he knew it was mickey mouse he let them have it
Flag: | Cook Islands |
Registered: | March 17, 2024 |
Last post: | March 8, 2025 at 3:08 PM |
Posts: | 2059 |
he knew it was mickey mouse he let them have it
no they choke and lose to another rookie unknown team (EG)
nah imagine saying supamen would outaim optic core + 23 champs last year
gyattster doesnt complain abt format and schedule thats why hes the goat he RECOGNISES his team played bad and derke ate too many sausages
why do only sen fans complain about format and schedules
u say a team is doing bad then random jobless ppl come out on vlr and claim hate speech racism feelings hurt like damn y r u so soft
what do sen fans have to do with incels LOL kaplan is a guy how does that relate to being an incel
blud thinks this is his therapy chat
yay can pay ppl to get others kicked out but genghsta cant leak scrim comms :((((((((((((((((((((((
ok but 1 has 3 trophies and 1 couldnt even get 2 maps against the worst team in NA
5v2 throw just remove this team from franchising
kaplan looks like a such cuck bitch bro was shitting on potter when his team or himself hasnt won a champs or non fraudulent trophy
aspas would destroy her so badly florescent would claim trans hate
saadhak hate bait thread is crazy
r u saying johnqt belongs in a circus just because hes moroccan....crazy :O
boostio is funny unlike john he clears john
theyre so bad they took a map off heretics (ass teams get stomped 2-0)
his aim looks so bad too compared to before
bleed are not winning this bro