Flag: Spain
Registered: January 19, 2023
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 2:53 PM
Posts: 714
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superlight X based

posted about a year ago

if you understand it like that ok

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

lets say "curious flags"

posted about a year ago

not the country, the flag in general, you know, a flag with combined flags, or just curious designs

posted about a year ago

i love you fineggs

posted about a year ago

no ocelote no g2 😔

posted about a year ago

im just curious bc i think they are sick

posted about a year ago

on retired player should be hiko too no? imo was good

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

they want to introduce the game on China ig, so going to a champions is the best possible way
im not saying this is the correct idea, but considering that china has money and rito loves that, they could also give 1 spot for each region and no China.
but we'll have to see how this teams develops on Champs,

posted about a year ago

true, nice atmosphere, nice teams

and a nice crowd

posted about a year ago

natS iS beTteR vR0🤓☝

posted about a year ago

im agree, liquid fans too

posted about a year ago

flag + flair

i dont really have to say anything else

posted about a year ago

i hope he stays on China and he qualifies to champions, it would be nice tho

posted about a year ago

is clearing on spanish league actually, they have the best coach in the league and better than some vct coaches

posted about a year ago

coach Lrojo 🤝

posted about a year ago

he lost anyways imagine

posted about a year ago

we should celebrate this

posted about a year ago

-Im delusional heretics fan
-gamr is racist
-DanielEVLR is nice
-trembo will haunt you with every roasting brazil post
-simp4s0m is nice
-they said yessirskiii is racist but is nice to me
-same with shownu
-the most of the indians will defend rossi till death
-dont trust people with BR flag and loud flair

that's all, i would say that enjoy but you won't.

posted about a year ago

imo they should nerf the headhunter and the tp and make stronger his traps, that's why he is a sentinel right?

posted about a year ago

is not auto-picks tp, is that after tping, you pull out your gun instantly, you skip the pulling out the gun animation

posted about a year ago

nah they are worse than me i can confirm :DDDDD

posted about a year ago


im dumb sorry i apologize in front of all the vlr community.

posted about a year ago

imagine d3ffo goes to champion HELL NAAAAHHHHHHHHHH

posted about a year ago

i like both tho, but sean its better imo too

posted about a year ago

fr fr fr fr fr that's right, he is the goat, i copied his daltonic mode, his crosshair, his keyboard position, his mouse grip, his settings, his monitor, his pc, his, table, the same obs settings, and his playstyle, even i moved to NA to get on a game with my idol, i changed my name to "Tarik Simp#Celik" so he can make fun of me on stream and then he can add me and play duoQ with him OMGGGGGG😤😤😤😤

posted about a year ago

yeah yeah thats right dont you dare to say something bad to my daddy tarikkkk😡😡😡😡

posted about a year ago

bro really took stats from a showmatch LMAOOOOOO, two things tho:

1.only pANcada was sweating there because he was on BR and he wanted to make their fans happy

2.this was the first gekko game in the world, no one knew how it worked and they was trying to do things with the agent, limit testing in other words
(you can see even FRTTT, who was from the winner team ended with worse K/D than tarik)

Anyways i dont think he should go pro, sentinels pays him a lot, and he wins ten times more streaming and getting subs than earnings

posted about a year ago

like i did :D

posted about a year ago

shut up G2ShahZaM

posted about a year ago

actually im not saying that potter can't make "jokes" as other CC's or Players or Coaches, but they way you say it or WHAT you say it can affect the other person, almost all the people who had beef knows personally and they talked and they "were" or they are friends,

posted about a year ago

agreed but if you just can't i would watch it if i couldn't

posted about a year ago

you're good :D

posted about a year ago

no d0pr
no 0xy
no sh0hz0m

posted about a year ago

potter is so arrogant bro wtf

posted about a year ago

they tried with benjyfishy so who knows

posted about a year ago

almost did it with an analyst kek

posted about a year ago

its not muted, its just super low, ig he doesnt cares about their teammates bc he can solo 💀

posted about a year ago

you can hear portuguese on his voice's chats

posted about a year ago

just watch the vod no'?

posted about a year ago

yeah i know is not that early but my sleep schedule is fucked, on the weekends i go to sleep at 5am and i wake up at 2pm or smth like that 💀

(ofc from monday to friday i have to wake up at 7am so normally i sleep like 3 or 4h)

posted about a year ago

My hopes are gone. I can’t anymore. I just want to see my goat finally win something but I guess that’s never gonna happen. It hurts, it really does hurt to see them lose every games. I just have to accept that Chet and FNS needs Yay and Marved. I’m sick of it. I truested Ardiis but he betrayed me, or us rather. I am never gonna recover from this. I lost everything. Trust, hopes, all of it gone. It really hurts. That last round, as all of them die one by one I started tearing up. I’m just now sitting in the corner as I type all of these. Oh god, tears why won’t you stop falling. sniffs anyways thanks for reading all of this. I’ll go back to crying in the corner while room is locked. I won’t need sleep, food for 3 days. sigh WAAAAAAAAAAAHHH

posted about a year ago

you got to sleep, you wake up and without watching anything you just watch the vod eating your marvelous breakfast

posted about a year ago

i'll have to wake up at 10am but at least we are on summer, anyways i dont like to wake up that early

posted about a year ago

fr, i said they were getting grilled and they spammed downfrags and i got replied by 2 alts😹😹

posted about a year ago

you forgot adding sacy and pancada on BR when they win lcq

posted about a year ago

in that case FUCK TAYLOR

posted about a year ago
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