Flag: Canada
Registered: September 17, 2021
Last post: October 30, 2023 at 12:29 AM
Posts: 160
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Bro don't you know if a woman has an OF she's asking for it? Why would she have an OF if she didn't want to sleep with every man she sees bro? /s

posted about 2 years ago

I feel like from a business perspective it's a bad decision, just looking through the comments on this post shows that Sinatra and the allegations are still a controversial topic. But from a pure in-game perspective Sinatra is an obvious upgrade from Zombs, and iirc he was very good in the server before he was benched.

Feels risky, especially when you have other orgs passing over Sinatra over the risk to their reputation

posted about 2 years ago

They downvoted you because you spoke the truth

edit: They upvoted you because you spoke the truth

posted about 2 years ago

Totally agree. I really don't like the current VCT format at all, the regional qualifiers should be on LAN so teams can have some experience before showing up + more than 3 international events a year. We're already seeing "minor" regions proving they are just as good or better than those from EU and NA, Riot should do what they can to ensure all regions get an equal opportunity to be in playoffs and finals.

posted about 2 years ago

Agreed. Never liked the direct playoff spots, give teams that win their regional a higher seed in groups, but make them play through groups

posted about 2 years ago

Being in the same room with the other team shouting and making noise is going to affect your mentality, this is pretty much agreed on in all e-sports. The crowd adds another element, but going from playing games in your bedroom to playing games with the other team 6ft away is going to affect your mental

posted about 2 years ago

PRX are super fun to watch, they've won a place in my heart ❤️

posted about 2 years ago

Young players, most of who have no or very little experience in pro-esports, so it makes sense with more time and experience they should get better

posted about 2 years ago

Regional qualifiers really need to be on LAN, kind of disappointing to see the Guard collapse under the pressure but gg to Paper Rex

posted about 2 years ago

Super young team + No LAN expierence + First International event

Sucks to see them bombing out like this, hopefully they comeback, but honestly it's not super surprising. I personally don't like that the current VCT system puts teams in a position like this, but oh well. I'm sure the Guard will get better and be act the next Masters, they have the potential to be something great

posted about 2 years ago

I heckin love TenZ

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

IIRC Saya is the only member of guard with any LAN experience, so yeah this will probably be a rough match for them

Plus it doesn't help when El Diablo is playing like this

posted about 2 years ago

Sad, but expected. GG to Hiko, what a legendary player

posted about 2 years ago

The last few times I've watched his stream he's seemed pretty unhappy. There's a lot of pressure on him and the community really turned on Sens so I guess it makes sense.

posted about 2 years ago
  1. my ranked teammates
  2. my ranked teammates
  3. my ranked teammates
  4. my ranked teammates
  5. my ranked teammates
posted about 2 years ago

jcstani was playing much better on Pioneers and 100T this year than zombs has been on sens

posted about 2 years ago

If you're trying to sell zombs nation iPhone cases I don't think you're going to put zombs on the bench, but I guess it's possible I'm wrong

posted about 2 years ago

I heckin love TenZ

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly its probably good for his career. He said on stream once his salary was 30k/month, he got an opportunity to play with and learn from Nitro and Hiko (two legendary players in NA), and now is set up to have a roster rebuilt around him. I doubt he signed a contract for more than 3 years, which means he can keep playing with 100T, getting better, and the moment his contract runs out he can sign with a new team if 100T hasn't built a successful, stable roster. He could potentially see a career arc similar to Ropz in CS, put in time carrying a decent time and once you're free get signed by a super team

posted about 2 years ago

Valorant is a new game, the move right now is to scout out rising talent and sign them. But Sens biggest issue is no coach and not enough strats besides hoping TenZ pops off.

But if we had to make a roster change
-zombs +JcStani

posted about 2 years ago

Too be fair to 100T I think loosing Nitro was probably a bigger hit than people realize. His CS teammates always talked about how big of a role he played off the server and he is one of the best IGLs NA esports have ever seen, rebuilding a team around him and Asuna would have looked much different than the current mess we see over at 100T

posted about 2 years ago

I think it's possible with a good coach they maybe could, but its super unlikely. The biggest problems they have right now is a severe lack of actual strats, they rely solely on individual performances and currently no one on the team is nearly consistent enough. I think that a roster change could breathe new live into the team and remind the players that if they can't perform there's no guarantee they have a job. But based on some things they've said on stream it seems like all 5 of them really like playing together, which is also super important to building a good team. So really I'm not sure what the best move for them is in the long run, but priority one right now needs to be getting an experienced coach

posted about 2 years ago

I kind of agree with you. I think part of being a true die hard fan is that you stick with the team through thick and thin, lots of Sens fans jumped off the wagon the moment the team started to slip. There's a lot to love with the Guard, but I feel like a lot of the hate towards Sens is unjustified. I know it's ironic considering I made this post, but I'm kind of happy that Sens are committed their roster in a way that most Valorant Orgs aren't, even if it's holding the team back.

posted about 2 years ago

I would say they're Tier 1 in NA but Tier 2 internationally. Watching Challengers in NA it really felt like teams such as the Guard, C9, Optic, and V1 were all evolving the game while Sens were still playing like it was mid 2021. I didn't catch much of the other regions but I feel like on an international stage Sens would have been devoured. And I say all of this as a fan of the team

posted about 2 years ago

Sentinels released new merch today, but here's the thing, all 5 players have branded merch in the collection which means it's super unlikely that they'll be changing their roster anytime soon. What a world when orgs put merch sales before trophies

posted about 2 years ago

What do you mean? This is the perfect time for them to stream since they don't have to be practicing for Iceland /s

posted about 2 years ago

I love the books, the movies are alright

posted about 2 years ago

You really have to wonder who at 100T failed to make it happen, that would've been such a good line up

posted about 2 years ago

lol nice bait

posted about 2 years ago

hotter take, Hiko isn't the problem. He's an experienced support player who fills his role, everyone who has ever played with him across his long esports career has talked about how much he has supported his teammates behind the scenes which is more important than most people realize. Ethan is good, he just isn't being used properly. Biggest thing holding 100T back is lack of a good igl and firepower. If they pick up a good caller and a good OPer (which would let Asuna focus on rifling) I think they could become a contender for titles

posted about 2 years ago

That sucks, GG to FPX they earned their spot, sad to see it fell apart due to things outside of the server and outside of their control

posted about 2 years ago

I heckin love Sen Tenz

posted about 2 years ago

I don't think sens plan on a roster change until they get a coach, but +jcStani would be a good move for sure

posted about 2 years ago

My guess would be either Ethan or Bang

posted about 2 years ago

Valorant orgs don't care about winning, it's that simple

posted about 2 years ago

If you and some friends want a chill game to play while talking on discord it's good, but single player is boring

posted about 2 years ago

100% agree actually. Phoenix is so irrelevant I literally forget he exists half the time, he was even my favourite duelists back in the day

posted about 2 years ago

Do you guys think Reyna needs to buffed, reworked, or stay the same?

Personally I think she has fine where she's at, she isn't viable in Pro Play but is still a good choice in ranked, especially if you're solo-queuing. I'm not sure how she could be buffed without making her too strong (3 leers would make it way to easy to just walk onto site with 3 guys, more devours and dismisses would make her snowball potential be even more difficult to counter), and I'm not sure how she could be reworked while holding onto her identity.


posted about 2 years ago

Love to see it, hopefully he can keep it up on map two

posted about 2 years ago

cryo good

posted about 2 years ago

Fnatic went through a bit of slump tho, missed out on first Berlin

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly unless they somehow managed to turn things around since yesterdayday (lmao) a roster change is probably due

posted about 2 years ago

Shouldn't be too hard for V1, but if everyone on SENS actually plays well at the same time for once they could take it (but lets be honest, ez for V1)

posted about 2 years ago

they signed contracts before they were winning masters tho, wouldn't be the first time in esports a team is making half of what they're worth. TenZ probably has a different salary then the others since he was originally signed to Cloud9

posted about 2 years ago

not uncommon for OPers to have low HS percent tho? No need to aim for the head when you can just one tap the body

posted about 2 years ago

You need 100s of hours playing together to get the co-ordination needed to stay competitive at the top level. Its way too often Sens just seem to not realize what there teammates are doing in any given round

posted about 2 years ago

Sometimes I wonder if Sens (the org) doesn't pay top level salaries so the players have to stream to supplement their lifestyle. Either way with the amount of hours they stream there's no way they're practicing as much as they need to, especially with the competition in NA getting stronger and stronger.

posted about 2 years ago

He comes off as having less of an ego than his teammates which helps him avoid hate. Has bad games sometimes but doesn't make excuses. Plus he's super versatile which helps keep him relevant

posted about 2 years ago

Central America is a subregion of North America when speaking in geographical terms, the distinctions between the various Americas is pretty stupid in my opinion

posted about 2 years ago
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