Cs 1.6 or ig it was cs condition zero
Flag: | Belgium |
Registered: | July 24, 2021 |
Last post: | February 24, 2025 at 11:26 AM |
Posts: | 701 |
Cs 1.6 or ig it was cs condition zero
But shao has the name of Mr. Clutch, like it was for Mr. Hiko last year
They will now know how good he is after this tournament, after loud got grouped people also grouped aspas out of their list. But now he is again becoming the part of people's conversation.
Wait for platchats next video n see how they will be mentioning him multiple time, but did not even considered him in after masters iceland
Yess we can put marved up there, but this is just my Opinion, i think these 2 players play smokes much more smartly. Marved is much more default controller and is much more dependent on his aim. Mako n Sugarz3ro are also great aimer but they add that extra bit of crazy controller plays which looks very unique.
That matchup was also one of the best but the engagement these matches got was superior
Yeah this is actually so much better.
Totally forgot about acend, no wonder they are the biggest upset
Ardiis and suygetsu did not had that many clutched as compared to shao through out the whole year
These are the players, picked solely from my own perspective and not from any online voting system. You are free to edit them according to your own liking and knowledge and also add more titles if you think I missed something.
Excuse my bad English.
You are free to put up Yours too and please avoid arguing based on someone else's or my opinion since everyone watches this game with a different mindset. Appreciate that
IMO for the year 2022
You are free to add any other suitable titles. And would really appreciate it if you could bump it.
Thank You!!
Literally everyone Ctr + F > Yay
No doubt he was the best this year
Didnt zellisis went back to v1
they actually got the spot in NA but then riot called an emergency meeting and took back their spot XD
Ngl but nivera chamber was so underrated
Here you can find all the emea teams that have been accepted to Valorant partnership program
yeah he was 4hp so he was 1 shot
he should have ulted after seeing he is using a headhunter, but none the less he was 4 hp. g8 round by the IGL
BRO FCKIN 612 upvotes, this post ss must go on your wall dexter
You cant be mad now brazil
MVP of the tournament
bro his surname is Mehta no way his ancestors are not indian
Valorant reallly has some of the most good-looking pros of all other esports.
No offense to other esports pro, who am i kidding why would they be reading my comment on VLR KEKW.
I still stand correct, OPTC's gonna win it all
Masters 1 when loud and optic met in upper finals, Loud beat optc, optc goes to lower bracket beats Zeta and then beat loud 3-0.
Loud beats optc, optc beats fpx/drx and then beats loud 3-0
Honestly i love laz's chamber he is really good with it and has the ability to solo carry his team. The only issue with him is that he very often forgets that he also have a headhunter which he can use instead of bolting back his OP/ult, n by that time he is already dead, if he could use his headhunter he might have chance to win some more battles. If he could fix this issue of him it will benefit him a lot in some close combat stressful situations
Bruh for me Jamppi is a top 3 chamber player, but i knew people of VLR wont agree to this. U will rarely see jamppi bottom frag when he picks chamber and gets so much info with his agro peeks in defensive rounds.
He is also great at switching to his headhunter when dealing with close combat battle which lacks in players like ardiis n laz. I only see cryo, yay jamppi n derke(sometimes) quick switching to the headhunter while using the ult. If you cannot use ur abilities properly then u aint a complete chamber.
Thats why i put jamppi as top 3 chamber
So you guys have not seen jamppi play chamber it seems
If u think cryo is a better chamber than derke then that just ends this argument
One good game XD, u really dont know who derke is kiddo
Yay=derke > cryo >Jamppi>ardiis> laz > taco
5-6 place curse
I also like this way of saying, you can be best in a particular character and not the whole game
After seeing the way xset are playing it is really very difficult to predict whos gonna win. They both look equally strong
broo dont, u making it more difficult for me XDD
U might wanna think that, but its not. I joined way before him
IDC bruh, i had fun reading it
there is nothing more interesting n funny seeing 2 strangers in a verbal argument on internet
No doubt but ig NA has better chamber players than rest of the region.
I mean just look at yay n cryo they literally have the capability to solo carry the game with that agent. It was just so good to watch these players skills last night.
No offense to other players Jamppi is a great a chamber(probably top 5), so is Taco and Laz, but these guys from NA are just too consistent with it. You can rely on these players to win u the most unwinnable round(e.g. yay on breeze on the last round when TL won, he almost aced that round).
These guys have so much fragging power that there team's IGL can literally sit in spawn n analyze the round n decide what to do next(JK).
Literally cant agree more. Most of his kills are either players not looking at him or moving while spraying and one random hs connects. But his bad aim compensates for his gigahead. MANS actually one of the smartest IGL
Its not about players its about the type of agents they play, chamber n duelist