idk if it was intention but THAT was a sick wall
Flag: | International |
Registered: | May 24, 2021 |
Last post: | June 9, 2024 at 6:01 AM |
Posts: | 3113 |
idk if it was intention but THAT was a sick wall
T1 have looked like by far the best APAC team this tournament but PRX have only had to play 1 match.
T1 2-1
why are they only showing replays of Tex lmao
Guy would whiff on a parked car. Partner with oxygen and get Skuba, that is C9's path to being good.
This is just what valorant rewards. Boaster is dumb as bricks but Leo and Alfa kill everybody anyways so Fnatic won 2 majors. NRG will be great on the international stage.
idk im more of a mouse nerd than mousepad. I just wanted something easy to wash and good for every FPS game (Skypad undeniably goated for Apex and Quake.) I dont think my aim is any worse its just different.
I dont have to pay2win my way into good mouse control I'm just goated
yall thought optic marved was making a comeback 🤣🤣
Same as he was on SEN. Not bad, not good, just aggressively mid. Marved is the average.
It is statistically less likely for New Yorkers to be cousin kissers compared to like, idk, people from oklahoma. Don't shoot the messenger.
Oh, well I hope he is not dating any relatives! New Yorkers are pretty normal from my experience.
anyone else notice tarik talking to someone off camera recently? It's been happening very often. Do you think he's dating an asian woman like every other valorant player? Maybe dating an oldschool cs player? Maybe its a guy and tarik is gay? Let me know your thoughts!
Lock in was single elim and proven half the teams weren't taking it seriously. I am counting Master Tokyo, its the most dominant win since SEN in Iceland. Masters Tokyo is one of the most impressive wins in valorant history, but the facts are Derke and Boaster didn't accomplish anything prior.
Pretty much. Lock in was a mickey mouse tournament. He should be more proud of getting 5th at champs.
if getting 5th at an international is considered and "accomplishment" that just strengthens the argument for NA being the best region lol. Not even counting all of Americas btw, with Latam and Brazil we're easily the best.
benjyfishy was deadass my favorite fortnite player when I played that game. I hope they make it to madrid.
lol? b0aster accomplishments before winning tokyo:
Mickey mouse single elim tournament
Getting 5th at every masters
EG and Fnatic are the same bud.
stopped reading at "sinatraa is funny"
Derke could get replaced by an NA plat and Fnatic would still go undefeated in the EMEA league. He does his job well at internationals though.
google what? I can't find the CS2 tournament on vlr.
I don't know what you're talking about.
This explains so much. EMEA fans have napoleon complex.
Just face it: China is a stronger region than EMEA
Weird. I watched champs last year and didn't see EMEA anywhere in the top 3?
Exactly why I think we should move fnatic to americas. Keznit at his worst is better than most of these EMEA players. Fnatic wouldn't be able to win rounds off nobody being able to kill chronicle, they would be challenged.
they had NA player rhyme so makes sense.
unfortunately for Fnatic Kru players can actually shoot unlike emea bots. Keznit diffs entire team 🥲🥲🥲
does anybody actually want to watch them stomp tier 3 teams all year? Move them to Americas and let EMEA solidify as the worst region.
Sinatraa will cry on stage after going winless and -20 in every series. Then all his fans will see through the dont care persona and he will lose all his viewers. bye bye sib0traa
literal 0 aura name. Melty Blood, Tekken, Guilty Gear all have aura. 2XKO sucks.
"2XKO" is such a bad name. Lethal Tempo was right there man.
Anyways who tryna get they bussy fucked by my Yassuo and Illaoi when this game drops
Invy and Jremy lead me to believe there are at least 3 other good, young promising Filipino players out there so I have no idea why the rest of the roster remembers the Vietnam War.
that is a massive buff lmao. Break + anyone with a bad performance can spend like 2 hours dming.
imagine gooning with ur scrim partners. 2 circlejerks across the nation, united via one valorant lobby. Could've been beautiful.
sen would replace him with Zombs to make everyone mad
please kick this team out of the league. Nobody wants to watch another year of them just being boring and bad. Watching koi is painful.
wow this is exactly my ranking except I had T1 1st and GE > DFM > Bleed.
Bleed being 9th is such insane NA bias they're awful rn.
gen g player card looks ai generated its kinda bad