Flag: Japan
Registered: January 1, 2023
Last post: May 27, 2024 at 11:30 AM
Posts: 328
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This is a reasonable guess.
Seoldam is clearly underpowered
With a huge franchise in lol, DFM has a big source of funding.
welcome to yay japan

posted about a year ago

Um, I just woke up, what the hell happened to them...

posted about a year ago

During the interview, he was terribly disappointed with himself and the team's performance and could not contain his emotions.

(What would you like to say to your Japanese fans.)
I am very sorry to the fans who came to the fan meeting and to the Japanese fans who watched the game at such an early hour.
We want to become a team that can compete in the world as soon as possible. Please continue to support us.

posted about a year ago

In the JP region right now (with the exception of ZETA), CR is dominating the other teams more tactically. The mechanicals of the members are also excellent.
It is interesting to note that CR is a team with Japanese as core members, holding down the superior power of Russians in SG and SZ.
(Medusa is KR, but too familiar with Japan, the Japanese treat them almost as JPs lol)
How well CR fares in a duel with the APAC powerhouses is our country's hope.

posted about a year ago

what happened to their complexion

posted about a year ago

Earthquakes are our country's most immediate fear.
I pray that the people of Turkey will be saved as soon as possible.

posted about a year ago

Even the official Japanese commentator had to complain bitterly about the match.
A battle between very low-level tactics.
This is what Asia...especially Japan's top 8...is like.

posted about a year ago

When I was watching the professional scene on overwatch, most people were on the competitive subs on reddit,
so Since few people were using the over.gg forums
After moving to valorant, I was surprised at first to see how concentrated the community is on vlr.gg.

posted about a year ago


He seems to be approaching his physical and mental limits.
The challenge is for the Japanese players to grow up.

posted about a year ago

Smth should play for a higher ranked team. His individual skills are overwhelming, but his team is killing him.

posted about a year ago

We have to face the reality that the players with higher talent potential in the Tier 2 Japanese scene are not Japanese.

posted about a year ago


SG 1-1 SZ
Intense Japanese team carry by core member Russian players
They may step up to a higher league
Let's keep an eye on the games and see what happen.


posted about a year ago

He was a player who served well as a temporary reserve for the 2022 M2 suygetsu.
What does his subsequent performance look like?

posted about a year ago

ZETA Last Hope for JP FPS player…

posted about a year ago



Japanese have to rely on foreign help.

posted about a year ago

In 2023, many Japanese teams rebranded their team marks.
Many of them are flat designs that mimic the ZETA DIVISION, much to the dismay of Japanese fans.
Sengoku Gaming is one of the worst rebrands of them all.

posted about a year ago

Valorant is the most likely title at the present time, but there is still a gap in competence.
What is needed to bridge the power gap?

posted about a year ago

The Brazilian crowd will be amazed.

posted about a year ago

Let's look forward to the mystical power of Turkey that we do not yet know.

posted about a year ago

He has certainly accomplished a great deal in Overwatch.
But is he worthy enough to be allowed to compete in Valorant's top league without giving him enough time to adapt?
From what I saw in today's game, it doesn't seem like he can keep up...

posted about a year ago

GE 2-17 JDT
Jadeite=Tier3 teams that lost in the JP Weekly Qualifier

posted about a year ago

I've only been on this vlr forum for a short time,I see his name everyday. It's as if he's the most famous player in the world.
In fact, how well would a player named skrossi do against a team of Tier 1 players?
Excluding excessive praise or criticism.

posted about a year ago

delete post

posted about a year ago
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