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Registered: September 23, 2022
Last post: June 3, 2024 at 7:25 AM
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Nah...i'd like to said that two games need different skill set. Being good or won anything in cs go does not mean you can be good or win anything in valorant...

posted about a year ago

Bad or no. They won major in cs go. While in valo, they were not even close to qualify to the international event.

posted about a year ago

Thats actually the point. Event ex-major winner in cs go like autimatic, skadoodle, happy cant doing shit when they played pros in valorant...

posted about a year ago

Nah...that's not true...autimatic, skadoodle, and happy won CS GO major. Where were they in Valorant? Cant even qualify to the international event no? Getting clapped on their own region...

posted about a year ago

Poor guy...+62 and still lost the game...

posted about a year ago

Peoples may hype the games for some of month and then comeback to normal...just like OW2...

posted about a year ago

How was the crowd on the last Valorant India Invitational by Galaxy Racer? I knew there was a terrible delay on the event, but not sure about crowd. I watched some matches but not seems a lot of crowd...

posted about a year ago

There is no problem supporting/biased the home team, its even good for the certain level.
However, when the crowd only cares about the home team/their idols, but not the game/tournament, its become problem. Imagine, if you held a major event, the winner team must lifted a trophy in an empty stadium just because no home team played or they lost in final...

posted about a year ago

Any S-tier team like Loud, NRG, DRX, Navi can defeat them in the future...some good team like Furia or TL (if they can fix their problem) could also defeat them.

posted about a year ago

ofc, we talk about valorant. unfortunately, this is the first time I have seen that kind of behavior of crowd if we compare to Copenhagen and Istanbul. Not to mentioned with Japan, since I also follow some of their event. They really respect the opponent team although their favorite/home team lose.

posted about a year ago

Nah, they just don't care to other team.

posted about a year ago

You keep trying to justify the L behavior of the crowd by comparing the bad ones, while in reality, this behavior occurs only a few if we compare it to the number of events that have been done. Surely all of the L behavior you mentioned should not exist in any Sport/Esport.
Also, if we specifically talk about valorant, the crowd in Brazil is the worst thing that I have ever seen so far.

posted about a year ago

LMAO...bad takes...you should know, comparing two bad things doesn't make either one right...
I dont follow NHL, but I knew in other sport like football, badminton, most of fans still give a respect even though their team/player lost whether in the final/no at their home. So dont said like it happen every time in every sport, because surely you dont watch sport a lot.
ofc every sport/esport has a L crowd. But never in my life seeing the disrespect esport crowd like in this event.

posted about a year ago

Lmao...that's exactly the different between respect and disrespectful behavior of crowd in esport...
Also if you want to see exactly how to home crowd behave when their team lost. See the event in Japan. They still clapping/cheer even though Japan team lost to other countries. Your argument is just a justification for bad things that should NEVER exist in any esport event.

posted about a year ago

That's called sportsmanship bro...its never happen in any other country...See how Istanbul show respect to LOUD when they lifted the trophy?

posted about a year ago

Im not sure about this...but this never happen in any of Valorant event before no?

posted about a year ago

Yeah...I think they deserved the trophy. They played really well, and they denied a team to win a tournament twice in a row...

posted about a year ago

Just tried it...the games really need different skill set. we already see that former major CS GO winner like skadoodle, happy, and autimatic cant even qualify to the main VCT internationally...

posted about a year ago

We knew that Buzz had bad map on Pearl and Ascent....but saying Deryeon would be a massive improvement is delusional. Dude cant even top 10 in any stats (except K/D) in Split 1 Malaysia/Singapore rn.

posted about a year ago

Maybe SEN did not register him...
We knew that Detonation sub seoldam with takej, and RRQ sub Ejay with 2ge. means 6th man is very possible in the venue...

posted about a year ago

KOI played better. just unlucky they get LOUD....

posted about a year ago

based on the performance in the Lock In, I agree with the 1st and 2nd place. But I'll put Furia instead of Levi/C9, EMEA 3rd place is kinda difficult to determine since other team played bad. And for APAC i prefer GenG for the 3rd place.

posted about a year ago

He did play raze on split and still got bot frag...but maybe he just got bad series...

posted about a year ago

Maybe because Bazzi is the 6th man. If Wronski available, I believe he will play instead of Bazzi...

posted about a year ago

Dude is getting mad because his team got rolled by a mid team from "Zero trophy region" in day 1 of Omega bracket.

posted about a year ago

Exactly....I believe Riot did not warn them because they represent Indonesia and only picked 1 Indonesian player. But because they had already become a public enemy in the Indonesian valorant community, which is certainly contrary to Riot's desire for the organization and the community to go hand in hand.
And as far as I remember, their problem at that time was that their CEO already promised the Indonesian community that they will pick at least 3 Indonesian rosters. But instead, they kept the main roster, which the Indonesian community thinks they were not even a tier 1 roster in PH, and only added Tehbotol.

posted about a year ago

Nah i don't need it to compare...like I said, I'm just guessing from the match. How he looks on the cams every time they lost round easily to DRX. again, I can be wrong...

posted about a year ago

I don't think that is the issue. The problem is that they are getting hate from their own community, which may not be good from Riot perspective.
GE has only 1 India player on their main roster, and it's still good.

posted about a year ago

Emman is okay...but Ejay played really bad at the 1st map...

posted about a year ago

Maybe bleed can win...not sure with the other 2 tho....

posted about a year ago

Yay looks unhappy on the match against DRX, especially seeing his teammates even laugh when they lose. Probably he just wanna leave. But it just my guess..

posted about a year ago

A lot of people put them in 30th place (10th in APAC). Why so surprise?

posted about a year ago

everybody in that team except Ayrin were Duelist. But they can catch up, especially Monyet even though his util was still need to work.

posted about a year ago

just dont make him OP....his sova and sage with OP just did not work...

posted about a year ago

Maybe they cheers for Liquid, the get silenced for now by TS....

posted about a year ago

Lmao why did you give a ranked stats, where nobody can also get a good stats (also the link that you give did not even valid anymore. LOL)...
to judge a pro, you have to look his pro careers...where is aspas? and where is mwzera?

Since they both compete in the same league, its easy to compare both of them which one is better...


posted about a year ago
  1. Aspas is proven, while mwzera is not proven yet at the highest level
  2. By stats, in their own league (VCT Brazil), Aspas is still better individually than mwzera

So from the perspective of a neutral viewer, surely Aspas is better than him. At least until he prove himself in bigger event.

posted about a year ago

Best pick:

worse pick:
speed run babyj

posted about a year ago

Those duelist are not stupid. They still can call a strat..so surely they won with aim diff...

posted about a year ago

Nah only DRX and PRX that were proven internationally...until they can prove it, DRX and PRX are still the better team...

posted about a year ago

Feels bad for him. But I think the fans are also responsible for some of the hate he's received. I remember at the beginning of Valorant, many Tenz fans were toxic, spam live chat with his name. since then he got a lot of hatred for no reason. I believe its also happen for SkRossi.

posted about a year ago

Its predictable actually that they will lose to coordinate team. They did not scrims, did not practice, play with no strat. I dont even remember when was last time i see dizzy play valorant. They just want to make content.

posted about a year ago

They were proven, while C9 is not yet proven. Even T2 EMEA team like FOKUS can defeat them....

posted about a year ago

The players of UB may streamed it....

posted about a year ago

I predicted DSG would qualified, but not with Break thru. I though the Nation would qualified first...

posted about a year ago

Nah...you just caught you dont follow the scene eh? SEN literally win everything in NA in 2021, best team in NA at that time. They went to champions as one of the favorite of the tournament. yet they get grouped.

Paper rex never good enough to participate in any CS GO major. If we talk about Asian team (not OCEANIA) in CS GO, we only knew Tyloo and maybe IHC esports.

we talk about expected and unexpected result. story from Zeta and Optic were unexpected results...majority predict the opposite results at that time...

Thats why CS GO is boring for me because it was dominated by one regions.

posted about a year ago

Nah...with only 2 years, Valorant has already many unexpected result in their major event
Nuturn Gaming can be in 3rd place in their first LAN event
X10 eliminated ENVY/OPTIC in the group stages
KRU eliminated SEN also in the group stage
Zeta DIvision and Paper Rex story
LOUD getting grouped after being finalist from the previous event

Also CS GO is an esport that dominated by one region (EU). Maybe just because you came from that region so you said it aint boring.

posted about a year ago

Its not assuming. its based on the match and some Tweet.

  1. They did it in group vs Bleed since round 4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4az8ABUDFmc&t=8175s). Like I said, Bleed should complaint since this match if they really care about bug abusing.
  2. In Scrims (https://twitter.com/natshuba/status/1606718364004798465?cxt=HHwWgsDSydv1mswsAAAA).

Agree with your 2nd comment. it was still wrong. However, my point is, knowing it was not allowed but still used it and used it without knowing that it was not allowed are different thing. Thats why since the beginning I said it was not a known bug since most us did not realize if it was a bug.

posted about a year ago

ofc if they knew it was a bug not allowed its their fault. But neither of us knew what was the exact situation. even, I saw in one tweet that not only boom, but drx also did not knew that was an exploit.

Also Bleed knew Boom does this over and over (not only in the group stage and in the final but also in their scrims). They should at least complaints it since long time if they do care about abusing bug. not using this when only they are in a lost position.

posted about a year ago
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