Flag: United States
Registered: August 20, 2023
Last post: February 26, 2025 at 7:53 AM
Posts: 414
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i dont see that team working bro crashies and victor cannot operate without FNS calling. you can kinda see how important he was to each team. yay without fns(t2 player lost every game), marved without fns(playing in LCQ), its pretty much over if they dont have fns.

posted about a year ago

loud have that game in the bag if we are being honest!

posted about a year ago

why does everyone hate george geddes if all he does is inform the population? is there something i've missed?

posted about a year ago

if they want real attendance they should have the champs event in egypt! i think the pyramids would be a great place for the top teams to showdown!

posted about a year ago

don't listen to the haters bro keep drinking i will take a couple swigs of this casimigos bottle as well. matter of fact i will finish the bottle and i will get back to ya bud! just no driving for either of us though!

posted about a year ago

no i just watch i never really like to play games i prefer to spectate

posted about a year ago

i dont play sports games because i cant even play the real sports. i feel like fraud everytime i use messi or lebron, it feels like im ruining their legacies

posted about a year ago

jonas oping vs bronze player cringe!

posted about a year ago

finally someone said it! im not even a fraudnatic fan and i could feel both of their impacts! alfa is the best site lockdown in the tourney right now.

posted about a year ago

Country: United States
Registered: June 13, 2022
Last post: August 22, 2023 at 9:21 PM
Posts: 4

posted about a year ago

he's not leo!

posted about a year ago

ethan 💀

posted about a year ago

still a top 3 jett player in the world its just unfortunate that he has a bottom tier initiator that doesnt support him. if sen really want whats best for tenz send him to a team that has good initiator players. i think PRX or TL would be good fits for him

posted about a year ago

he was the best player at their peak and he could easily be the best controller in the franchised league if he was playing right now. a lot of these controllers dont have the game sense and map reads that zombs does. SEN would benefit from dropping sacy and picking up zombs and pancada for a double controller comp on every map

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

dasnerth would have a higher peak than bunny would in a professional setting lol. he is actually really smart and is able to call at a near t2 or t1 level.

posted about a year ago

you should be able to control your clone like a skye dog

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

this is my agent tier list

posted about a year ago

if anything a good seasoned IGL would be their best bet. If they want a 70% chance at winning masters, lock in events, champs, they NEED FNS if they want to improve and have like a 30% chance pick up valyn or some other tier 2 IGL that proved themselves. Just anyone but stellar please.

posted about a year ago

stellar is pigshit and derrek is a shell of the player he used to be drop them both and put asuna on fraud watch

posted about a year ago

only coming back cuz they have the carry (yayster and potentially marved)

posted about a year ago

lost to gen g lost to drx the list goes on and on i will give it to him he put a lot of people onto league but no shame in admitting he is washed

posted about a year ago

LCS clears if we are being honest. I dont know how people watch LCS tho just 2 teams sitting back and waiting to break turrets the whole game. Only reason I can see someone watching LCS is for faker but hes a fraud so

posted about a year ago

i am being dead serious. victor and crashies were nowhere to be found this year, that whole "its the duo they dont lose these" aura is out of the window. Maybe when they get yay they will feel the urge to get back in form but who knows

posted about a year ago

he should that NRG team is doomed lost all their aura not even yay(goat) could save them lol. Crashies and Victor are far past their prime and are the worst "duo" at the moment. Zekken and Tenz clear, Buzz and Rb clear, Whzy and Yosemite clear as well.

posted about a year ago

liquid is a good team just get rid of nats they arent built to play with someone who is that good

posted about a year ago

SEN will be the 2024 VCT Champions

posted about a year ago

hopefully they drop jonahp for someone who actually knows how to play the game lol

posted about a year ago

overrated: ethan and crashies and victor
underrated: aleksandar and cauauzin

posted about a year ago

i'd say flair but PRX is unironically winning this whole event

posted about a year ago

i've said it over and over that SEN could and would win this event if they have anyone but Marved. Give them ANGE1 they win the whole thing, Give them Stellar(EXTREMELY MID) they win the whole thing. And im not even a SEN fan but if u guys get FNS its over

posted about a year ago

if SEN have Marved as IGL NAVI runs circles around them. If SEN have the worst igl in t2 or franchising they beat NAVI pretty easily. Another good match that cant happen anymore wouldve been SEN v G2 when all the roster shit was going on.

posted about a year ago

FNC unironically the worst team in the final 4 lol, I would say its EG mainly cuz of Ethan but C0M, Jawgemo, and Demon1 put that fraud on their backs. If FNC didnt have such an easy group stage they wouldve been out a long time ago. Put them in group D instead of Liquid and the roles wouldve been swapped. Liquid would be top 4 and FNC would be first team knocked out.

posted about a year ago

SEN would've done better than NRG if they had FNS or a real IGL. Basically im saying without Marved they are a contending team with Marved they are farmers.

posted about a year ago

EG on a mickey mouse run and DRX might've been abusing snus cuz they fell out of form after their first group stage. But like if we being honest PRX and LOUD will be in the grand finals if not them then PRX and FNC.

posted about a year ago

talent at this years champs was pretty minimal alot of teams that played were pretty shit tbh. FUT was pretty ass, ZETA was underwhelming as always, NRG completely shit the bed. NAVI looked a little bit better. Even FNATIC is playing pretty subpar. The only teams that are playing like they actually want to win something is PRX and LOUD the only other team you can make a case for is EG but they aren't making grand finals. PRX prolly wins the whole thing.

posted about a year ago

beating eg is very easy when you have a player like ethan on the team im sure any team can beat them in scrims, fnatic and prx is pretty impressive

posted about a year ago

store is completely fine. just buy every skin and you wont have to wait anymore!

posted about a year ago

ethan is overrated im not suprised!

posted about a year ago

demon1 is overrated best aimer in the world right now is less or c0m

posted about a year ago

ignore the haters in the comments all broke and support losing or nonexistent(optic) teams!

posted about a year ago

marved made that team worse anyways lol

posted about a year ago
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