rossy is the example of paycheck stealer LOL
Flag: | United States |
Registered: | June 25, 2021 |
Last post: | February 17, 2022 at 12:05 PM |
Posts: | 927 |
rossy is the example of paycheck stealer LOL
COMING BACK STRONGER THAN EVER!! - wardell on twitter
wtf u guys were doing since 2021 then LMAO
let's get some LMAO in a comment below 👇
dont drop wardell tho
-levi -rossy -corey
no thx i dont wanna see 3 math fixers in org like TSM FTX
Wardell good awp bruh you guys dont understand he's passive rn cuz he's on chamber and that's how team wanna play with his role
bru i legit fix tsm lmao just need a good iGL zander buyout is impossible so comment below who?
-rossy bring actual igl LMAO
-levi who? Dog sova +yaboidre
I would say even -corey hes a baiter inconsistent and add aproto he's ACC better skye
Subroza is ON SMOKE ONLY he's goated on it and stop overpacking pls
wardell start buying rifle more on the attack this game isnt csgo
ONLY OGS remember HOW aggrsive wardell used to be round doesnt start and he gets first blood ONLY OGS knows how surboza used to be best smoker ONLY OGS knows subroza iglin was goated
SINCE r0ssy come in all ruined + levi not good either brin back drone
#1 he not good
2nd only og Ogs fans knows how aggressive wardell used to be but since this dude come in idk wtf he iglin he so passive
I still think these guys are great, still have a chance as long they are not tilted and confident love this toxic mf he deserve to be on Alan
shit so obv i told yall tsm gonna try to get rush obv
ppl had school today tmrw is the day
wdym rumors cringe 100t has 4 cs Lan experienced players ofc they r nasty
only shroud and kydea deserve it idc about views they really waking up early for it, others don't rlly care
all im gonna say idc he cool just enjoy there is no reason to hate on him, its his stream
hl u guys r going vs 4 cs players with Lan experience if u guys rlly win welcome!
450k+ its group stage I expected, most people only care about playoffs so dats is great!
100t vs hl wont peak 600k last game always has less views, it happen in Iceland also
I guess not back just wanna see what yall up to!
School started life busy but yall still active and some people still baiting on internet yall need to grow up. still eu vs na war like bruh also is Netero banned yet? this mf has no life eu vs na all day and just average tenz fanboy. there are some great people on site too that have good takes, I just wanna say spend time with friends/family instead of making shit baits.
School started really busy didn't even watch any matches. Do you guys think envy, 100t deserve berlin? or was a fluke same with acend and smb
why r u hating on boaster? did he kill ur daddy?
B site is just impossible to hold they def need to remake b site it's so dogshit. most teams just viper wall and jet dash in
OBV IN PRO PLAY ALSO its t sided tell me 1 map that's t sided in ranked but ct in pro play
T sided lol (mostly viper wall a site in half then Jett dash in)
fr just go doesn't even look like he wanna play valo
LOW cuz school is starting not gonna lie
ya but not like you don't shake when playing ranked
ya scream whiffs a lot in long-range
well, yea v1 can make champions on point only if All 3 Na teams gets13th-16th place lol. or Sen wins Berlin And 2 na teams get the 13th-16th place. But to be honest, if teams like xset,100t,LG, envy qualify for berlin then v1 has to play in lcq. since all these 4 teams will have 200+ points
So sentinels would take the Masters 3 slot which means the top 2 teams with the most circuit points take the Na circuit points slot. basically, we gonna have 4 Na teams in champions then lol
Nah homie I just type quick and don't think
ok but holy so many tsm threads u guys still need to qualify for berlin
ok MB I'm lazy so basically I'm saying ska,brax never grind ranked and i think ranks really help you
According to shroud Ska and Brax never play rank. I think ranks really help you what do u guys think?