Flag: Spain
Registered: January 19, 2023
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 2:53 PM
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imagine a guy bugged climbing the ceiling from icebox xddd

posted about a year ago

Junkrat is the hero from overwatch, he throws a super fast wheel that he can control and can explode when he wants. basically a drone but terrestral.

posted about a year ago

yeah, they would have to change the hitbox of the agent and a animation climbing, and it looks like its very explodable and bugable

posted about a year ago

ill never forget a game against loud, they were attacking ascent, ardiis peaks mid and he calls that aspas is holding with op,
Ange1 goes to top, jumping with the spike equipped and he drops it to suygetsu, aspas kills him with 10s of round and its a 4v5 with no smokes...
Ange1 KEKW

posted about a year ago

nah is not Ange0

is Ange-10FK/FD

posted about a year ago

i am sick of sick being sick, i hope he gets sick and stops being sick, sick thinks he is sick while is not getting sick.

posted about a year ago

No arigato onichan?


posted about a year ago

horcus vs this 10 guys ezz EMEA flawless win

posted about a year ago

y porque te molesta tanto, es su opinion y ya, a mi me sigue pareciendo un jefe y me hace gracia las cosas que sube, no soy super fan pero me gusta algunas cosas que hace, si ha dicho algo sobre los españoles pues muy bien, se está insultando a el mismo también xd

posted about a year ago

dont forget the -10 FK/FD

posted about a year ago

you are +60 now LOL

posted about a year ago

you are +60 now LOL

posted about a year ago

he has arabian friends and its living a good life with them, he is learning in dubai with his friends and its enjoying, while is not same sexist as A.T. its all good, Carlos is still a nice person trust me

posted about a year ago

he''s just living his life tho, if it doesn't hurt you just let him.

posted about a year ago

Dont worry my friend i got the script right here let me check

loud:ascent + split (bans icebox)
fnatic: haven + fracture (bans pearl)
decider: lotus (we haven't seen both team comps on lotus)

maybe my friend "mini" wants to change it and bans lotus + decider icebox

posted about a year ago


(everyone in his prime on ultra instinct mode + x20 kaioken)

posted about a year ago

ok, this is a thought so i want you guys to someone tell me, im not saying that is real but is my opinion.

do you guys think Loud is constantly aware of incoming 1v1 when the crowd screams? i think its only me but i see that

imagine someone gets timing and they start to scream, they could realize that there's someone who got timing

posted about a year ago

big hopium

posted about a year ago

i dont really know, if he started on val im impressed to be honest, same with al0rante, sadly he didnt make it tier 1 but valorant was his first shooter and is pretty good imo

posted about a year ago

yeah probably if they focus they would rework it a little bit, but its ok i mean, it doesn't hurt anyone and its a subjective leaderboard, maybe someone thinks that koi is better than navi (example) and on the leaderboard navi is first and koi below top 10, so it's not a big problem imo

posted about a year ago

fuck cancer. i fucking hate it.

posted about a year ago

honestly i think they should give you more points for being franchised (going to vct and that things) because if you play regular league and you farm points before lock in starts you could get top 1 ez.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

with his age i guess he played fortnite but im not sure actually

posted about a year ago

what is SAW lol

posted about a year ago

the thing i like the most is that he is unrestricted so he can go where he wants, i would bet for a EMEA team actually, maybe koi

posted about a year ago

well, it doesn't matter the how do their play, Loud maybe is more confident playing against DRX because DRX could have a playstyle that Loud knows how to counter
(idk if you get me but yeah)

in summary
Loud is winning lock//in

posted about a year ago


more experience, mental, gamesense, can flex, can igl...

posted about a year ago

probably, a good org should sing them, they are a good core and it would be sad not having them on challengers

posted about a year ago

cned kekw

posted about a year ago

i think the fact of knowing that you would be out from your org its a little perjudicial to their mental, but i think some of TG guys should be on tier 1 imo

posted about a year ago

imo, i think they were the best only in 2021, this new meta shouldn't fit well for that sentinels rosters actually

posted about a year ago

i prefer EMEA G2 actually...

posted about a year ago

asc3 peak
now asc2 at one game to rank up

posted about a year ago

khalil goes out
pancada goes furia
marved goes sen

posted about a year ago

he got rekt

posted about a year ago

br streamer i think, maybe im wrong but i saw him on jarso video, idk if its him at all but yeah, br streamer ig

posted about a year ago

i would replace navi for fnatic imo, they are actually very equilibrated both and im sure it will be an insane game with at least 1 OT and 3 maps

posted about a year ago

im agree, maybe they had a bad start and now they will fix their mistakes, , with nAts IQ, probably this will not happen again so we just have to wait for tokyo... i personally trust on all the team and i think they are all good invididually, they just need to work the teamplay and comms

posted about a year ago


crowd power never dissapoints

posted about a year ago

since they played against EDG we could clearly see they were not ready for a good tier team...

posted about a year ago

i was watching a movie with my mother and there was a character named "dex" and i liked it :)

posted about a year ago

in case they say cryo needs to adjust, we have 2 new players instead of 1 so they cant say that 💀

posted about a year ago

nah these guys didn't got a single champions with sentinels💀

posted about a year ago

it is, imo, nagzet is not ready for T1 games rn, its seems its so lost and xand can play better as a duelist, on lotus, nagzet didnt played duelist and maybe is a coincidence but they ended better than map 1 (only nagzet played duelist) but yeah nagzet did a pecho friada

posted about a year ago

i actually dont know, but i think its gonna be a good game and there are gonna be 3 maps, we'll got insane rounds and clutches, imo, 1 of my best lock in games.

I cheer for fnatic but i hope its a very equilibrated match :D

posted about a year ago

yeah, i've seen a harder bug, on KC vs FPX, the guy with skye flashes on a corner and nivera who is LITERALLY in front of him doesnt get flashed, thats kinda unfair tho but this helps to make it not happen again (i hope)
(this is the flash bug btw)

posted about a year ago

so we dont know why he deleted?

posted about a year ago

yeah but actually i dont think Loud wanted to use that bug on purpouse xd
(i know you are hard trolling)

posted about a year ago
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