bro how did you lose your stars?
Flag: | Indonesia |
Registered: | July 28, 2022 |
Last post: | March 18, 2023 at 11:16 AM |
Posts: | 4116 |
bro how did you lose your stars?
VISA Issues, and the last time they have a LAN in the US it was riddled with COVID so yeah
yeah he got offers but the deal fell through so that doesn't mean he get the job.
bro where's the mods? these people are spamming OW threads lmao
org gw ngejelasin lu kenapa fans boom pada ngamuk lu jawabannya cuma "yg bilang farming tuh idiot" wkwk gimana sih deeek dek, yg nyampein pesannya kan boom, berarti boomnya aja yg kurang jelas sampe general consensusnya kayak begitu.
sampe ad hominem segala lagi wkwk egonya masih tinggi ya dek? gpp dek sekali² kalah argumen di internet, nanti kedepannya belajar lagi ya? kalo argumen aja udh ngatain² lawannya gimana mau punya temen deeek dek wkwk.
yaa tanya twitter ngapa pada komplen, berarti emang mereka ngeliatnya kalo boom tuh php, percuma mau intent awal boom kek gimana kalau diliat sama fansnya kalau mereka cuma impression farming ya udh berarti mereka impression farming gimana sih, berarti emang mereka gak bisa komunikasi yang bener sama fansnya.
udh dek besok skolah, tidur jangan malem²
sick already announced that he's FA?
harusnya mereka tahu lah tolol, tanya² dulu bisa gak kira² buat bikin roster internasional? org belum apa² udh difarming duluan impressionnya, yaa jelas² pada marah lah gimana sih
ga ada guna debat ama lu dek, modal caps lock doang yg ada malah ngebadut.
apa sih? lu ngomong ke gw yaa maksud gw gwnya gak komplen goblok, sama kalo udah tau gak bisa bahasa inggris, ngapain lu coba tolol, emang lu harus loncat ke jurang dulu supaya tau kalo jatuh itu sakit? udh gitu hypenya di farming² di twitter udh jelas banyak yg komplen.
sumpah kalo argumen jangan kayak orang tolol, baca dulu jangan pake caps lock doang goblok
Im from Uzbekistan and my favorite team is m3c
man it's VLR, it's not worth it man
gak ad yg komplen, gw ga peduli sama sekali ama boom, cuma harusnya mereka tahu lah mereka ga bisa main sama internasional roster, masa gak ngomong apa² sama player indonya udh suruh trial aja, habistu di tease² segala lagi, dh tau user twitter kek gimana, apa² pasti bakal ada yg mereka komplen gimana sih tolol.
yaa kalo gitu ngapa ngeannounce bakal pake internasional roster? udh gaya ngeteasenya kayak GE aja, udh jelas bakal komplen lah kalau ternyata gak sesuai ekspetasi gimana sih
liat noh commsnya Paper rex, mereka juga gak terlalu jago bahasa inggrisnya, pake b ing dasar aja, orang cuma "One mid" "Jett have ult" "I take orb" aja masa gak bisa? emang gak pernah main ranked?
If they making a Indo superteam you should be happy as they have the best chance in ascension with all the good players still lft
Bleed exist man, I don't have that kind of copium
masa gak bisa kayak "one mid" "one B" "I have ult" sih? emg gak pernah sama sekali main ranked?
holy shit, nvm, NRG is the next superteam after this lmao
me when I spread misinformation on the internet 🤭
it's the internet, everyone would complain about everything lmao
siapa yang ngaku jepang goblok
damn bro you're good at self-loathing, you must be from the Philippines
"b-but sir, I want more ID players so that I can claim that PRX is an Indonesian team, #INDOPRIDE"
ok if you want a genuine answer, it comes from HLTV (basically VLR for CSGO). it used to rate baits on that site. why the number 8? because 8 rhymes with bait (b8, get it?)
oh lumayan yak, cuma ga tau dah ini roster bisa menang ascension apa nggak
kirain bocah jaman sekarang jagi bahasa inggris
I mean they can definitely use a translator for those. we've seen it many times in league of legends.
and yeah almost all the call-outs that we use in singapore server (that's where the Indonesian players play) are in english, so idk wtf are they actually doing
it's not indonesian though...
but yeah that's literally all you need to speak fluent indonesian
it's 2022 and mfer really can't speak basic english bruh
an estonian, a british, an irish, a swedish, and a turk, EMEA got some really crazy rosters
even with this kind of buff ppl would still be making threads "why is cypher so bad?" lmao
it was actually a bug when the game's first released 💀