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Registered: March 4, 2024
Last post: December 21, 2024 at 12:28 PM
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he is waiting for loud to realize there mistake and drop digzin and he isn't playing with furia and there bums

posted 1 week ago

they got heat so -mw - havoc get someone who can run raze and flex since neon got deleted so heat runs jett and we get luxo cause he is insane

posted 1 week ago

they get the talented players they just waste them with bums until all there talent is gone khalil for example

posted 1 week ago

surely BR has better prospects i would wait to see what they do with spike maybe he gets pancada'd

posted 1 week ago

he has better black mail than xeppa

posted 1 week ago

always the most talented BR player on a team of bums wastes his talent and stays on the team khalil,mwzera were one of them now its raafa and heat havoc was hyped so they might have a 5 man team of the most sad prospects in the game

posted 1 week ago

he needs to hop on duelist and mw can play the duelists he cant

posted 1 week ago

they just make the dumbest decisions khalil heat raafa honestly can easily be a top 4-6 team in americas honestly get two cracked t2 players and they can make a top 10 team itw they are so talented (and maybe mw but honestly he has had too many chances and BR t2 has much better players who are jobless but i guess i get it since they invested so much into him)
khalil heat raafa lukxo sato make a better team and i don't know ball when it comes to BR tier 2 so there are probably better players

posted 1 week ago

it is legit perfect only complaint is this game should lowkey have a regen passive like 5s w/o getting damaged or being in combat

posted 1 week ago

it is mad fun like casually playing it is fun asf

posted 1 week ago

i just realized pros can learn spam line ups so idea:
pings turn off after spike plant and spamming thru smokes is considered a wall bang and does less dmg(i feel like this will have side effects but honestly getting killed thru smokes less sounds awesome)

posted 1 week ago

use your mic Mr.high elo player :D
first W change in awhile no wonder riot doesn't do shit about most of the issues in there game no matter what they do they can't win

posted 1 week ago

fixing a map isn't as easy as you people make it out to be one little change can cause so much shit not even including bugs agent interactions comps how you defend and attack and where you play so they need to solve big problems with small changes they can test before people go crazy

one change to fix valorant's biggest problem right now is 100% worth it guess what it legit doesn't matter what happens to ranked it will always be shit no matter what happens legit zero games have a good ranked system because you can't make it every single player has there own way of playing and wanting to do things

posted 1 week ago

you should've been doing that from the start most of teammates pings get me killed from timings

posted 1 week ago

i mean sure they could've handled it better by turning off pings after spike plant but if it works and postplants arent smoke spray fest i legit don't care

posted 2 weeks ago

(maybe as a sentinel instead of duelist).

honestly they could run a team heretics esq style(if the duelist they pick up isn't doing too well) of sending there duelist to die so they can save util and keep the site

posted 2 weeks ago

got a song rec i heard of her

posted 2 weeks ago

she will be 100% worse she will go back to being niche in ranked and being used by 1 team in vct

posted 2 weeks ago

that is straight up incorrect all riot has to do is give her double slide with walking and shooting - no slide accuracy than she has her place in the meta you have jett avg entry best flexibilty yoru mid entry good flexiblity neon good entry low flexibilty raze best entry little to no flexibilty
now depending on your duelist you can run comps the do well in all the type listed above flexbillity gives a team whatever comp they want while giving entry power entry power give teams less comp comfort more firepower

if neon doesn't have a place in the meta it isn't worth it for a duelist to learn other duelist picks all they need to do is flex on to clove or senti and have someone else run yoru or the other unused duelists

posted 2 weeks ago

not asking for full acc i just want to see a meta that isn't raze and jett on repeat and diff comps

posted 2 weeks ago

i get neon is annoying to play against are we lying to ourselves now she got nerfed we don't need to be this dumb anymore neon has always taken more skill than jett what are we talking about ability for ability neon requires more skill
jett smoke>=neon walls(i would say it takes more skill since neon throwing a good wall that doesn't fuck over her own team is harder but i wont)
neon slide and run>>>jett dash and updraft jett's dash and updraft require 15mins< to understand neon requires you to practice her entry pathing and techs so you can entry and not look dumb(icebox pathing for example) let alone all the other shit her movement has a higher celling
stun you need to practice this if u wing it you will stun your own team
ult for ult neon requires GOOD tracking which is a skill you need to learn that no other agent needs and jett has a vandal she can jump with
and jett is 1 of 2 agents that can awp (neon can do it but it is meh just like raze/yoru)

posted 2 weeks ago

her being the worst agent in game is only factor that matters in high immo + (being generous here) lowest value agent in the game objectively is reyna but if we are talking stats and ranked yeah sage is the worst agent in game
idk when i had a half decent rank i played duelist all of them but mainly neon(before buffs) and raze so i kinda fuck with sage cause i like movement agents i usually played her for grim walls

posted 2 weeks ago

why do u have so much beef with sage legit the chilliest least annoying agent in the game
so many better things to complain about:
phnx flash
losers Q
etc etc

posted 2 weeks ago

some where on some random discord or site someone is complaining about you like this its so funny cause ranked players are never aware of there own mistakes only there teammates agents comps only really matter in high high elo your ascendant games comps don't matter
it is never that serious if you don't enjoy the game don't play it

posted 2 weeks ago

she is so easy to balance low to zero slide acc and give her to slides so teammates can bait her she would only be good in pro play

posted 2 weeks ago

mfs acting like she was peak chamber chill XD

posted 2 weeks ago

i have decent hours on all the duelist in specific neon(before buff i used to one trick her) and raze so i guess the hard part of him i already learned cause neon before the buffs needed good understanding of timings and my entry understanding was decent i peaked dia 3 which isn't all that good but i played for fun and dia was the only ranked goal i had
thing i had to learn about yoru was not to do too much and act like one of those streamers cause they do all that cause there in high elo and people know each other and after that i got decent results on him

posted 2 weeks ago

iso has inti like util and his wall has some out play potential so does his barrier main
reyna is just flash and shoot they aren't comparable

posted 2 weeks ago

hot take: yoru's skill celling is overhyped learn a couple of line ups and if we are talking pro play fake cloning doesn't work the fake TPs become obvious at that level and his TP rotate fakes aren't all that big brain
( thay being said he easily has the highest celling in the game so it is kinda fair but i say this because i think all of valos agents are easy)

posted 2 weeks ago

holy over nerf welcome back raze and jett on repeat with a singular off meta yoru comp she is legit worse than before the buffs and now when you die to a one tap or spray slide it feels even worse cause u know that it took zero skill
give her back double slide and make accuracy like when u are walking and shooting honestly even then jett and raze HARD clear even double duelist you would rather have iso/yoru/flash duelist

posted 2 weeks ago

i got aspas but i play raze and run in like headless chicked probably not a playstyle thing

posted 2 weeks ago

he sounds so tired

posted 2 weeks ago

ngl it isn't worth it if he is playing recon/flex cause the one thing EU has is a good pool of inti players and igl's

posted 2 weeks ago

EU has enough recond init/flex not worth the import if your getting rossy put him on senti/flex

posted 2 weeks ago

disagree people don't tolerate dogshit anymore we got weaker and stronger can't have it all you win some and you lose some
life isn't black and white its shit sometimes and its nice sometimes sometimes its better sometimes its worse sometimes
"we gotta be tough" no we got to go threw our shit so when life is nice again we won't ruin it for our selves being "tough"
overall don't take life too serious you will just waste it being sad and making yourself sad it is legit never that serious

posted 2 weeks ago

dont lie bonkar is very punchable problem is he might fight back

posted 2 weeks ago

yeah but us reacting like this helps people who are in those scenarios to get out of em its wrong
but i agree gaming attracts the worst kinds of people like any media(gaming has less normal people than most) that has a focus on kids and teens and telling them you can be a singer for a living or a dancer or a model which all have common theme of be using people and when they arent useful u throw them away like there dogshit
" you can be a pro gamer too all you have to do is listen to what i say don't complain and you can play videogames for a living and have terrible pay :D !!!!!"

posted 2 weeks ago

that video legit proves most of the takes i read in specific my take which is 80% sure rossy got dropped because oxy has a ego and wins the popularity contest which looks pretty good
lets face it oxy got igl who was good called him out for his mistakes and he couldn't handle that
and there playstyle is to stat pad oxy so when he hopes on vlr he can see "oxy no help" "oxy 1v9" as soon as he actual plays his role does well but his stats dont look good he uses his connections to drop rossy

posted 2 weeks ago

my take is not from a streamer it is just a theory cause news flash idk any of these people but it seems more likely that oxy just wants to play how he wants to play and can't handle having someone on the team to call him out and be equal in skill to him there is legit no way that he stays on C9 and wants to win he surely had better offers
and seems fair less likely that rossy gets on a new team and risks his entire life being toxic it feels like oxy/xeppa cant handle having a caller that micro calls there ranked play style and corrects it vic/moose might agree cause there both ranked/t2 players

posted 2 weeks ago

i would agree but this is poor9 and rossy was there only chances to actually do something

posted 2 weeks ago

he has had the best aim in na for awhile he is clearly still on c9 to steal paychecks with xeppa cause he 100% had better offers from teams that actually win
and hot take he is overrated asf he plays on mid ass team so he looks good

posted 2 weeks ago

poor9 can't afford to drop 4 players (even tho it is 100% the correct call rossy hard clears those paycheck stealers)
on a serious note oxy/xeppa hold all the power on that team they could easily get someone to be dropped like for example rossy calls out a incorrect play and they make him seem toxic to the mannager or HR they don't know shit lets be real
among hundreds of different ways they could've gotten rossy kicked out you might be slow if you think that oxy/xeppa dont have fragile ego's that could easily get hurt by rossy calling them dumb for playing like dumbasses this gaming industry like most media aimed at kids and teenagers it attracts the worsts kinds of people

posted 2 weeks ago

im not sure this is just a theory
honestly if i had that T1 year i might be a lil toxic too not sure but oxy's ego is more likely to me

posted 2 weeks ago

i think he has a massive ego and can't handle having someone who is just as good if not better than him cause surely he got better chances on other teams who could win/have won

posted 2 weeks ago

not with mitch they are not didn't they have this roster maybe one player difference and suck

posted 2 weeks ago

i think it is a ego thing rossy is said to be a micro mannage type of player and his teammates might have not liked that even tho it was working most likely that team is gonna suck ass
might have been personal but that needs someone who has power in that team so either xeppa or oxy i think oxy is more likely seems like that type of person to me like rossy disagrees with him they go back and forth and he gets butthurt cause rossy turns out to be correct etc etc

posted 2 weeks ago

i feel like people forget that valorant is FPS you can anti strat out call play the perfect comp and do allat but at the end of the day if you can't shoot back it doesn't matter
PRX have won in general still going to every lan and they got a half decent placement even tho this year was terrible for them most bundles bought outside of CN i think

posted 2 weeks ago

consistent aim so you can know what gunfights you want to take and don't like taking and revolve your pathing and entire playstyle around it main reason why for example jett players make such good lurkers and in pro play end up flexing on agents who can bait/lurk cause they are confident in there 50/50 win%
out of the two focus on raze she has a higher skill cap and floor and also anything you can learn to do better on raze easily translates to jett

posted 2 weeks ago

he is the biggest streamer in the world he doesn't need to win games all he needs is the new valorant patch to complain about and some dumb ranked teammate

posted 3 weeks ago

im not believing shit even if the team comes to my house with the trophy

posted 3 weeks ago
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