Flag: Europe
Registered: August 22, 2024
Last post: August 23, 2024 at 2:53 PM
Posts: 77
1 2

It's actually such a nasty angle. It's not worth clearing with util but offers so much value.

posted 3 weeks ago

Yeah it's ridiculous and even if you sub they made it possible to get ads unless you buy turbo.

posted 3 weeks ago

Twitch is saved by gimmicks like channel points and emotes otherwise YouTube clears from a functionality standpoint (smoother, less intrusive ads, streams are turned into regular videos after etc.)

posted 3 weeks ago

Nahh that name goes too hard.

posted 3 weeks ago

Twitch interface is so dog bro 😭, my site is so buggy rn. Meanwhile YouTube is flawless as always.

posted 3 weeks ago

This site is unusable for months whenever Americas wins anything 😭

posted 3 weeks ago
  • Get stomped map 1
  • Close map 2
  • Stomp map 3
posted 3 weeks ago

Omen getting a girlfriend and turning away from the darkness will be his biggest nerf. 😭

posted 3 weeks ago

You're right, I was exaggerating with everything being in EU. I guess my point is just that we can't expect big crowds for a 4 year old esport if we take it outside of NA and to a small Asian country who barely watches.

posted 3 weeks ago


This is how free games like this maintain hype, by releasing new maps, agents and skins. Even if this means Val has 100 agents and 20 maps, it will maintain interest.

posted 3 weeks ago

Fair, but then people should stop complaining about crowds when an event in rural Africa has a lower turnout than the middle of NA. Otherwise host everything in NA.

posted 3 weeks ago

Depends on what people mean by that, many people in KR play Valorant, sure, but that doesn't mean the game has a committed audience that will neccessarily take time out of their day to watch pro games. Especially if their home country is out.

Seems like the stadium is filling up though, still many empty sits.

posted 3 weeks ago

This is what Riot gets for picking hosting locations where Val isn't big. Idk why they're obsessed with travelling.

Is anyone surprised the CS crowds diff when they're always set in big EU cities that play nothing but CS.

posted 3 weeks ago

Yoru gets diffed in his own dimension bro. 😭

posted 3 weeks ago

VYSE clears, ngl boys. The viper era is over.

posted 3 weeks ago

Riot's sales department: If we swap out the vowel for a Y it will be so cool and trendy! That's what the kids do right??

posted 3 weeks ago

Americas fans when they find out the the highest income continent also has the most developed players/teams:

posted 3 weeks ago

It's mostly CN who watch CN games, no need for other languages when most other people aren't watching. RyanCentral is basically the unofficial English stream for CN.

posted 3 weeks ago

Shanghai disaster to Champs redemption would go hard. Top 3 is already redemption tbh but the win would be the cherry on top.

posted 3 weeks ago

Fuck the haters, respect our fucking name, we're the best team in this game!

posted 3 weeks ago

Whilst EDG is not W gaming, they've shown quicker maturity than PRX. Both teams always had potential but EDG grew out of relying on KKs OP whilst PRX has stuck to the same routine and have finally gotten punished for it.

I'd like to see PRX finally win something but they're arguably the team with the most thrown rounds and you'll never lift an international trophy when you're giving other good teams free rounds.

posted 3 weeks ago

It depends what you mean tbf, big difference between girls who just dress like guys and girls who actually act/look masculine. If the latter then you're at least bi.

posted 3 weeks ago

Just say you like men bro, it's 2024 we won't judge.

posted 3 weeks ago

Download "Youtube Unhook" browser extension bro, I also use the "Twitch Unhook" extension. It removes all recommendations from your feed so that you can browse only what you want to see or your subscribers.

posted 3 weeks ago

It's warm yet I'm shivering.

posted 3 weeks ago

To be fair, people on this game are very weird about player's heights. Don't think I've ever watched a stream where a player wasn't either being laughed at for being short or glazed for being tall.

This post in particular is different since it's about clothing but he's got a point. Would this community take down a post mocking someone's height? Probably not. Life was a mistake.

posted 3 weeks ago

You know that feeling when you've prepared for a test and have full confidence in your ability to pass but then you get the test in front of you and you are filled with intense doubt?

That's me right now after feeling good about EDG all week.

I'm scared.

posted 3 weeks ago
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