all jokes aside people always forget that aspas is actually a really smart player remember hearing that he used to be a 2nd caller on loud
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Registered: | March 4, 2024 |
Last post: | March 10, 2025 at 4:39 PM |
Posts: | 1744 |
all jokes aside people always forget that aspas is actually a really smart player remember hearing that he used to be a 2nd caller on loud
nah aspas got aura they weren't winning regradless but we the humble viewers cant see it we are blind to it if were able to see it we would be blinded by it its clear team now KRU never had a chance
my dumbass thought the goat would lose cause KRU is over due for a international qual ( tbh they would've qualed if it weren't for the dogshit format )
honestly c0m senti is good ngl deadass looks better than his intitator play
honestly mild take com is deadass better on senti even tho he is a init player
did we just see com die with his knife out while not looking at the enemy again
i agree forsaken was better on it too with one map of experience but tbh playing against the top 8 teams itw(at the time)
his performance wasn't terrible i think he is decent not good but i think people were doing too much pertaining to his performance
isn't sonofcar a duelist player playing jett chamber jawgemo is a insane main duelist
tbh monyet's raze is overhated with the time he was given could have been easily top 3-4 apac raze
if it weren't for the best raze itw replacing him he would've been good but i do agree he was 100% the weak link for paper rex
honestly apac is filled to the brim with shooters its actually wild
karon was deadass a ranked player and he is shooting at a tier 1 level or above
FUT has prx comps if they were bad and zero ideas behind its more fun then KC
you guys kinda colonized alot and most people dont think that was very nice maybe?
also your accent mad annoying
PRX dont have a main caller they all call
in their comms you can hear any one of the players saying
"let me call " or something like that
flexibilty allows your teammates to play on there best play styles on there best roles it cannot be overrated imo making your entire team instantly better via your agent pool can never be a bad thing and having a player who can perform in any meta on any agent cannot be overrated
forsaken and prx in general proved that look at there placements across YEARS look at there placements 2nd-4th place avg is INSANE
look at how many teams have fallen off optic fpx loud to a certain degree and there still placing saying a player is overrated because they can play EVERY ROLE IN THE GAME on any agent is crazy
i do agree that teams who win have mostly stable roles but you need a good flex to win and good flex cannot be a bad thing because riot loves to make random changes before major tourneys
TS got that there once a year upset calm down lil bro they aren't gonna do anything else
on a side note i think they deadass only prac for PRX games
he is legit making the AWP look good attk bind on gekko i promise you no other awper in the world can do that aside from maybe kang kang
PRX clears in their sleep at anytime in any world map 2 was a fluke surf was 100% on adderal
but i agree shit format PRX TALON went 4-1 and GENG went 3-2 or something and still got 1st seed
honestly i can't sit through mid games watching streams act dumb is fun like this talon game is formailty we all know DRX PRX clear apac
also goes for mid international games also vct casting sucks
imo jingg clears i said COULD argue not should jingg better on dive and flash duelist and he is skill doesn't vanish when you put him on non duelist
could argue texture > jingg since he is more flexible but jingg has consistency and experience
other then that forsaken hard clears in the world
mindfreak is a consistent controller player with experience
davai flexible and crazy in general(used to be a awper)
something crazy jett player that isn't locked to jett only
honestly i think they have cracked lotus ngl deadlock shuts down retakes also its a heavy lurk map so getting flanked isn't a problem
and blocking on of the paths to retake from and its a T sided map so having deadlock to make ur def stronger since she doesn't have a range limit is crazy and theres probably more shit too and its a flexible comp too u can run neon or gekko and it would still be good
masters winners if you want to be the best you have to beat the best(sen currently)
so most teams would want to beat them (anti strat) or play like them
she has crazy bunker setups with another senti or viper she is legit the anti sen agent loud COOKED
imo PRX are all veterans feel like its a NRG kind of thing its a team full of veterans and a cracked new duelist players don't need a hard igl with a team that experienced
forsaken doesn't have a agent pool plus he is a straight upgrade on any team you put him on
chronicle is more consistent less fraging power more support play
imo forsaken clears but you can make a case for chronicle via his results
potter imo is debateable because they have complete diff strengths potter had a team of bottom tier players and won a champs with them while mini had a goat roster and didn't fumble