Brazil 0 teams in playoffs again because VKS can't kick the 2 bots.
Flag: | Greece |
Registered: | December 4, 2020 |
Last post: | August 16, 2023 at 2:59 PM |
Posts: | 5763 |
Brazil 0 teams in playoffs again because VKS can't kick the 2 bots.
DW it's not that tough this time. VS can easily go through.
FS is garbage wtf are you talking about
All apac teams except of vs
Didn't they say it's going to be 16 team double elimination bracket?
meanwhile it was followed by a "seriously though:" that you were too dense to fucking see.
Don't know how to check hours (but im lvl96), d1
Employee full time + IT student
You guys are all in for a treat with the 8 hour adult life. Wait til then to stress yourself the fuck out
literally costreams had 0.15 of the 2.7m views in CSGO so idk wtf you are talking about
also you are so god damn braindead that you didn't realize that the costream joke was ironic and you heralded it as my "arguement", meanwhile it was followed by a "seriously though:" that you were too dense to fucking see. Get a brain you moron.
Yep. Valuable criticism = go away. This scene will go so far 🤡🤡🤡
It's unsustainable. Especially the NA scene. They all depend on content creation and cringe funny haha 10 min montages. How long can the scene survive on content. That's not a scene, it's a circus
Maybe if the top100 twitch channels costream the final it can get 1.3m
Seriously though: maybe they can fix the dogshit production first
It got like 1.1m if i remember correctly
3 tournaments with no crowd and 2 months pauses per year
I wonder how anybody stayed. Idek how the orgs are profiting from this
Isn't fnatic like a legendary org whereas sentinels is some plastic garbage fortnite team?
Too early to say but.
Breach seems to be the best because of how skye's pop flash through smoke doesn't work much on this map.
Brim's ulti is also incredibly strong because after plant positions on this map are very limited around a very close vicinity of the bombbsite.
Viper can literally cover everything
Jett is best because she is simply the best agent for now
5th can be cypher because of his excellent ability to handle multiple flanks (which this map has a double amount of)
So all in all this seems to be the meta
Leaving this here for the people that told me that nobody overrates SEA.
I agree they are kinda washed. But i still have faith in azr and jkaem
WorldEdit? Seriously? What is this, 2014?
Sinatraa should go to rise with the other convicts.
Well they have a franchised league system where players are mostly getting paid via fat contracts and not prize pools.
don't say the f-word my mom won't let me browse vlr!!!!
cNed >>>>> shitdell
Hahahahhahah yeah right
nah i still love you my dear milan
im just baiting
Just comment "i hecking love tenz!" Everywhere and you will get tons of upvotes from the indian 13yo community
he is the jett in the clip
successful in what? not even in the top50 most successful orgs.
yeah he is literally braindead. Never had an R6 team, and they had a tier8 CSGO team for the past 5 years. Absolutely irrelevant org. Only success is in the most irrelevant console garbage "esport" COD, but that is more of an embarrassment rather than an achievement.
Well obviously being naturally garbage at everything is not a conscious decision. It's a trait.
Well the only thing that is left is for him to traverse through the cave in order to find another exit.
Dizzy wtf. He was supposed to be the good one of the bunch.
Also they are using phoenix which is cringe
Shroud lulw
only hoody is good. rest are average. I guess davidp is a good igl, but i don't think he will return.
and they chose to replace dapr/zombs with rawkass?
pretty close. but you are overrating SEA teams above quarter finalists KRU
yes but a drawing for prime vandal is too simple. just a bunch of lines, literally nothing special.