2022 yay
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | September 2, 2021 |
Last post: | February 22, 2025 at 8:39 PM |
Posts: | 3527 |
so hyped for lev vs prx grand finals
he uses it now, 1500 subs he will drop his routine
edit: this is not an ad DO NOT give your money to rich pro players
he sexually harassed a 15y old through messages, saying he wants to have s3x with her and asking for half naked photos
if i had to choose one it'd be cauanzin the goat
NRG just running around the map clueless would probably 2-0 most of these teams tbh
u're just hating but kinda right, team just has a severe lack of confidence and firepower
A realidade é que ninguém sabe o que a pessoa ta passando, simplesmente te dao rate por voce jogar mal um jogo, fazem piada, e tiram sarro da sua cara sem ao menos saber o impacto que pode acontecer com tal atitude, sorte que tenho Deus em meu coração.
FUR should've picked up him when they had their chance
there must be atleast 50 threadsa about nrg like this one that you can find from asuna
true, he's the goat igl alongside saadhak
he had to focus so much on his calling and strats (no help), that his aim suffered and he got hate for it (i was one of the ppl who made fun of him)
mw had one bad tournament in ages man cmon
yeah yeah grandpa lets get you to bed
50/50 match i think
cursed image
reage LOUD
can someone explain to me what is happening? just woke up and im trying to understand the drama
so yay paid 10k to gengsta for him to bench himself????
i think they'll bounce back next split. they need some time to rethink their comps and approach to the game
also tuyz needs to go back to his kickoff form
assim, tayhuhu nao ta errada de priorizar a família, errado ta a LOUD de deixar ela como capitã do time e não mover pra streamer
vou me apropriar da sentinels tambem é o jeito
vamo mibr faz uma pra deus ver
my goat cant catch a break
u forgot that he was forced to change roles and play in a bad system
4 anos de cenário e os times ainda sao montados por players... eh bizarro a falta de team manager no brasil
on madrid he was purposefully missing some shots to make the rest of his team step up, truly a genious..