Flag: India
Registered: June 16, 2022
Last post: October 6, 2023 at 5:31 AM
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thoughts on the french league started today? Mandatory looking stronk

posted 11 months ago

TL are trolling if they kick sayf for cned

posted 11 months ago

i was fine with edgy jokes until the gameplay and throwing. The frequency is very high and 1 in 3 matches I get derankers or smurfs or some players who dont listen. While stockholm/london/paris people somewhat try to play the game. Istanbul also surprisingly has less throwers than frankfurt.

posted 11 months ago

0-4 BLG

posted 11 months ago

social life? im talking about cash cups, LANs and tourneys

posted 11 months ago

Platonic? the original tweet and me are not talking about platonic relationships. Its a different kind of bond, its not about attraction or anything. I dont think you'll ever understand the nuance of men's friendship and female friendship if you havent experienced it in a highly charged competitive environment. Lets just leave it at that.

posted 11 months ago

"some" say that. majority called him a 1 trick chamber tho.

posted 11 months ago

Female friendships and inter-gender friendships can be

of course. I never argued they dont, the tweet also didnt. I'm talking about a pattern, you're trying to use outliers for your arguments while I'm using patterns and generalization. Try to argue properly, cheers.

bonds have nothing to do with gender

get some female friends and actually interact with them. If you still dont believe gender plays a role in bonds, then ggs for you.

posted 11 months ago

He's right. Women aren't as try-hard as men and they also dont feel the 5 stacks the same way as men. It is hard to explain until you've actually played as a 5 stack with women and just men. Its just a very hard red-pill that might rub people the wrong way but it is true. It is generally agreed upon that men's friendship is much stronger than female friendship, this translates to other stuff too.

posted 11 months ago

Never been the same since he switched to "FINESSE". Im afraid his ego has been shattered by the Judge. He doesnt like the cheesy parts of valorant, which make valorant. So, him sending his twitch followers to attack dasnerth/eggster for cringe gaming (not the "right way" as he says) only to get kicked out by a Judge is karma at its finest. He has to embrace it or retire. Unfortunately, he chose the cowardly option than embracing or adapting to the game. ggs tho.

posted 11 months ago

I let it rest and have not spoken about it so as not to risk being viewed as a liability to other teams.

there it is. I was right

posted 11 months ago

we are all in this together as a 0 trophy region im afraid 🗿

posted 11 months ago

PR tweet incoming saying "it was all true but not in the way you think" because no team wants a loose canon who will go to reporters and spew fake shit. I'll be surprised if a tweet isnt coming to save her career because no team wants drama.

posted 11 months ago

wasnt there another character who called boostio racist because he said EDG players were one of the best players he faced in valorant as a chinese region (since its new) but she interpreted it as a "you're good for a woman" and attacked him as racist. Characters like her are just looking for cancel culture to help them prop up because they cant get attention through other sources anymore.

posted 11 months ago

you will never be respected on this site again for shaming the beloved james_ff just because he threatened your job security by posting screenshots.

posted 11 months ago

gets rejected

uses her gender instead of her skill as a reason

as the others have said, IF I SPEAK

posted 11 months ago

I agree

posted 11 months ago

As someone who plays stockholm regularly, I comm in english, so the general comms are in russian but they do communicate on important stuff in broken english with me. I think it depends on your tone tho.

posted 11 months ago

the fuck is that blue shit mid fights also why does the speed of the characters look off. it doesnt have weight behind them. bad animation due to low budget/time feels like.

posted 11 months ago

you have to realize, everyone is racist to everyone in EU but its just words. if you frag out or pull clutches, they will start to cool down through the game and focus on the game.

posted 11 months ago

Im always surprised how the wife is ignored by the liberal people who hate him. Isnt it sad how the possessive wife doesnt get any hate when she was the reason he had to act like it. Society amirite.

posted 11 months ago

he was getting diffed by add3r aim-wise and game-sense wise they were even worse.

posted 11 months ago

you cooked

posted 11 months ago

I appreciate that he plays more team-oriented now.

he hasnt played team oriented since, what are you talking about? If he put aside his ego and let others IGL, KC wouldve done way better.

posted about a year ago

damn, any coach/player afraid of VLR wont make it far on LANs consistently.

posted about a year ago

sliggy confirmed many times that scream stopped listening to what he or the team were saying during some important plays at the end of their time. I'm pretty sure an ultimatum was made indirectly by slliggy leading to TL having to choose between the star duelist ONE TAP MACHINE or sliggy, they chose scream. The rest is history.

posted about a year ago

I never thought you said they were bad. Also, I agree not just the strats but it seems they didnt improve on their mechanics or the meta. They got lazy.

posted about a year ago

its like prime astralis isnt it? individually navi. TL, or faze clear them but as a team, they beat everyone. Its just hard to rate them when you elevate teams that much but cant perform when you go to another team. So, some tend to overrate them, some underrate them. Its best just to use context for these kinds of players rather than a single statement to define them.

posted about a year ago

redgar or emil have to go, until then they wont improve.

posted about a year ago

only yay on chamber was outright better than other duelists during optic era. everyone else individually were not at the top. But, they were the better team in every scenario. Their micro decisions were almost perfect, their trading, their util, is one of, if not the best. Individually, they're not good. Same with EG team, if you take them individually, only demon1 comes out on top BUT as a team, they are unbeatable. I think you're technically right there are better initiators BUT there are not many better players who work within the team well.

posted about a year ago

I agree

posted about a year ago

I think he has to overcome the choke gene, until then he wont be a great player. He is still very good but when clutch time pressure comes, he doesnt perform.

posted about a year ago

man is a korean fetishist

posted about a year ago

was 2022 champs the final valorant tourney with proper regional teams? hate international teams man. lose all passion to support them.

posted about a year ago

same as sacy, same with aspas now, same with ardiis. money talks.

posted about a year ago

25k??? :pikalaugh;

posted about a year ago

FNC sliggy with mini as assistant coach would go hard ngl

posted about a year ago

how do you write this article without actually including tex's own tweet as source is baffling to me. These are the people who mock james_ff and his scrim reporting.

posted about a year ago

atom's journey is pretty interesting too, I'm glad daveeys had the miracle LCQ run before he passed away.

posted about a year ago

pancada needs to go, the language issue is apparent

posted about a year ago

if they made both of those wooden walls in it breakable with a loud sound

you cooked with this one. I think halls needed to stay there. Both the T sides and CT sides loved playing it. The other changes are good but this one was not needed & no one was unhappy with it.

posted about a year ago

you cant be a good IGL if you get tilted off judge/odin and send your little hate group of followers against dasnerth/eggster. If you cant embrace the game, you're not a good IGL, saadhak does. Im so glad he got sent home from champs with a judge. Karma.

posted about a year ago

I think both 100T and C9 have initiator role issues with xeppa/zellsis & asuna/derrek.
Until they sort out who is their main initiator, they will fall short.

posted about a year ago

kicking pancada will solve some issues for SEN imo

posted about a year ago

this is true, NA has cracked aimers and solo players. Even in CS, this was true While EU has to cover it via strats and general outplay.

posted about a year ago

did he really go to EU just to try out the servers?

posted about a year ago

this, even halo's movement at that time was rapid & considered to be the best. I also remember vividly quake or 1.6 players calling csgo, as a child game for noobs when it came out since they took out all the hard parts of it. Its ironic that csgo fans do the same for valorant now when they dont realize just how much their game has been nerfed.

posted about a year ago

fns is ashamed of his Indian roots tho. dont think he will entertain any of this.

posted about a year ago

man is too ashamed to support his region & has a TL flair talking about GE. I think you can close this tab, lad.

posted about a year ago

"we" would rather spend our time in IPL threads talking about foreign players or be more active on trashing pakistan esports scene than be indulged in this. We can easily make a fuss but the fans dont care enough so the owner does what he wants.

posted about a year ago
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