Flag: Greece
Registered: December 4, 2020
Last post: August 16, 2023 at 2:59 PM
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is it Mars Hill University?

posted about 4 years ago

which university is this?

posted about 4 years ago

ofc. but i dont think anybody doubts dazed's ability to lead. i think he just needs time to adapt to the game.

posted about 4 years ago

CLG, flyquest and thats it. but there are wayyyyy too many of them. most of them will have to be disappointed.

posted about 4 years ago

Well, laws of the market. Supply and demand must meet. I guess there is too much supply and not enough demand.

posted about 4 years ago

Wtf that's exactly how you fix a passive team. You can only lead an aggressive strat if there is atleast one man willing to be the aggressor. In T1 they forced Ska into that role. Laws of attack say there must always be a man going first.

posted about 4 years ago

I'll watch it. But I have to say that Shahzam is more credible on the state of NA rather than IMT's coach. If anything he beat them plenty of times.

As for NA, (this part is imo) every round is so slow in the start and it doesn't end in anything nuanced. I don't see crazy executes and crazy counter executes and intricate rotations. That's why sage fell out of meta in NA, because it's the perfect agent to halt a coordinated attack, but those don't exist. In fact, you don't even have to watch a game, you should only be able to imagine that there aren't a lot of possibilities in terms of strategies with the limited utility of phoenix, reyna and jett (the most played non-omen/sova agents).

posted about 4 years ago

Good luck to vanity. He was great in Chaos csgo. Hopefully he will transition well.

posted about 4 years ago

Lmao 0/8

posted about 4 years ago

Shahzam ranted on stream about how NA literally doesn't have any strats/tactics. He said NA only run duelists and they play looking for peeks before rushing and dry peeking a site. He said this is the reason NA is so inconsistent.


posted about 4 years ago

They will probably do a big buyout like android. They desperately need aggressive players. Or maybe a european/korean

posted about 4 years ago

Spotted the fortnite kid. How is ranked treating you now that you can't run spray with phantom from a billion miles away?

posted about 4 years ago

vlr sleeping on the korean scene, when did seolone get a valorant team?

posted about 4 years ago

Yes, but the models are sent via server and the server only shows models that are in your view. In CS the model is considered to be in the view a few frames earlier so that the server can catch up to processing the peek.

posted about 4 years ago

The problem is their anti-wallhack system that registers models only after they joined your view. If you are playing on high ping that has horrible implications, like their model animation coming in late.

This game is generally unplayable above 60ms.

posted about 4 years ago

Heretics also run double sentinel. Also, sage is essentially a defensive duelist, EU teams use battle sage as second man in.

posted about 4 years ago

He should be part of NiP, in place of crea. Ex6 becomes the controller, rhyme sova, jady sage and chiwawa cypher.

posted about 4 years ago

Did somebody clip ec1s' blunder? I missed it!

posted about 4 years ago

Ye but they had the hardest path to here, in comparison with any other team.

posted about 4 years ago

This murii guy is so fishy. So many cheaters in valorant.

posted about 4 years ago

LG and Sen play each other for 50th time this month, thanks nerdstreet

posted about 4 years ago

Is it just me or is #11 a hallucination?

posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago

ahhh i see, thanks for the info

posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago

idk mens)))

posted about 4 years ago

or i kill u

posted about 4 years ago

guys is this gonna be streamed anywhere? or nah?

posted about 4 years ago

prove it

posted about 4 years ago

yeah but its very dead
you dont get threads all the time and not many comments/trafic

posted about 4 years ago

This looked hella fishy, esic should seriously investigate this for match fixing.

Either that or Sentinels are truly garbage.

posted about 4 years ago

Lmao now that i read your thread, i actually had read it back then, I must've forgot

posted about 4 years ago

what is certain is that these five teams are EU tier1. And they are excellent.

posted about 4 years ago

i mean the mibr saga is probably the biggest clown fiesta ive ever seen out of esports org management

posted about 4 years ago

you also have alliance and potential EXCEL gaming with davidp and jampi

posted about 4 years ago

i think thats true, except that Heretics is a clear top1.
top2-5 is fnatic, g2, liquid, fpx
then you have top6-11 vitality, nip, guild, heet, forZe and BBL that can contest. Maybe Rye, dFuse, Entropiq, Futbolist, OXG and Giants can join that pack.
EU is looking stacked IMO

posted about 4 years ago

jaffa cakes
but thats not the point. running accuracy + peekers advantage was like cheating if you were low ping vs high ping players (im high ping)
now it balances out the playing field

posted about 4 years ago

when did Damwon pick up a Valorant team? no news about it!!

posted about 4 years ago

literally had a bad batch of a few games where i was getting bodied with barely 10 kills and i play 2 games today, one 30bomb and one 40bomb

posted about 4 years ago

dude play a single game and you are gonna feel the difference, i feel like a god and nobody can touch me

posted about 4 years ago

It surprises me how bad they are at csgo though (and lol)

posted about 4 years ago

Now they will hopefully fix the counterstrafing because you are still accurate for 30% of your acceleration when you move opposite. This is the key issue with fadeaway shots and ADAD.

And fix peekers advantage god it's so annoyign to see peopel running and shooting me when they've stopped in their client

posted about 4 years ago

Bullet dropoff?

posted about 4 years ago
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