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Registered: July 22, 2024
Last post: September 17, 2024 at 4:34 PM
Posts: 88
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a single comp change and PRX already looks like themselves again

posted 1 month ago

PRX were undefeated in stage 2 on Sunset, it is by far one of their best maps

posted 1 month ago

the problem is sunset is supposed to be one of PRX's strongest maps, which is why its weird to see them struggle so much on it

posted 1 month ago

i hope so PRX doesn't look the same

posted 1 month ago

honestly they could make it work if they didn't play like a group of headless chickens

posted 1 month ago

us=delusional PRX glazers that can't recognize when PRX have obvious problems?

posted 1 month ago

even if they somehow manage to beat FUT they get dogwalked by EDG gg PRX better luck next year

posted 1 month ago

Geng lost to Heretics 2-1, not a single map went to OT
FPX lost to Heretics 2-1, 2 OT maps
SEN beat FPX -> SEN>FPX>Geng
in conclusion SEN wins (they are gonna lose 2-0)

posted 1 month ago

hes a delusional prx fan who thinks theres nothing wrong with them and calls anyone who criticizes PRX a fake fan

posted 1 month ago

are we watching the same game? even if edg lose they look dominant right now

posted 1 month ago

Again, jinggg isn't the only one at fault, but if he were able to play other agents at a high level then PRX would have already switched over. There is quite literally a video of mindfreak saying he wants something back on reyna for bind the day the match starts and they do it. If he was able to play those agents well he would already be playing those agents. I sincerely hope it's just them saving funky strats/comps for playoffs because I love watching jinggg play, but I do think if he can only play the raze/sage it might be time to let him go, or keep him as a 6th man

posted 1 month ago

those two agents opened up huge opportunities for PRX in terms of comps, and didn't force PRX into uncomfortable roles just because jinggg can't play other agents. The mindfreak viper on sunset got massive value because of the double controller comp, which they can't do with jinggg. they did show some cracks, but also monyet can play more than just omen and raze, he's shown off really good neon and he could have possibly played a viper/clove role as well.

posted 1 month ago

I am serious, monyet's flexibility was a huge addition for PRX, and they were able to experiment a lot more with funky comps, like their no duelist sunset. He looked shaky at first, but I do truly think he could've achieved great things on PRX. They could have even run double duelist comps with him on agents like neon.

posted 1 month ago

As other people have said, this would require them to drop jinggg. Good double duelist comps just aren't achievable with his agent puddle (and that's being generous). I would love a f0rsaken duelist return

posted 1 month ago

I completely agree with your points. It is a teamwide problem, however I think jinggg's agent puddle is the biggest problem right now. If he was able to have more agents, they wouldn't have to overcook comps and could exercise more creativity in their comps. With jinggg only being able to play sage and raze at a high level, and some neon, they have to build a comp around him, rather that supporting something. The third problem would be completely eliminated with that. Also, PRX isn't really known for meta comps, one of their best qualities is coming up with funky comps. It just comes down to PRX out aiming other teams, since their comps can't really go through the workshopping they need.

posted 1 month ago

He only played it on Breeze + he didn't do absolutely horrible on sova the times he played it, all things considered

posted 1 month ago

i would cry tears of joy

posted 1 month ago

If monyet never joined I would probably still criticize jinggg, as I think he is the current weak link on the team. They have a lot of problems overall, but jinggg's inability to play more than 2 agents at a pro level is one of the most glaring ones. Quite frankly, monyet's flexibility is what puts him over jinggg for me, especially after the raze nerfs.

posted 1 month ago

Yeah I definitely saw the problems early on, but it seemed as though monyet got more comfortable, and PRX was able to incorporate his playstyle into their team rather than forcing him to be a jinggg 2.0. I think if they kept him in they could have had a huge chance at winning Shanghai, we'll never know tho.

posted 1 month ago

The roster, in hindsight, looked stronger with monyet, in my opinion. I originally doubted monyet but he started to fit in more with the team and I think if they didn't pick jinggg back up they could have been a Champs contender. Right now though, I don't think PRX can even make playoffs, much less win Champs. Even if they beat Fut, they have to make it through a very strong EDG, and the road only gets tougher from there. I've been trying to believe all season, but honestly I don't see the PRX we saw against G2 winning anything this year.

posted 1 month ago

holy shit you might lack braincells

posted 1 month ago

cherry picking arguments to respond to, what is his fault is doing shit on agents he has prior experience on (neon, who he has played as many times as sage in the last 30 days, not including in scrims). if he doesn't start looking like 2023 jinggg, PRX will probably have to drop him or drop someone else to build a roster specifically around setting up jinggg, which doesn't fit with their playstyle

posted 1 month ago

what? i literally just said i was interested in the jinggg clove, even though paper rex got shit on that map. the problem is jinggg has like 2-3 good agents that he can play, and it appears as if PRX isn't even trying experiments. I also liked the iso on haven, even tho PRX lost that map. The problem arises when hes doing shit on agents that he already played multiple times before. Also, 9/21 on a duelist is genuinely crazy work, no matter what duelist. He literally went 19/22 on an agent he played only 1 time before that (clove on ascent vs RRQ).

posted 1 month ago

??? do you lack the ability to read words? i have been saying that jinggg needs to expand his agent pool, i honestly was interested in the jinggg clove but he never played it again

posted 1 month ago

did you not watch the opening trailer? Jason literally said their goal is to win champs no matter what

posted 1 month ago

i can tell bro this guy has worse reading comprehension than a 3 year old holy

posted 1 month ago

??? i literally said he needs to learn new agent his agent puddle is hurting PRX more than helping, hopefully he already has learned new agents and they've been cooking comps. You being delusional does NOT mean I'm a fake fan for not glazing jinggg when he does bad and when PRX has obvious problems that are holding them back

posted 1 month ago

stage 2 is included in 30 days? and in 60 days? 90 days just isn't accurate information. also i don't have recency bias i've been trying to cut jinggg some slack but honestly he needs to step it up or learn new agents

posted 1 month ago

90 days isn't relevant cuz of the changes, also teams have improved a lot since the 90 days, you gotta be delusional to think the current iteration of PRX is winning anything, especially if they play the way they did today

posted 1 month ago

the only agents he has at least a 1.0 rating with in the past 30 days (after agent changes) are neon and phoenix, so i ask again, what 8 agents

posted 1 month ago

what 8 agents? afaik he only plays sage, neon, raze

posted 1 month ago

do you lack the ability to read? i never talked about bad performances i said he doesn't look the same as last year, and him going absolutely insane was a major part of PRX's success. simply going positive, or even neutral, isn't enough for PRX's current playstyle and comp picks

posted 1 month ago

I've been trying to give him benefit of the doubt for a while now, but honestly jinggg just doesn't look in form all the time, I really do hope either he pulls it back together or they just put f0rsaken on duelist

posted 1 month ago

i think PRX needs to try f0rsaken back on duelist jinggg just can't put up the numbers they need right now

posted 1 month ago

i realize my message is unclear, i meant run double duelist comps w something and f0rsaken on duelist. jinggg is a huge liability cuz he cant play too many agents at a high level and something is forced to go off duelist so jinggg can go 2/15

posted 1 month ago

honestly i think prx needs to get grouped so that they actually make changes instead of believing that jinggg can return to prime form, or just try f0rsaken back on duelist

posted 1 month ago

i was trying to stay positive, but honestly jinggg is a huge liability for them with his limited agent pool and him being kinda inconsistent, idk hopefully he can recover and return to champs 2023 form

posted 1 month ago

real i also just figured out how to add team flairs

posted 1 month ago
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