Flag: Italy
Registered: August 1, 2023
Last post: June 11, 2024 at 3:16 PM
Posts: 3803
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Honestly, I'd probably accept my fate and die if I don't find my way out.

posted 5 months ago

Hmmmmm... good question! I usually just buy it from the store and simply boil it but I guess I could share my spaghetti recipe.

  1. Mix some flour and salt together in a bowl (preferrably a big one)
  2. Create a volcano shape with the flour-salt mix, and crack some eggs into the dent/depression you made in the center of the volcano.
  3. You have to do this strange motion where you take the flour-salt mix on the sides and bottom and try to combine it in the middle with the eggs.
  4. Knead everything until it makes a ball shape
  5. Let it rest for like... 30 mins to an hour I'm not exactly sure how long tbh.
  6. Cut the big ball into several pieces.
  7. Flatten a piece, and put some flour on it. Gently fold it until it is at a length you find easy to cut.
  8. Cut the flattened, gently folded piece with a knife or sharp blade. If successful, it should create a thin strip of dough.
  9. Repeat step 7 and 8 several times until the dough is used up.
  10. Cook or freeze, your choice. I'd cook.
    This should help you make some nice tagliatelle, which is the closest I've gotten to actually making spaghetti. (I think you need a special spaghetti mold to get the circular cylindrical ones you see in restaurants and places)

Hope this helps!

posted 5 months ago

I'd start by going on a diet as well as finding a form of exercise you can perform on a regular basis.

posted 5 months ago

Zerphyr1, one of the vlr users I've known for the longest...

  • My valorant rank is D2.
  • My IP address and home address are not available.
  • I do not lie often, but if I think hard, the biggest lie I've probably told is that I always tell my parents I do a lot of homework but I don't.
  • My favorite country is probably a three-way-tie between Germany (I like its food), Italy (it's my home), and China (the best Asian country I've visited). I've yet to visit several countries I think I'd really enjoy, such as Japan, Australia, and the UK among other nice countries.
  • My top three favorite online communities is a difficult one, because due to time limits, I can only choose to spend it interacting with so many different communities, which happens to not be a lot.
    1. There's this discord server I share with a bunch of online friends, so that counts ig.
    2. There's this other discord server I share with a few online friends, so that counts ig.
    3. (I've only been on this platform for... a bit more than 4 months).

I know I didn't answer some of the questions very well, but I did to the best of my ability right now. Cheers Zerphyr1!

posted 5 months ago

Kai__ this is an excellent question. My favorite movie is Treasure Planet, the Disney one, and my favorite series (if you're talking movie series) is the Lord of the Rings franchise. However, if by series you mean like the ones that have episodes that are usually less than an hour long, then I'd say my favorite series is one called The Legend of the Blue Sea (it's a K drama but I don't watch a lot of shows). Hope this answer is of your liking, please don't be afraid to tell me your favorite movie and series :)

posted 5 months ago

Thank you for the question, underdog_Supporter.
Am I happy? It's not an easy question to answer but I think what I should be saying here is: yes. I think I'm happy for the most part.
Am I okay? Once again, life is full of so many things that it's hard to truly determine whether or not I am "okay". However, if I consider all the factors like school, social life, family life, mental health, and all that; I think I can say that yes, I am okay.

posted 5 months ago

Dear Sanax, I'm sorry if this is how it is, but I did not have any significant dreams last night.

posted 5 months ago

You know what? I've been thinking of getting into baking pizzas. How about I make you a nice mushroom and cheese pizza if our paths ever cross?

posted 5 months ago

6'4 is a bit hard to reach, but I'm still growing. Bulging muscles? I'll think about it but I don't want to be someone based off of others' standards.

posted 5 months ago

I like to roll myself up like a burrito so it's impossible 😤

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

Hmmmmm. You should be able to visit the shoreline, I hear the beaches up northeast are pretty nice and chill. I'm sorry I can't give too much advice on this particular topic, because I've never been to Monfalcone. But the Friuli Venezia Giulia is one of the more interesting regions imo, so you should be able to have some fun no matter what you do. You could probably also take a walk and see some historic places. Most Italian towns are rich in history and I'm sure Monfalcone is the same in that regard.

posted 5 months ago

Dear people of this vlr thread,
I hope I've been entertaining for the time being, I had lots of fun listening and answering your questions. However, it is time for me to retreat to my bed in desire of sleep. If any further questions are asked, do not fear, because I shall continue to answer any question asked of me in approximately 8 hours. I am a student, so obviously, I have times where I am not available. Here is my schedule and my times of availability, so do not worry if I'm not replying to a question, I am either sleeping or at school. Of course, I'll be glad to answer questions at school if possible.

Schedule: (CET)
22:30-6:15 (sleep)
6:20-8:30 (available)
8:35-15:55 (school)
15:55-22:25 (likely available)

Best wishes to my favorite online community,

posted 5 months ago

Interesting! I find usernames so fascinating... you never know what the original inspiration/s were/are. For example, I thought your name was related to the fruit "coconut", but it seems I was wrong lol.

posted 5 months ago

Absolutely not!!!!!1!!

Don't tell any Italians but I've got no issues with it...

posted 5 months ago

Haha you jest. As long as the Earth spins I will never forget you my friend.

posted 5 months ago

I'll accept your best regards, and I'll continue to strive for the best future for all the people I've come to know. That includes you, anyth1ng, and all the people who've ever supported me.

posted 5 months ago

I'm afraid not.

posted 5 months ago

I can't determine, but I'm sure it's different for everyone. As of the moment, it runs on infinite for me, because the people around me have given me so much I can only run on infinite. However, I have experienced slower times, times when it runs like a film from the 1900s.

posted 5 months ago

Unfortunately, I do not. Although I do hope I can get into it in the future.

posted 5 months ago

I have met three amazing people irl from Sao Paulo, and I really like the Amazon rainforest and its biodiversity. I do certainly hope it can increase the potency of its initiatives to protect the rainforest, but I know that's a tall task. I can only wish Brazil the best and it is indeed somewhere I hope to visit in the future.

posted 5 months ago

When the accumulation of your experiences finally bloom into a masterpiece
While waiting, look to the simple things to keep you happy
While fighting, sometimes saving some energy will prove fruitful in the long run
When the day is bright and cheerful, and when you have people you can rely on
When you can find love not just for others but for yourself
When you have patience and determination and pure perseverance will you truly find salvation at the end of the long, dark tunnel.
If you need to, feel free to reach out and I'll be willing to hold your hand all the way until the end if I must. Good luck, CoCloudy.

posted 5 months ago

Thank you. May I inquire into the origins of conutV2?

posted 5 months ago

NebulaCarina you've just made my day. I can't believe I've never talked to you on this platform before this you seem like a genuinely decent person. Many tierlists I've seen only have the name without an explaination, and I think your way of doing this is just so fair and I really appreciate it. I'm sure many do.

posted 5 months ago

Thank you for the interesting question, I've never thought I'd see the day where I'd have to answer that. lol.

posted 5 months ago

I do not think I am, but different people see things differently, so if you do, please advice me on how I can seem less of a femboi. Being feminine is basically illegal in my family, and it's a crime with disownment as a punishment. I don't dare overstep my boundaries.

posted 5 months ago

It's really nothing Zastio, I'm going to try my best to give back to everyone who bothers to take time to interact with me in any way I can. 😊Especially if they seem like good-hearted, down-to-earth people like you.

posted 5 months ago

You flatter me! 😊 You've literally never seen my face before haha. But using your logic, I can also ask, yaiima0, how are you such a hottie?

posted 5 months ago

I wish you fortune in the future benmaimoon :)

posted 5 months ago

I love you too NebularCarina, no matter what you say lol.

posted 5 months ago

I guess I'd say that I like how prestigious of a country it is historically. It's got culture, cuisine, and craftsmanship like no other. However, the unfortunate thing is that if anyone follows European news, one would see that Italy's not got a bright future, which is why I'm looking to get out of this aging country as soon as I graduate. Which is why I must work hard! Lots of kids in Milan live off of old money, which lets them get away with basically anything. I know kids my age who own four apartment complexes in the same building, goes to luxurious resorts in the Maldives during the summer, and spends all their weekends drinking and engaging in uncivilized activities. I actually have to work hard to get somewhere, and I hate how society allows some of these spoiled brats to get away without doing much work at all. Anyways, I'm rambling, I'm sorry, it's a sensitive topic for me :(

posted 5 months ago

hi my friend anyth1ng. I don't think I'm adorable, but I will most certainly accept that compliment.😊I'm just good-ol' geospliced trying to be as happy as I possibly can. Interacting with the vlr community makes me happy, and you're one of the users who helps vlr make me happy, so may the winds always blow in your favor.

posted 5 months ago

Remember to not rush it! And look to set yourself apart from other guys. What makes you special? Find it, and amplify it and show it to the best of your ability to truly captivate others.

posted 5 months ago

I love playing Valorant in the weekends, I like writing stories during breaks at school, and I also enjoy cooking for my friends when they come over. During holiday breaks, I like to visit zoos/aquariums of different cities, and I like to take walks downtown and go out for some boba or delicious treats. When summer holiday arrives, I enjoy traveling to distant countries, and spending time with family and friends mainly through karaoke and stuff. I really like singing and meeting/interacting with new people too! Hope that answers your question but I could most certainly find other things I like to do.

posted 5 months ago

I had two subjects I loved when I was young, and I still do to some degree: geography and geology. To splice means to bring them together. So, geospliced basically means me, because I am a product of the things I'm curious about and love. Hope that helps!

posted 5 months ago

Never tried, but I've heard great things about it.

posted 5 months ago

Yes I am, I am maidenless and in my opinion that sets me apart from all the irresponsible mentally damaged nobodies trying to gain clout by copulating with the popular girls in the restrooms. Of course, call me a loser or something but I think it's best that I get to those activites when I'm older.

posted 5 months ago

Dear Zastio,
I understand how you feel, and although I haven't made any progress in the romance sector of my life, I'll give you some tips to get started on what I believe should be the right path.

  1. Take it easy/slow. Nobody likes some random person who approaches them out of the blue. Start by saying hello, good morning, or any such greeting that is appropriate when passing by each other (I'm assuming you don't know her well).
  2. If you get replies, that'd be a good sign. That means that she acknowledges your existance and that she's willing to put effort into interacting with you, although a simple greeting might not seem like much.
  3. What I do to get friendly with a girl (but this applies to anyone really), is that I offer help. Offer some help on subjects you're strong in, and if she's doing fine academically, maybe offer to study together (this I've tested and the results are pretty good).
  4. Have meaningful conversations. Once you warm up to her/she gets warmed up to you, have some meaningful conversations! Being sincere will really distinguish and set you apart from any other guy who's just trying to get into a relationship (I trust you have good eye). A nice convo starter I utilize often is "What are your plans for the future?" This topic could start a long, meaningful conversation that will not just help you get to know the girl better, but will improve your relationship as a whole. If she doesn't know, then ask her what she likes to do or smth, and offer some career paths that she may like. (This only works if you're a student).

That's about all I've accomplished. I'm sorry I can't help that much, but I hope it was of some use to read all that.
Good luck and best wishes,

posted 5 months ago

First of all wait 3-6 years for geospliced himself to establish some form of a life for himself, and you can choose to either approach him during Uni, or after that.
Second, you must establish a positive relationship with him, and treat him with respect and whatnot. You must be genuine and sincere in your interactions, and if he reciprocates your goodwill with his own, then that could only mean advancement in your relationship.
Third, have him ask you out or ask him out yourself. Marriage should be the final product of dating. You should spend a decent amount of time with geospliced. He is not very needed, but when he does he expects you to be there to listen to him vent about life or something like that.
Fourth, get engaged. After spending a large amount of quality time together, geospliced might propose to you or something. If marriage is your ultimate goal then saying "yes" should be the answer you're looking to give.
Fifth, get married.

What the heck did I just write...?

posted 5 months ago

What I usually do is I approach someone and ask how their day is going. Then, I follow up by asking about their future plans (since most of the people I meet are students). After that, if I need to end the convo, then I'll say something among the lines of "pleasure to be acquainted", and I'll have officially established a positive relationship with that person. Now, depending on how the person reacted throughout the conversation, I have the choice to either further expand the relationship into a friend-relationship by talking to them more, or if I deem them uninterested/ing, I'll just stop talking to them. If after getting acquainted, the person initiates small talk and greetings, then I see it as an absolute win. Well, that's how I do it, but everyone has different ways of making friends. Good luck making irl friends!

posted 5 months ago

I've most certainly met some strange characters in my city, but people's attitudes towards life and perspectives usually differ heavily in Italy due to wealth gaps and whatever. I don't think there are that many strange people around here, but perhaps I've not been looking in the right places.

posted 5 months ago

I've never had one before, but I'm assuming you have to start by being nice to them or something generic among those lines.

posted 5 months ago

I live in Milan, Italy. It's a large city in the Northern province of Lombardy and it also boasts the highest GDP among all the other cities in Italy. :D

posted 5 months ago

Yeah, I'm sure you could visit a factory or smth and buy the raw graphite. Pretty sure it's a byproduct of doing something to coal so it should be relatively easy to buy.

posted 5 months ago

Brilliant question. I believe graphite is sold commerically? I'm not exactly sure, I'll have to look into it. However, U-238 on the other hand is a different beast in and of itself. I'd probably have to embark on the long, torturous journey of becoming a scientist/chemist and finding work in a nuclear reactor involving the usage of U-238 to even get a chance of stealing some (I don't think they'd let me just take some for free). Of course, I might die if I do but that's irrelevant to the question.

posted 5 months ago

Yeah I have no clue either karaokes in my city suck ass.

posted 5 months ago

Dear ilovefrozencranberries,
Why, I personally do not enjoy donning such long socks of the pattern you mentioned. However, if I imagine it on a person of my liking, I could certainly see it as a clothing item I'd prefer to see regularly.

Hope that helps,

posted 5 months ago

I photoshopped my ID so I could enter an 18+ karaoke. Good question.

posted 5 months ago

But of course my dear geospliced! It's got to be a tie between a creamy potato puree and fries.

posted 5 months ago

I want to be first! What is your favorite food involving potatoes in the cooking process?

posted 5 months ago
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