Flag: Italy
Registered: November 30, 2021
Last post: October 25, 2024 at 3:33 PM
Posts: 361
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colligate val suprisingly good

posted about a year ago

MACKO Esports from Italy

posted about a year ago

because having the T1 season end after the T2 season could result in ascension contenders getting their star players poached, so Riot would need to keep the rosters locked until after ascension resulting in less prac for t1 teams, but what they have now is still unacceptable

posted about a year ago

im just happy we still have a chance :)

posted about a year ago

Sweden 2-1

posted about a year ago

how did italian teams go 0-3 :(

posted about a year ago

surely Italy cant lose all 3 of the european finals :(

posted about a year ago

masters/champs winning team knife skins would go crazy

posted about a year ago

NSIC, BTR fanclub and Let Us Cook are all really good unsigned T3 teams that have a good shot at making it to VCL through open quals

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

unfathomable throw for our junior college :(

posted about a year ago

prx is 2nd in pacific at 5-2 they just beat zeta 2-0 earlier today

posted about a year ago

TAMU MAROON 26-0 EVERYTEAM (except nothwood they're way too good)

posted about a year ago

ase and edward gaming are already confirmed for tokyo btw

posted about a year ago

its weird cause
looking at split you would think potter is the best coach in the world to antistrat loud that hard
looking at haven you would think that potter is one of the best coaches in the league to almost beat loud with notable less talent on your roster
looking at pearl you would think potter is the worst coach in the world with that goofy ass comp

posted about a year ago

1stv20 throw lmaoo

posted about a year ago

not a yay fan just thought it was interesting

posted about a year ago

the last time yay went negative in a pro series was optics opening loss agianst guild at masters copenhagen. Since then, Yay had gone positive or even in 20 series until today.

posted about a year ago

its been deleted lmaooooo

posted about a year ago

Liquipedia has marved, dicey, larrybanks, frostmind, hyeoni and has1ra14 joining talon as stand ins, does anyone have any other info on this??

posted about a year ago

reduxx drops 75 in his first match

posted about a year ago

demon1 cracked, they should still bring back bcj and bench c0m instead

posted about a year ago

this reads like a chat gpt response

posted about a year ago

brazil not big fans of being called latam

posted about a year ago

put me in

posted about 2 years ago

op changed the title :skull:

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

How each region did during round one of Lock//In

CN record: 0-2
AMER record: 7-3
EMEA record: 7-3
APAC record: 2-8

Will update after round 2 is over since no region will face itself :)

posted about 2 years ago

While Natus Vincere went overseas to join NRG Esports,

I think this is ment to be ardiis?

posted about 2 years ago

Why mwzera is the best player in the world



mwzera - 86% win rate (thats the insaniest thing ive seen in a while)
cNed - stats not availiable
TenZ - 73% win rate

mwzera - 66.3% winrate (MVP of 95% of the matches) proof here
cNed - 53.5% winrate (MVP of 13% of the matches)
TenZ - 60.4% winrate (MVP of 15% of the matches)

can you take your time to appreciate how insane mwzera is? without a doubt the most talented player to ever touch the game

I'll try to explain briefly why I think he is the best player in the world
Despite his insane aim and movement
The best way to know if a player is a good duelist is RAZE. There is a BIG difference between a good duelist and a jett abuser
If he is a good duelist, he needs to be good with raze.

heat? not good with raze
aspas? not good with raze
xand? not good with raze
tenz? not good with raze
cned? not good with raze
scream? not good with raze
d3ffo? not good with raze
derke? not good with raze

Thats why I think he is undoubtely the best player in the world. If RIOT by any means decides to nerf jett and shift the meta we prolly not gonna even hear names like cned and tenz again :>
He is not killing 40+ per map because when he joined VK he was forced to play a different role because heat is already a main jett... and lets be honest, every single duelist nowadays gets 20+ kills per map because team and setups are basically built around you (even steel managed to get 20 kills with it

posted about 2 years ago

Any information on the South Asia VCL? every other asian VCL has been going on for multiple matches, with the exception of Vietnam, which starts in 2 days. While South Asia dosent even have a liquipedia page. Is South Asia skipping this split?

posted about 2 years ago

tenstar should sign them

posted about 2 years ago

i miss my akrew flair please bring it back :(

posted about 2 years ago

speak/understand every language

posted about 2 years ago

and the tradition of cracked filipino/vietnamese players showing up out of nowhere continues

posted about 2 years ago

this format def not the most competitive, but its gonna be the most hype for a causal/new viewers cause every game matters/ easier for an underdog/cinderella story ect. and with it being the kickoff event its gonna be riots best chance other than champs finals to reel in new viewers to the scene, even though id perfer a swiss format into 2x elim

posted about 2 years ago

rossy, wardell, tigg, brax, stewie2k

first real opponent is city boys in R32

posted about 2 years ago

both of these teams arent playing in open qualifiers they got invited to challengers

posted about 2 years ago

only 1 team per region ascends for the next 2 years

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

giving real italians a bad name
we already didnt qual for fifa world cup dont make it worse for us :(

posted about 2 years ago

flynns guess is ex-dark zero which is probably getting picked up by mad lions

posted about 2 years ago

the roster in vlr has lied to me :(

posted about 2 years ago

Mocking quals for red bull campus clutch brazil finals with northwood esports, the same amount of major lans as 100t bang :)

posted about 2 years ago

when franchising rolls around i wanna use the ELO for probability of each team winning their next match, making playoffs, etc so if i can figure out which one is "more correct" it will make it easier for me :)

posted about 2 years ago

Why does the ELO system give a different ELO for the team when clicked on vs the rankings page?
on the rankings page it gives fnatic a 2164 ranking but when you click on fnatic the rating changes to 2074. are the ELO's calculated differently? which one is more correct?

posted about 2 years ago

I support this message

posted about 2 years ago
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