Flag: Chile
Registered: April 19, 2021
Last post: February 6, 2025 at 10:54 PM
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I thought it was trembolona writing

posted about a year ago

Daily negative thread

posted about a year ago

idk why i remember the iteration where it was Temperature, Aleksandar (which was pretty cracked) and roca.

posted about a year ago

1/8 for the effort

posted about a year ago

took me more than a year, but finally i agree with you in something: discipline.

posted about a year ago

man, expected from vlr.

posted about a year ago

Dodging bullets like a boss

posted about a year ago

I stopped reading at fluke

posted about a year ago

downfall happened months ago, since cringe people just talk shit about players or other teams and call it "banter".

posted about a year ago

Well, it's not that sad

posted about a year ago

unironically, this could be a factor if nitr0 even decides to return playing competitively, considering his familiar state.

But tbh i really don't think he will tho.

posted about a year ago
  • Try changing the battery (sometimes batteries can be damaged even if charged)

  • Try connecting it to the usb receiver it has (shouldn't be required, but we never know)

  • Try other mousepad (or surfaces for testing). I have two G305, one in the office for working and one in house for gaming. For some reason the random mousepad i have in my work sometimes makes the sensor go crazy.

posted about a year ago

i don't see the drama

posted about a year ago

120 USD more or less, sadly 1/3 of it were for battlepass (i'm kind of a completionist)

posted about a year ago

lmao he lurks...
one of us, one of us, one of us

posted about a year ago

And above all, Dosia

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

At this point, people are trying to do the hard mental gymnastic, but at the end they are just mad or hating NRG only because they win games.

posted about a year ago

did you bet on them? sounds like typical idiot bettor

posted about a year ago

retard moment

posted about a year ago

it might not be, we don't know, but it's never the wrong moment to point those things as a learning for everyone.

posted about a year ago

Man, we live in an era where not everyone finds people in person to talk about this things, so communities like this or others in the internet can be a good place for people to share their emotions like you did, and there will always be chances to talk, because people are becoming more aware of these issues.

posted about a year ago

Nice to see that there's this kind of view in a community.
Well said Mr.

posted about a year ago

Yes, please...
It's wrong when people says "it's his/her fault to care about what people say internet".
We all are different, some people has more resilience or tolerance to comments, and others don't.

Just be nice, it isn't hard to take one second before posting or writing something bad about someone.

posted about a year ago

Yeah i'm sure some randoms in a forum knows more than riot workers.

posted about a year ago

At this point, Furia looked good. People can't just blame Leviatan on this one, but yeah there's a lot to adjust yet for them...

posted about a year ago

KRÜ showed very few glimpses of improvement during the split, so yeah they could be top3 easily.

posted about a year ago

Here we go again...

posted about a year ago

Lev lost to 100T, EG, Furia, basically all the teams they were battling for the four remaining spots, their H2H was indeed pretty messed up. Rounds and maps were crucial at the end.

posted about a year ago

i watched lol for two years and been watching cs for like 9 years so far and yeah, it doesn't happen at this degree.

And don't get me wrong, not hating on the game, but it's hard to not address it.

posted about a year ago

I was thinking the same yesterday, but the amount of tiebreakers that matter most than the H2H it's kinda weird indeed. Rounds diff, maps diff shouldn't matter more than the H2H, idk why they do this.

posted about a year ago

Is there a more problematic game in esports than Valorant? what's with this tech pauses that are -for me, for the amount of matches i watch- like 70% of the time...

Valorant is really an unwatchable game

posted about a year ago

then why you care so much about it, just don't let that occupies space in your head

posted about a year ago

Implies two 2-0 matches and both 13-0, but there is. Unless there's another tiebreak i'm not considering.

100T - mibr 2-0 26-0 puts 100T on 11-11 maps, +10 diff and 1-0 H2H vs Lev
Loud - LEV 2-0 26-0 puts LEV on 11-11 maps, +2 diff and down on the H2H against every other playoff contender team (they lost to Furia, EG, 100T

I know, it's almost impossible but in other sports or esports it's never assumed.

edit: i'm an idiot, i missed the amount of teams can qualify lol, now i know why they're in

posted about a year ago

Mathematically there is an scenario where Lev could be out. I know it's almost impossible but it exist (unless i'm missing another tiebreak criteria outside H2H, map diff and round diff).

That's why i was kinda surprised when they announced they qualified.

Anyways, GO LATAM heheheh

posted about a year ago

Es como que hay mas tiebreaks de los que se "ven"... o algo asi

  • H2H
  • Mapas
  • Rondas

Ahi no se cuales serán los otros

posted about a year ago

Matemáticamente hay un escenario en que 100T puede quedar 11-11 en mapas (igual que lev), quedar +20 en rondas y quedar con H2H 1-0 vs Leviatan. Sumado a eso, Leviatan puede quedar 11-11 en mapas y +2 en rondas.

Es MUY poco probable pero existe por eso no se que tan oficial es que digan que clasificaron (lo dijeron en la transmisión gringa igual)

posted about a year ago

Pensé que el primer tiebreaker era el head-to-head entre los equipos. Por eso daba la sensación que Lev estaba hasta la mierda...
Pero bueno, GGEZ jajaja

posted about a year ago

G305 and you can keep the change

posted about a year ago

Which is sad because nowadays people of their age have more information than what we had years ago about the results of being this kind of stupid.

posted about a year ago

Indeed man, the situation is really akward. The people following his tweets, encouraging to keep it doing...

posted about a year ago

Finally someone with brain in this shithole site

posted about a year ago

Tryring to gave KRU a chance to not finish last maybe?
Man, heat is a good player, and considering the LATAM/BR scene, he could still be in franchising...

posted about a year ago

Not looking good for Sentinels. The amount of changes in a few weeks... who knows, maybe Tenz returning to the lineup changes something? He's a really good player, but players alone don't win matches.

posted about a year ago

Tough split, gg go next.
I hope the last matches work for fixing some of the problems.

posted about a year ago

Ahh a three way battle i see

posted about a year ago

i think he means on the impact his figure has, not his skills. For the spaniard and latin valorant community, he was the first big spanish-talking figure that people looked for his insights and videos

posted about a year ago

Thanks for the resume, indeed the guy was a beast

posted about a year ago

No matter the result, this has been really unexpected tbh

posted about a year ago
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