and it's on LAN lmaooooooo
Flag: | United States |
Registered: | January 15, 2021 |
Last post: | May 21, 2022 at 9:29 PM |
Posts: | 705 |
The views he got on this semifinals is the same as the views he gets on any vct challenger matches lmao
Semi finals on LAN only at 200k views omegalul
s1mple is the only csgo pro i think that has high viewership
He just started his stream, he's @ 25k now but still way low compared to when he co streamed iceland
I wanna hear hekzy's thoughts on this since he's the one always complaining about shroud costreams
Now they can't use that excuse to say "vALoRaNt vIeWeRsHiP caRRieD bY sHrOUd"
tarik would be so mad if shroud gets it and he doesn't lmaooooooo
This is why riot shouldn't allow other TOs to organize tournaments
It's been like that since challengers 1 i think
idk about auti though since he's still kinda new but ska and potter for sure
Name your top 3 paycheck stealers in NA/EU Valorant. Don't include benched players
g2 is just outclassed wtf
NA education moment
Gambit really playing good rn they might take 1. idk about TR though
At least he's not overhyped like that bang kid lmao
Who's casting today? The dude sounds like a robot wtf
This series is wild
EG should drop their players if they still can't AT LEAST qualify
True lmao imagine it being the first lan in a while and still can't break 400k views
lol my pickems were fucked since the first match
It's the same guy who posted that ppc link with tenz lmaooooooo
Good thing the boomers carried their own weight
It's still challengers lol you should celebrate when it's masters
VLR should do something like this every after champions @enigma
It's too early for them to look for a new org just because they beat TSM which is also a t2 team
League >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d OMEGALUL ta2 kek
NaVi looking clean holy shit
If you can't beat them, buy them lol
Bold for you to assume c9 was tier 1 lol
They're just waiting for them to get to finals before announcing
solo wildin
There's a reason the circuit points is for champions because challengers/masters are just qualifiers so riot doesn't need to go through so much hassle just for a qualifier