Flag: Greece
Registered: December 4, 2020
Last post: August 16, 2023 at 2:59 PM
Posts: 5763
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Yeah nobody's gonna believe that

posted about a year ago

Oh yeah sure. You go on a tantrum and then don't post for week, not because you were banned, but because you just didn't feel like it? Even though your activity before that was like 50 posts a day.

posted about a year ago

Get better elo then talk.

posted about a year ago

Crybabysasuke when he learns you can fake flag:

posted about a year ago

Stupid dogshit bait yawn

posted about a year ago

Oh yes please. Give me that APAC gold.

posted about a year ago

Still mad I got you banned? I see your boyfriend already replied with a cocksucking emoji.

posted about a year ago

-be silver
-create an account on vlr
-talk mad shit
-be completely inaccurate because you don't understand the game
-get called out <---- you're here
-say you were just pretending to act retarded

posted about a year ago

Glhf. I hope for a Liquid Fnatic final

posted about a year ago

In case they win champs you better keep your word and fuck off from this site forever.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

What results. You haven't won anything since early 2022

posted about a year ago

Holy fuck you missed the point again. Original civilization I'm referring to in this case are the English and the French not the Native Americans.

posted about a year ago

Literally worst crowd ever.
Total silence with the occasional "siuuuu" from one guy in the back.
Random catch phrases incohesively shouted by one or two people randomly throughout the day.
"USA USA USA" chants even when no NA team is playing.
They will cheer based on when their favourite player appears on camera regardless of whether he's doing anything in-game.
Will also shout callouts to their fave teams.

posted about a year ago

the importance of the fact that colonialists are not the original civilization but rather a bastardization of it.

posted about a year ago

Well that point went way over your head. As it had nothing to do with any distaste of colonialists. I was pointing out the fact that in Canada you either live in a Walmart England or a Walmart France. Either way, Walmart culture.

posted about a year ago

yep! these valo frogs are nowhere to be found #2 #5 #6 #7

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Dude valo frogs are the worst, you won't get a discussion. (Riotdrones are the reason this game will die btw)

posted about a year ago

You googled the most stupid dismissive reply without realizing what you're even talking about. Contradiction, as if I even put two points together in order for them to contradict each other. Go back to being a new-world culture-less drone. Go listen to drake and eat pancakes.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

As an NA fan I want sinatraa back on Sentinels. NA isn't winning ever again so we might as well get some drama (the only thing we're good at)

posted about a year ago

would you say football is western heavy?

posted about a year ago

imagine hating an esport simply because it rewards merit and not representation

posted about a year ago

actually a drop for both

posted about a year ago

Least Australian Australian

posted about a year ago

2 hours of googling and second grade math and you're still only less than half way there

posted about a year ago

Braindeadsasuke doesn't know about the concept of time zones

posted about a year ago

People are so battle scarred by CSGO that any criticism against riot is met with fierce-fullness. It will be this eSports demise.

posted about a year ago

Group D-istaster

posted about a year ago

If they win champs, babysucka has promised he will delete his account forever. I think I speak for everybody when I say the entirety of vlr will rejoice if fnatic win.

posted about a year ago

People downvoting this lmfao. I've made a lot of imbeciles very mad.

posted about a year ago

You're 15? Yeah that makes sense

posted about a year ago

#1 is floptic. Fully fraudulent tournament with the biggest amount of absentees BY FAR.

posted about a year ago

NA flags so fucking desperate that they resort to upfragging braindeadsasuke's retarded takes.

That's a new low.

posted about a year ago

If you go 2 states across in the US you will find the exact same shit. Barely any difference. Tell me the difference between two southern States who were part of the confederacy. They're carbon copies, because they never had the time to differentiate between themselves, and it's all bland and uncultured. You go 1000 miles and nothing changes but America is diverse? Canada is even worse, it's either English watered down colonialists or French watered down colonialists.

Yep, language, art, history, politics and sciences are "surface level shit" guys, you heard it here first.

Yes, that shit happened in Greece, now fucking deal with it. Those are historical facts. The concepts of poetry and theatre as "arts" did not exist. It's funny that you think the concept of comedy is just "making people laugh" when it's so much more. Generally all your arguments are literally taking concepts and watering down to the stupid levels of intellectuality that your semi functioning brain can consume them, as if every body else's brain works like that.

Greece isn't fucking "white culture" you god damn imbecile. It's Greek culture. Ask a slav or a frenchman if he identifies with Greek culture. You water washing imbecile. It's not even nuance at this point, it's braindead racism. You think a Nigerian and a Somalian are the same thing? You think a Japanese and an Indonesian are the same shit? Ofc you do, because that's all you see in your mutt country.

You simply experience the watered down versions of all these countries' cultures to the point they're so bland you literally can't tell them apart. And I also bet you're an Asian giving off strong racist vibes not realizing that Greek != French as much as Korean != Indonesian.

As for the upfrag comment: stfu kid, congrats, you got NA cocksuckers dickriding your dumbass arguments, that's all they do.

posted about a year ago

I work as a Software Engineer for a company that makes an enterprise app for Maritime Trade/Shipment behemoths. The pay is great, the coworkers are very chill, the environment is extra comfortable, it's remote and not stressful/demanding.

posted about a year ago

Everybody knew you're unemployed you don't have to spell it out for us

posted about a year ago

What similar cultures? I can go 3 miles outside of my town and find a completely different culture, different dialect, different accent, different history in every period (classic, medieval, etc), different music, different architecture. How are they similar? You're just extremely bland and you generalize everything because you can't even contemplate on what makes culture what it is. In England the accent changes completely every 42 minutes of driving.

You just think culture is surface level shit, like language and looks. With your dumbass logic there are only 3 cultures in the world.

You're only making the argument that "white people" from western countries think they have "no culture" because it's the norm. Entirely fucking false. And to put it mildly, mindblowingly retarded. Nobody does that, nobody says that. Only Americans , because you have so little culture to the point that tyou don't even know what culture even is.

You're trying to compare a country of 200 years of mutt history, to a country that created philosophy, democracy, drama, comedy, poetry, theatre, 50 kinds of music, brought forth Christianity, conquered half the known world, played an essential role from antiquity to the Renaissance, created wonders of the world, and so much more.

posted about a year ago

Hairloss Speedrun any%

posted about a year ago

First time a human has been arrested for possessing illegal amounts of copium

posted about a year ago

TL makes grand finals after a controversial run: Loud gets DQed in groups

posted about a year ago

No, as in it's not a hot take
No, as in it won't happen

posted about a year ago

Every rifle in CS is better because of accurate spray PATTERN

posted about a year ago

Idk why you getting downvoted. Literally no org is making profit in tier2 right now

posted about a year ago

Show us the scrimbux pls

posted about a year ago

Even if it's an all EMEA semis (won't happen because PRX and EG) they're still gonna find something cope about.

posted about a year ago

You're a clown

posted about a year ago

BcockyJ is arrogant. But Leo Faria is a braindead imbecile as well.

posted about a year ago

Zero team region 😔

posted about a year ago
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