Flag: India
Registered: June 16, 2022
Last post: October 6, 2023 at 5:31 AM
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The different agents and meta keeps the game fresh, I like that you cant have an "era" because of it.

posted about a year ago

both deserved finalists, I wouldnt mind either of them winning but PRX winning would be cool

posted about a year ago

master's is similar to euros and champions is like world cup. WC will always have more prestige

posted about a year ago

both teams are hard anti-straters so I expect them to struggle on their "best" maps due to anti-strating

posted about a year ago

yup, its a good thing they're getting knocked out. the team with more superstars is better against optic since they can shutdown single players well like they did against DRX

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

japan, KR, or BR too. they literally chose a location which has the least valorant interest XD

posted about a year ago

no amount of prep is going to help a team to antistrat yoru because of the uncertainty of fake TPs and real TPs. its just not possible. either they are saving strats for champions or fucked up by over thinking. This just became a regular bind game with "meta" lineups.

posted about a year ago

these guys are awful

posted about a year ago

when DRX played FPX earlier with a sub - stax to seider - "SEIDER WHAT ARE YOU DOING SEIDER?" taunts all game
now, they get hit back with banter - "WHY ARE YOU GUYS SO MEAN?"


posted about a year ago

Yesterday's PRX match was so good but the casting was horrible. you didnt feel the intensity of the PRX plays at all while they creamed their pants whenever boaster did shrouded step into site.

posted about a year ago

I would say giving internet to almost everyone in a developing country or even a developed country would have bad repercussions. Unfortunately JIO has done short-term damage by giving cheap internet. Long term, it can be changed as we develop as a country but its not looking good now.

posted about a year ago

this. what a good IGL.

posted about a year ago

I dont see kru even taking a map off optic, let alone beating them with this momentum on optic's side.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I swear something about streaming every day takes away your pro-level valorant skills. it's a curse. any player who streams cant perform internationally.

posted about a year ago

they even got match point in OT and the first kill later.

posted about a year ago

W loading (50%)

posted about a year ago

damn it XD

posted about a year ago

this was not a low level match. when two teams are equally good. this is how they look because they keep countering each other in real-time.

posted about a year ago

he tried hard to carry them on all 3 maps. but it was so close, a few aim duels here and there.

posted about a year ago

you can only beat the team in front of you

posted about a year ago

suygetsu, their best player and one of the top players in first bloods isnt going. this should be a gg if xerxia dont choke

posted about a year ago

W trembo pred

posted about a year ago

good jinx

posted about a year ago

good point tbh XD

posted about a year ago

if it was once or twice getting flanked, it would be unlucky but they got flanked 5 times before they took a timeout and attacked C but by then it was too late

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Disagree with other stuff but agree with this "It was also dumb to put it in Copenhagen when no one cares about valorant".

There are regions like BR and JP that will give you free viewers. I swear the whole valo team is getting lazy, their skins, the way they talk to their audience, the bug updates. I mentioned skins because you can see the care they put into their earlier skins, which in turn made people buy them plenty. even now, the top skins are all older skins not due to nostalgia but the amount of detail and unique-ness they gave to each of them.

The only positive improvement over the past year has been RGX bundle and fade while everything else has been sub-par. The game is still growing well in APAC/BR/JP and even NA, so they can still recover to "compete" with CS unironically but I dont see any positive signs at the moment, just "new" spam that isn't going to work long term. Even CS tried it for a while around 2016-2018? and lost some popularity until the devs, etc went back to working on actual bugs, mechanics, replay. Unless valo team focuses on basics like they did in the first year, this game is going to die in the next 2-3 years.

posted about a year ago

This. everyone's toxic if you know what to look for. just play your game and chill out.

posted about a year ago

Not sure why we've stopped doing shadows on logos suddenly. everything is soulless flat stuff now just like my ex

posted about a year ago

yeah fair enough. the recent nerf did increase the kj and cypher pick rate in ranked a tiny bit. not much but an improvement. so, riot and the pro-scene definitely know he's OP at the moment.

posted about a year ago

that's actually what a sentinel means, hold a site down during defense. kj can pop the ult and the opponents have no chance but to back off, chamber ult slows, only cypher's is useless because his ult just tells you where they're coming from XD. adding to cypher's useless ult, his tripwire can be shot down AFTER you trip it. how does that make sense? you cant do that to kj mollies or chamber traps so why do you get a 2nd chance to recover from cypher's tripwires? doesnt make sense.

posted about a year ago

damn it, I always fall for CS bait

posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago

NTH came to fucking play alright

posted about a year ago

How have faze not even given a proper setup to their valo squad after performing lights out to get into knockouts? This was their single important match-up to directly qualify to Copenhagen and they rented an internet cafe? grim

posted about a year ago

huge pressure on zeta right now, let's see how they react

posted about a year ago

I used to think this way but ultimately shooters / competitive games, in general, are a very mental game, and "just holding on longer" than the other team is enough to beat them. Brazil has the fastest rounds and they try to end maps/rounds quicker. The pace of the game is followed by LATAM, APAC, KR, JP, NA, and EMEA in that order.

I agree with you as most do here that talent-wise VK is better but if they cant play the long game against a Brazilian team that plays at a slower pace, imagine how they would fare against xset or fnatic who dont even move until the clock hits 30 secs every round for 5 maps. LOUD can play both, this is why they can switch up depending on the opposition, if the opposition is playing slow, they play slower than them. if they're all out attacking then good luck against LOUD on firepower.

The solution to this is generally a calmer IGL or coach who switches up strats constantly. The primary reason for this isnt that the opposition reading you, coaches switch up so even his own team is new to the strats, so they take it slower feeling it out which in turn helps their game being slower.

posted about a year ago

it shows that its not entirely agent diff but player diff

posted about a year ago

foraken on yoru is a work of art unironically

posted about a year ago

I dont think it matters since, more than half of the valorant players have come from CS like me, even the comms are CT and T side rather than attack/defense. Not a big deal imo

posted about a year ago

The omen smokes are messing with PRX's aggression. They still haven't adapted to it.

posted about a year ago
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