Flag: International
Registered: August 10, 2024
Last post: August 12, 2024 at 10:58 AM
Posts: 64
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Yeah, it spans a wide range of Asia. I specified Japan just because they were the topic but I remember hearing about this phenomenon in America too; something like 50% of all Asian women in America are married to white men, and many Asian women voice preferences for white men. It's a really interesting phenomenon, can't quite decide if it's amusing or a bit sad.

posted 1 month ago

You know what, I have actually heard of this. Japan supposedly has a thing for "fair skin" so it would make sense that white men are able to date Japanese girls without a problem. Naturally, I would then expect the opposite of white to be less accepted.

posted 1 month ago

Is he streaming too? Link please if so.

posted 1 month ago

Funnily enough, I have a good friend whose planning to move there. I suppose the weight of a history of a country depends on how recent that history is.

posted 1 month ago

I'm not here to have a political debate...I just listed a couple of recent topics and added "etc" for everything else. My opinion on anything is not the point of this post, nor does my opinion matter.

posted 1 month ago

Not sure what you're asking. I have known people who moved away from the west (but for different reasons from mine) and have been happier elsewhere even if it is true that they weren't opressed or struggling in the west. These aren't the only standards for a good quality of life.

posted 1 month ago

This is part of what I am talking about...You don't know my stance on anything but like the average westener, you assume I am offending you and address me with insulting language. Deal with this day-to-day from an entire country and, yes, you might just think of moving somewhere more pleasant.

posted 1 month ago

Well said, added that to my comment above. People forget that Japan's culture has two sides, the side that they show tourists and the side that they live day-to-day. The family thnig is a big one for me, too. I completley understand why a Japanese woman would rather date a Japanese man, but so then why would I go to Japan to try and start a family, right?

Last time I heard about Sweden there was increase in crime unless that's been addressed?

posted 1 month ago

I actually do avoid the news to get some peace but when I go to work the news is all I hear about from co-workers. It also doesn't help that a lot of people around me seem to hold strong views and look at you as an enemy when you don't agree. You are right that it is a political thing so it probably isn't just a western problem but surely some places are still less inflammatory than others.

posted 1 month ago

Thanks for the thorough comment, I will look a bit more into Denmark. A few people have recommended Japan but as highly regarded as a place like Japan is, their immigration standards (and opinions of foreigners) make it almost impossible to migrate into their culture.

posted 1 month ago

I don't know man, you might be right and I could just be feeling recency bias, but I only see a decline in the future of my home country.

posted 1 month ago

Currently living in the west and I am becoming very tired of all that goes on here. Despite being raised here, I have no desire to live here any longer. I want to move somewhere simple, where all that is required is that you love your neighbour, pay your bills, and raise your family. Any good countries that are just simple and without drama?

edit - Decided to remove the specific things that I am tired of since a couple of people are assuming my positions.

posted 1 month ago

Don't remember the exact matches, but I started watching pro Val during LOCK//IN.

posted 1 month ago
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