I was diamond in 2020 so i wouldnt know the difference now
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Registered: | June 12, 2021 |
Last post: | January 28, 2025 at 3:44 PM |
Posts: | 2892 |
I was diamond in 2020 so i wouldnt know the difference now
He can play chamber aggressive if he gets set up good. If you watch fpx vs acend qual for copanhagen you will see my point. The real reason you didnt see him last year was because of in the first masters quals zeek did not play some of the most important match and been playing bad because he had issues and after that bonecold and kiles left. So they got vakk and monster. Which is a downgrade. Dont get me wrong i think they are good but not good to be on top level.
? Only time he got diffed hard was on lotus against fnatic when they lost 13-4 and he played better raze than derke on fracture so stfu.
Yes but you cant just put them to 6 and above sen and 100t. 100t did beat lev too and sentinels played close with loud as well so not a great point when everyone beats each other
Not really different from silver bro, maybe rank up to immortal then we can talk
Why tf am i getting downvoted wtf
No its not. cNed wasnt a bad chamber bro. His team fell apart. And cNed plays good raze and yoru. He also can play sage really good. And you wouldnt also hear aspas if jett got nerfed and got replaced by a broken agent.
You cant replace aspas with "anyone" the one you are getting is just needs to be as good as him. Go and replace aspas with heat and see if they even qual.
Shao is def one of the best but he needs to win something more to be the considered "the best"
No he is not lol chronicle is the best player in history of valorant 2 international lan wins 1 emea championship
wtf are you saying aspas 3 TiMeS bEsT pLaYeR rAnKeD gLoBaL
No way eg is that high just because they beat lev
I cant show you because im not basing this off of anything. Just my personal opinion and their current form
BBL 26-0 CBA
1 loud
2 c9
3 nrg
4 furia
5 sen
6 lev
7 100t
8 eg
9 mibr
10 kru
Loud will never be champions again my guy
If 100t loses to both loud and furia, sen just needs to beat eg and kru
If 100t only loses to loud, sen needs to beat furia too
Get both of them back and get a good managment to the org
Bro snuck in leaf and marved
Soulcas better than both of them
Dont worry they will lose again in tokyo
Bro dont be disrespectful to kru they are playing good and loud def trying their best because they dont want to lose them
He was decent. Sentinels only losses were to 100t and guard which both of them were in grand finals.
Newzera(he is not in the league anymore but he is the worst, leaving his team and fans alone but he made them a favor xD)
They will be the one of the 2 teams that finish 0-9 with dfm
NA: is def nrg, i expected them to go 6-0 or 5-1 but nahh
He is not in form but even in his worst form he should be in a tier
No, they dont have the brain. They can be a tho
I did not say he is not, i just said if you are putting cned zyppan and boaster to a tier what is sayf doing there. Imo sayf is s tier ofc
So what does liquid and navi ban ? TL should ban pearl and navi should ban lotus.
Yes. Instead of mibr they should have been there. Or loud
Top 3 from both pacific and americas quals for both tokyo and champions but in emea it depends on the standings of masters. Its because of 4 teams ?
So how will the groups gonna be like ? 6 teams getting out of it ? How is playoff bracket gonna look like ?
Number 1 seed will go to playoffs directly right ? Like last year.
Drx wins
Putting sayf jamppi and nAts to s but not putting cned zyppan and boaster , ange1 to s tier is a crime but you are a lulquid fan so keep coping
No sen knocks out 100t on h2h because they beat them
If 100t beats only mibr and sen beats eg and kru, sentinels getting ahead of 100t. Which is possible.
No man, this is not latam qualifiers to dominate this is different.
If you have the h2h against bottom 4 yea, just like navi guaranteed playoffs in emea
No they atleast need to beat eg and kru and furia to eliminate 100t on h2h but somehow 100t beats everyone rest of the league they eliminate sentinels no matter what