Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | April 11, 2023 |
Last post: | March 25, 2025 at 1:34 PM |
Posts: | 7223 |
not a single statement above is true
Emea cucks think boaster is so talented but dont realize any t3 americas player would produce same results on fnatic. I will list a few
win is a win.
dep** was calling. Not the mastermind upcoming igl
he is getting cleared by marved soon sadly
In this i will be listing saadhak stuff as i already listed why fns is the goat
-teached a total of 4 children how to be world level players
-won champions
-won lockin
-won vct americas
-produced results with the youngest roster in franchising
-will win champions
-fns respects him
-creates comps that many team copies
-father figure
-very nice no ego
-funny (unlike toaster)
If u throw TrickAim there fnatic would be t same as it is today
Fns also won champions, lock in, and vct americas but you're not ready for that convo yet
What? Redgar Ange1 and ATAKAPKAN are all better than him lol
Conversations/valorant/ i have the hardest fit pics known to mankind
i've been struggling with my mental health lately after reading all of these retarded EU takes on vlr, what should i do?
He cleared derke while playing 8 rounds on B having no social contact and having to play 1v3's most of the rounds LOL!
fluke comeback in their best map with the following calls "rush A and avoid aspas" is not a true """""victory"""""'. loud won imo..
5-8th at lock in cuz lost to a crowd boosted LOUD, if they won it they would've beaten drx easily and 3-0 fnatic in the finals 🥱
true. Everysingle player on optic in iceland was and is better than those frauds
im talking about the og ones, prison heist, series A, humane labs, pacific standart
To play gta v online heists w my friends for the First time again ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
its all good.
i did not edit anything u on the other hand is resulting to low end insults cuz you got simple out-argumented
tuyz told me they r testing deadlock + gekko comps
O u talking about lock in yeah, i am talking about champs 2023 lil bro
EU maths sadly
If truth = episode then ye
The bundle made less than 8m dollars which 4m went to 150 players resulting in only 26k for each, not including taxes, org cuts, 6 man, coachs
? Just check it yourself.. furia 19-17 fnatic on haven, lost 13-9 ascent, won 14-12 icebox
not a single statement above is true
I think you are confusing yourself with champs 2022, furia beat fnatic 2-1
If true = bullshit then ye
? just check the champion matches what r u smoking
Limit testing, Zekken told me.
u mean the showdown event with the same prizepool as vct americas ye i remember that mickey mouse "event" if u can even call it that LOL!
Those frauds only have regional trophy ig ye they are as good as XSET
am i lying? Fnatic: tokyo . sentinels: reyjavik
Bagre d'or is a good thing tho, awarded to the best and most innovating players of the weekend.
in reality they have the same amount of international trophys Sentinels has so i dont rly see the hype behind them they just seem average.
Who? The most famous valorant player in the moment? Has more followers than TenZ? "Nobodies"... Morally won vct champs 2021 and Beat fnatic in champs 2023.. lol.. sure "nobodies"
Seems like ur looking at the wrong stats and marved doesnt need more time he is already better than Toaster and ange0
Buddy.. sen has Zekken and Tenz And Sacy And Pancada And Marved, WHO tf do U TEAM has
Also mibr currently is the highest grossing esport org