Flag: United States
Registered: April 29, 2022
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 6:04 PM
Posts: 382
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dont feel discouraged. im taking cc for 2 years and got accepted into my dream school just recently

posted about a year ago

his girl in japan, he still in USA. he's spoken on stream how he wanted to go to jp too

posted about a year ago

NRG dapr leaked

posted about a year ago

flyuh i think

posted about a year ago

they're almost equal in terms of tradeoffs. merced is a new school but there's nothing to do since its in the middle of nowehere. ucr is more known as the reject school of uc's. but in terms of academics, neither are bad, things are just different when regarding campus life.

posted about a year ago

youre brave if you go to ucm

posted about a year ago

2k23 sucks because its not next gen. fifa valid

posted about a year ago

sr is ass they lost to oxg

posted about a year ago

x gonna go back to gambling streams after wasting 500k

posted about a year ago

subway has been mid the past few years

posted about a year ago

bros a fortune teller

posted about a year ago

ip logger dont click

posted about a year ago

fade ult + wingman defuse
harbor shield + wingman
gecko molly + fade tether/astra gravity well

posted about a year ago

he can be used to bait util + ults on defense
he can be used to tap spike in a 1v1 situation

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

you also break all the chairs you sit in you piece of lard chris

posted about a year ago

you can also lift tons of big macs into your fucking jaw

posted about a year ago

stop posting and go on a diet

posted about a year ago

bro shut up

posted about a year ago

u can tell sinatraa knows that sick isnt himself. that's why even when sick does or says some weird shit, sinatraa doesn't press him and later changes the subject

posted about a year ago

Leviatán has a cool logo and sounds sick

posted about a year ago

who cares. this is his way of releasing stress. let him do what he needs to do

posted about a year ago

he is stressed and caffeinated. probably just venting

posted about a year ago

he's a pr nightmare. most franchised teams will avoid picking him up since they'll be bombarded on twitter for being a "rape apologist"

posted about a year ago

i would want sacy to igl sentinels. plays initiator and seems like he is just more competitive in general

posted about a year ago

glad fnc know how to dodge skye flashes now

posted about a year ago

hes joining sen

posted about a year ago

you could tell he loved br. constantly posting about his friends there and streamed with a duo he met from BR ranked

posted about a year ago

i think the last sentence is true. his streams during 2021- mid 2022 were relaxed and reserved. recently and especially once he was in BR, he was duoing with sin and being way more loud and expressive.

posted about a year ago

he is a true gamer

posted about a year ago

seems legit, but it doesn't really help the claim that he MUST ask for permission to see other women. I'm sure if its just your girlfriend and not your wife its legal and not adultery. whats NOT legal was her vandalizing his place in TX whiles he's in BR, which he can easily file a lawsuit for vandalism

posted about a year ago

exactly, its so hard to view her side if she just hides it from us

posted about a year ago

sr is losing to faze and moist. he is fucked

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i can already see sen blackballing sick out of everything social media related until he's dropped and then tweet out something along the lines of: "Today we have decided to part ways with Hunter "SicK" Mims. We wish him well on his future endeavors."

posted about a year ago

dephh's wife cant take a joke, sen doesn't care for their players and him mentioning sinatraa had nothing to do with defending him. that's why he's so carefree and sarcastic about the situation. probably feels like a bunch of shit is getting thrown his way for no reason but twitter hates everyone for everything

posted about a year ago

hopefully both teams make it out their groups and get placed against each other at the msi.
would reach huge viewership for the t2 scene

posted about a year ago

i remember a former csgo teammate talking about how sick would get easily mad and slam tables during games. for the past 2 years he's been doing quite a job at supressing his thoughts/feelings (especially on the bird app). but if you look at older game vods or unSENscored and pay attention to player cams you always see sick screaming alongside shahz. it seems he doesn't care anymore, might leave sen tbh

posted about a year ago

when the shahzam wheel drama was going on, I recall dapr saying how he could've dropped some bombs about sen. probably refraining from doing so since he still has friends under the org on good terms: zombs and tenz (sick wouldn't really count rn)

posted about a year ago

its sen's fault. rrq and detonation are much smaller orgs who subbed in their 6th man backstage. sick was never considered to play apparently which is super fucked up considering they were underperforming badly.
they just paid for sick's plane and hotel tickets and forgot about the venue

posted about a year ago

sick has been in boiling water this past week(s)

  • sinatraa drama
  • dephh wife drama
  • lock in entry denial
posted about a year ago

sen didn't give access to sick to join the team backstage. he was in the crowd and wasn't notified of it until gameday.
basically treated as a non-team member which sucks since he could've been a starter on another franchised team but decided to stick with sen.

posted about a year ago

sick leaving sen
joining c9

posted about a year ago

ge has great aimers. maybe nerves were the issue in first map

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

weekday tbh

posted about a year ago

thank god they actually made steps in cleaning up the scene

posted about a year ago
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