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Registered: August 31, 2022
Last post: May 30, 2024 at 11:39 PM
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LMAO they called me a madman

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

EDG clears Lemon1 NT

posted 9 months ago

damn bro and he said swallowing as a joke too both of y’all gotta calm down and learn to take one

posted 9 months ago

don’t ever compare my goat cadian to this egghead

posted 9 months ago

lowkey, if zander is willing to haul his ass to EU, he could work really well on KC with -xms

top tier controller, consistent fragging output (which KC desperately need) who can take the IGL duties off Scream

posted 9 months ago

ok bro ok

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

might wanna check no.5 there buddy

posted 10 months ago

Demon1 and ardiis hard clear the fraud choker leaf

posted 10 months ago

yeah I agree, 6 rounds is that gap where it’s not close enough to be competitive but not far enough to be a team getting clapped

posted 10 months ago

LOUD is more likely to get bounced out in groups than EDG with the way things are going LOL

posted 10 months ago

star talent is crazy though

domination could be fun

posted 10 months ago
  1. EDG - KK my goat idc
  2. EG - Always surpass expectations, you never know what to expect from these guys and they’re mad crispy
  3. PRX - W Gaming + something
  4. fnatic - would be higher, but they always win so it’s less exciting
  5. liquid - WOOF WOOF WOOF
  6. Navi - Probably getting 0-2ed but I wanna see how they choke the tournament this time
  7. Kru - Cinderella run gotta keep going though I hope LCQ keznit keeps his foot on the gas
  8. NRG - love their individual personalities but their style is pretty slow
  9. LOUD - aspas alone is enough of a reason to watch
  10. DRX - probably should be higher but I can’t put them above anyone else
  11. Zeta - Laz <3
  12. T1 - Might make it to playoffs with some luck, still individually talented
  13. BLG - Chinese teams are crazy
  14. FUT - IDK they don’t stand out
  15. Giants - beat Navi but still not great
  16. FPX are getting 0-2ed so not fun

Open to suggestions, again this is not a ranking of the BEST teams just the ones that I find most fun to watch

posted 10 months ago

I swear it happens so much less in man-down retake situations than in CS… anyone got any idea why?

posted 10 months ago

I remember how the whole community was up in arms about them having so many at the start of the year- now it looks pretty fair.

It’s a shame that EMEA has two LCQ slots, other than Navi no other team deserves it atp and now we’re going to miss out on two of SEN/C9/Lev

posted 10 months ago

probably been asked before but I’m genuinely interested in what the gaming ability of 90% of full time VLR frogs actually is

Is it too 1984 to say that anyone below plat is physically not allowed to post on this site?

posted 10 months ago

bro is consistently problematic 💀💀

posted 10 months ago

I feel like there HAS to be a conversation with Ethan for the initiator. I’d pick crashies too, but you can’t discredit the guy who looks like the 2nd best player on the 2nd best team at the last international LAN, who also consistently showed up in the playoffs

Also I feel like zekken as a flex is criminally underrated

posted 10 months ago

why do you reckon that’s the case?

posted 10 months ago

seem so large for Valorant in comparison to basically every other FPS game? I could see why the graphics for stuff like CS or COD could be potentially unappealing, but it just doesn’t make sense to me why Valorant would generate more buzz than a game like Overwatch for example

Is it just a reflection on its times (ie. more interest in girls to play video games due to the changing culture?) or an anomaly?

posted 10 months ago

joining the sweepstakes

posted 11 months ago

I know EDG vs PRX W gaming is scripted and everything but cmon riot you’re making this wayyyy too obvious

posted 11 months ago

jawgemo just had one of the cleanest sheriff clutches in a while ive seen enough

posted 11 months ago

actually a dope idea- I always thought it was an absolutely waste of money to run any more than 6 or 7 on a team but it really could be a reason why their util is so polished

posted 11 months ago

it’s crazy how much better the aim has gotten from a lot of these EG players over the last couple of months

posted 11 months ago

surely not… that would mean every decent team who sorta out roles can be like a top 4 international team

is this the real EG or a hot streak do you reckon?

posted 11 months ago

Please some VLR analyst help me

they were so mid to start the season

posted 11 months ago

Fam he hasn’t played Cypher a single time this whole year 💀💀 and I’m sure he doesn’t want to have to lurk on Viper but he has to because of the double controller meta and NRG has no one else

posted 11 months ago

I’m not telling FNS what to do 💀💀 it’s common knowledge that it’s preferable for IGLs to call with the pack

posted 11 months ago

it’s not great for IGLs to lurk- they can’t make calls on rotations/reacting to enemy util and stuff

uninformed take

posted 11 months ago

it would be great if they had a proper lurker like they did with Marved last year

som doesn’t really play the traditional lurk controllers (Astra/Viper), Victor is an entry who is being put on KJ, FNS and crashies obviously need to play with the pack and you can’t have your duelist just chilling on a late flank

posted 11 months ago

completely agreed, their play style are super different as controllers just how crisp his aim is and his crosshair placement reminded me of Marved a lot

posted 11 months ago

not sure if he’s there yet, we need to have a conversation

he’s probably playing at around the same level as Marved did for Optic last year

posted 11 months ago

#27 repeating myself is a pain

posted 11 months ago

It would be fine if he didn’t have a contract or EG took the time to genuinely scout him from obscurity, but he was SCRIMMING with a squad, about to sign a contract and EG plucked him away and basically was a factor that led to DSG’s collapse at the end of the season.

I love the fact that I get to watch Demon1 play on the big stage too, but the EG org was still fucked to poach up and coming talent like that. The ends don’t always justify the means.

posted 11 months ago

I have to write a potter apology letter

posted 11 months ago

goes to show that SEN would’ve made it to masters with the lineup they have now 💪💪 LCQ loading


posted about a year ago

never before have I seen a group of individuals that have worse mental/performances after a loss.

they destroy soniqs in uppers then lose a series to SS and suddenly they’re all ass individually this is unbelievable

brax and stewie were ridiculously disappointing today, looks they’re not up to the pressure of pro valorant

posted about a year ago

Look, neither you or I can ask tenz right now if he’s genuinely more “comfortable” on the kayo, though I’d argue that he’s not- considering he’s been on duelist since the beta and likely shifted over to make room for zekken’s agent pool. Either way it doesn’t matter, but what DOES matter is the fact that yes, leaf’s impact got hit dramatically on the viper (ie. he can no longer show off his brilliant early round fragging ability cause it’s too risky), and yes tenz’s kayo is NOT as good as his Jett. It’s not bad, but when you have a top 5 raw talent in the world “not bad” is frankly not good enough.

posted about a year ago

kayo assists are stupid: every suppression from knife and ult gives one you can’t use it as an impact metric when the average for kayo users should be around 15 anyways

posted about a year ago

it’s not about whether he’s “good” on that agent, ofc he’s going to frag decently with the skill calibre he’s has, I’m saying the impact he can achieve on kayo (a supportive agent) is fair less than other agents

posted about a year ago

ok yeah don’t make assumptions then about how long he’s played the damn agent for

posted about a year ago

if you have been WATCHING tenz and LISTENING to him talk on-stream you would know that he has been experimenting with using Kay/O for a long time (since mid-November with the team shakeups). And it’s not about mastery of an agent, it’s about roles and in a best case scenario what that particular agent can do for you.

take that SEN flair off if ur not a real fan

posted about a year ago

TenZ on the Kayo is frankly ridiculous. He really excelled on the first rendition of Sentinels as a hard entry/get-first-kill kinda guy (a role that’s now being filled by Zekken so there are issues there). How can you possibly say you’re “building” around a player and then chuck him onto an agent which is frankly a support and not allow him the freedom to play what he’s most comfortable with

posted about a year ago

omg Happy is coaching valorant? he’s such a legend I’m glad he’s doing well

posted about a year ago
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