There are different categories of baits.
1: baits that do not need your attention, absolute 0/8s you ignore these and everyone knows these are baits. They do not require refutation at all.
2 baits with some truth to them, they are meant to rile up the opposition, these baits get support from other baiters, and people who want to support the narrative, they require different levels of refutation, people who respond are usually ones to stop the narrative from furthering and to stop “misinformation”
3: trembolona level baits - these baits are absolutely believable, to a layman, it looks incredibly attractive and well thought out, these baits are refutable but still people believe them and agree with them.
The issue with people like shownu and Babysasuke, they speak facts sometimes, there is a reason people engage, there would be no reason to engage when everyone knows it’s a bait, it’s low quality and low effort. It requires effort to refute baits 2 and 3, If you ignore him, you completely dismiss and scoff at him and remove his power, but the fact that you engage with him, it shows that it has some merit, whether small or large. That’s what gives people like him fuel to post more.