this game has only been out for a year, the skill ceiling will only get higher and higher as new maps/agents get released. That's how games developed by rito work, that's their identity.
Flag: | Greece |
Registered: | September 17, 2021 |
Last post: | March 11, 2025 at 6:16 PM |
Posts: | 12922 |
this game has only been out for a year, the skill ceiling will only get higher and higher as new maps/agents get released. That's how games developed by rito work, that's their identity.
i think the map voting system from cod would work better.
that initial learning process is the best gaming experience i've ever had, cherish it.
cNed is the irrefutable best jett/op player in the world rn, he could even make a case for best player in the world. Heat is only 18 tho so he has a lot of room to grow.
TenZ was way too consistent and great in the 2 VCT Masters for leaf to take over him in just one tournament, i think the list is pretty accurate, but i also think leaf has a major chance of overtaking him this next year.
he's literally just fucking around and trolling, dapr shahz and sinatra have said this multiple times. He's putting up a persona .
never was my point, i's just trying to explain how having an ego is not inherently bad and in these instances (competitive sports) is absolutely needed to climb to the top. Does that mean everyone is a super egotistical delusional maniac? no. Ego exists in every single one of these players but almost all of them have the capacity to channel their humility so they can control it, you can be both humble and egotistical and vilifying one of these qualities is dumb as fuck. If you still don't get it idk what to tell you buddy.
having an ego does not mean you cannot be humble, i can't believe i have to explain something so basic
how the fuck is me saying "it's ok to not be humble" the same as "all humble people are faking it" to which according to you I implied, are you deranged?
maybe you should just read for once instead of making shit up, i meant exactly what i said. Nobody has any obligation to switch up their whole personalities to seem humble just to appeal to some fantasy people have of celebrities. Everybody has a massive ego at the top of their fields.
you're legit judging and entire art form and culture you do not understand, get your head out your ass
get your reading comprehension skills up buddy, didn't even imply anything close to that
i'd rather watch someone exaggerate their egos and talk shit for entertainment than watch someone fake being humble to appeal to some virtue-signaling dumbasses
oh god people still think mumble rap exists, get out of 2017 pls
i think leaf is very likely to overtake TenZ in my list this next NA Challengers but as of now nah, Derke has been outplayed by TenZ on Jett numerous times so i don't really think he should be up there, but if the list kept going it would definetely be
imo TenZ at his best is no1, but to be the best you need so so much more than potential
name a better jett lmao
hey guys just a heads up, overrated ≠ overappreciated. Just because TenZ has a lot of fans doesn't mean he isn't a top 3 jett in the world rn.
you're probably malnourished, fuck you gon do? swing at me then faint from iron deficiency?
why would they negotiate with acend lmao, clearly vivo keyd wanted the rematch even if it meant having to come back from 0-7
every single team trashtalks but i appreciate the essay so you're right
100T were so unmatched they had to beat themselves
i already am in kebabland.....kinda, also im trolling acend are all cracked
obviously a masters win is better than a final appearance in champs but a win in champs is better than a masters win, sentinels have a masters win, a quarterfinal appearance and a groups elim while acend has a champs title and a quarterfinal appearance so acend should be in 2.
roster wise i'd say they are pretty equal, but sentinels has dominated domestically and has a title while envy only has a finals appearance
well seeing as to how valorant has a similar blueprint to that of league i'd say :
masters titles = msi titles < champions titles = worlds titles
i would put more weight to the champions win so acend has to be over sentinels for me
stop saying acend it's acNed. thank you
damn bro what did i do to you?
too bad im based asf
instant 1.5m
nah im pretty sure peak berlin viewership was 800k on sentinels vs g2
last time a team was caught exploiting they were given the loss automatically, so VK actually was lucky to even get that rematch
that's pretty accurate considering BR didn't do anything
i would say brazil brain but you would get defensive and whine about xenophobia
that doesn't really mean anything
FaZe has had enough scandals already they don't need another headache
followers get you that money tho
he's just way too good at this