J: jakee, jinggg, jamppi, jremy, jessievash
K: khalil, keznit, kingg, kamyk, k1ng
L: leaf, less, leo, lightningfast, lmemore
M: marved, mako, meteor, monyet, munchkin
N: nagz, nzr, nukkye, nats, nivera
Q: qpert, quick, qutionerx, qraxs, qw1
R: runi, rglmeister, rhyme, redgar, reita
S: shao, suygetsu, sayf, sheydos, s0m
T: trexx, tuyz, tenz, tacolilla, twisten
X: xeppaa, xms, xnfri, xffero, xeta
Z: zellsis, zekken, zyppan, zeek, zest

only using franchised players

posted about a year ago

what a game after the 1st map 0.0

posted about 2 years ago

shot_up getting screwed by his org FeelsBadMan

posted about 3 years ago
1 •• 55 56 57 58