Flag: Brazil
Registered: December 2, 2021
Last post: April 14, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Posts: 281
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i dont think the coach is the main reason tho, sacy and saadhak gameview is the main reason, they really beat a lot of game knowlegde into the other 3

posted about a year ago

used to be, meta changes made him fall a few placements. not saying loud has the 5 best

posted about a year ago

who underrates him, hes very well spoken every match he plays, problem is kru rarely goes deep enough on the world stage so he gets overshadowed by keznit

posted about a year ago


best IGL, very good fragger, very supportive player, maybe the most flex player at a high level also

posted about a year ago

Duelist- Aspas/Zyppan
Flex/IGL- Saadhak
Smokes- Mako/Pancada
Sentinel/OP- Yay
Iniciator- Sacy/Shao

posted about a year ago

fns????????? hell no, boaster way cuter bruh

posted about a year ago

he just has to put his agressiveness a little in check imo

posted about a year ago

liazzi, xand, konan, matheuzin, heat. makes no sense, u know rolewise
got no smokes, 2 duelists(yeah ik xand flex, but still), konan isnt a iniciator(sova, fade), feels really weird

posted about a year ago

neither should be in TOTY...

posted about a year ago

EMEA is like the big european region with the tourneys that qualify for international events, so its events include the teams from EU,CIS, TR

EU- actual european teams/servers
CIS- (Commonwealth of Independent States) basicly estern europe and part of asia, so russia, armenia, moldova, belarus and all the Stans, in valorant it also includes ukraine
TR- Turkey

posted about a year ago

u divided emea between eu, cis and tr. but didnt put the latam or chn

LAS- kingg
LAN- xander maybe
CHN- zzmjkk09(however thats spelled, lol sry)

posted about a year ago

there were like 15 threads about it big bro

posted about a year ago

but its ok to cope ascents comeback on crashies classic rng?

posted about a year ago

the only Loud comp u got right there was Bind

Ascent- jett(aspas), kayo(saadhak), omen(pancada), killjoy(less), sova(sacy)

Haven- raze(aspas), breach(saadhak), omen(pancada), chamber(less), fade(sacy)

Breeze- jett(aspas), kayo(saadhak), viper(pancada), cypher(less), sova(sacy)

posted about a year ago

if u check his stats on vct-br 22, u should understand. mostly at the second split, after he joined mibr

posted about a year ago

3 game ws

posted about a year ago

its actually just: "lets fucking goo"

posted about a year ago

u know theres a mute player option on the game right...

posted about a year ago

no jynxing m8

posted about a year ago

max respect LEV, dont care what this idiot says

posted about a year ago

Valorantle #44 3/8

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posted about a year ago

include RgL in that statement, mans is a beast

posted about a year ago

RglL tb é melhor nos aspectos q tu citou o pancada como sendo melhor(nao querendo diminiur o quão bom ele é, mas o rgl tem performances extremamentes constantes na sua função ingrata)

posted about a year ago

literally ANY vct br player that plays the same roles as him(whatever flex or iniciator main)

posted about a year ago

problema do time é q falta igl

posted about a year ago

o problema é q a principal classe de suporte do jogo é o iniciador, mas a Vk sofre mt c a falta de um iniciador de oficio de qualidade, pq rhz nao sabe nem bangar uma flash pro cara e murizz faz a função de flex evitando ao maximo jogar c agentes de flash (se esconde smp em agentes como sage e viper, oq seria de boa se o rhz fizesse sua função bem). ele depende mt da propria mira, por n ter esse suporte bem feito

posted about a year ago

true that

posted about a year ago

Valorantle #13 2/8

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posted about a year ago

last year he was a shit jett, but ive actually only seen him be a pretty good chamber so far.

posted about a year ago

wtf are u saying!

posted about a year ago

9z is latam tho, and BR teams never really banned new maps (used to ban Split a lot)

posted about a year ago

dude what u saying, xand is deff the most consistent NIP player. That was prob his worst map the whole year

posted about a year ago

eu falei mais no sentido de poder mecher na nip na real, q já é um time bem forte na minha opinião

posted about a year ago

Pelo que entendi o critério só é não mecher na LOUD né? Mas na NIP tá suave

Duelista- mwzera
Flex- Dgzinn ou Xand
Controlador- RgLMeister ou v1xen
Sentinela- Bezn1
Iniciador/IGL- Nozwer

mw- duelista insano (principalmente c raze claro), além de estar dominando mt os iniciadores tb (sova, skye, kay/o)

Dgzinn- melhor OP do cenário, tinha a pool de agentes bem limitada, mas agr expandiu bastante, além de jett/chamber (dominou Neon e aparentemente o Kay/O, ambos em alto nível)
Xand já mostrou que tem domínio sobre vários agentes diferentes
Heat seria uma possibilidade tb, mas a pool de agentes dele é mt limitada, com só jett e chamber.

RgL- domina todos os controladores, ele tem uma mira a par com a do pancada, e é isso
v1xen- tb domina todos, a mira é boa, mas talvez não é tão forte quanto a do RgL, mas ele é mt bom no lurker ent é uma opção viável

Bezn1- joga c todos sentinelas (-chamber), além de fazer o flex do time qnd o main OP(dg,xand ou heat) jogar de chamber. Inclusive faz o breach q a glr esquece, mas é bem importante em vários mapas(split, haven, e é must have na fracure) e é dificil achar players do tier 1 q façam realmente bem. Além de fazer lurker dependendo do agente q ele joga

Nozwer- um dos melhores Clutchers, um dos melhores sovas/fades do cenário, IGL forte. Joga com todos iniciadores(-breach) e tbm faz Viper(oq é um bonus pq permite composições de duplo controlador, e compensa q o bezn, main sentinela desse time, não joga de viper)

posted about a year ago

dude's focused on his util usage, still one of the best in the world. Gets harder to focus on your aim like that, but its a shame

posted about a year ago

who that?

posted about a year ago


Dude is soooooo damn good

Thnx for the amazing match, hope it'll' happen again on champions so Loud can hopefully tie this

posted about a year ago

his utility usage is on point, but his aim is shit right now

posted about a year ago

pretty much

posted about a year ago

since they banned haven, they were prob expecting OPTC to pick split, maybe theyve done some studying on OPTC's split and not their bind

posted about a year ago

trying to solo carry Slick(BR top5 seed throughout most of 2021)

posted about a year ago

are they going to have their full roster? do we know yet?

posted about a year ago

i dont think there were any major meta changes from last masters tho. anyways sucks one of them will fall so soon, but at least we'll get a banger match tomorrow

posted about a year ago

isnt kast suposed to tell if youre being traded correctly

posted about a year ago

true actually, people sleep on liazzi too much

posted about a year ago

acho q a split, mas se eu fosse a loud eu nem tentaria entender melhor o mapa, já q nao vai ser jogada no champions msm

posted about a year ago

Kon4n is actually really underrated, maybe the best Breach in brazil

posted about a year ago

its not really about the quality of the players tho. both teams NIP and VK(not rhz) have players on the same level as Loud, but mostly they lack the tactical discipline that Loud has, not only that with Sacy and Saadhak's experience on internantional events theyve been able to understand the macro of the game, thats due to practicing against EU teams with better structure and game knowledge(something that lacks in Brazil)

posted about a year ago

continuou sem entender oq ele disse..

posted about a year ago

that true? I didnt even realized it. keznit really destroyed today, also nagz is looking to be in a much better form than i´ve seen him before

posted about a year ago
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