Flag: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Registered: August 27, 2021
Last post: May 4, 2022 at 6:14 AM
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online derke

posted about 2 years ago

I just wish he could try these things against a little weaker teams tbh

posted about 2 years ago

Do you want hiko chamber, Asuna skye, BabyJ Kayo?

posted about 2 years ago

this thread is so funny I laughed so hard, I laughed so hard I threw my phone, my stomach hurt, my nose started bleeding and I fell of of my bed and then I laughed so hard that the vibration from my laughter caused me to slide across the floor like some kind of fucked up caterpillar. Then I laughed so hard that I cried. Then I laughed so hard that I began flying. I flew threw the roof of my house and continued to fly up up up, up into the sky and I continued flying upwards until I went to outer space, I laughed so hard I went to outer space. Then I continued to laugh and the radiation from outer space started to disintegrate my body, my body disintegrated but I continued to laugh. Then I met God, God wasn’t a man or woman, God was two different cubes with different colors and I transcended God because I laughed so hard. I transcended God into a world of light and laughter. I could not stop laughing, all I could do is laughter now. I miss my friends, I miss my home I hope that I can see them again but I know that I never will, because I will never stop laughing I will laugh for eternity.

posted about 2 years ago

With hiko clutching 1v4 in OT

posted about 2 years ago

100T best team in NA hopium

posted about 2 years ago

Stop trying to fix TSM, Subroza go back to cheating in csgo. Wardell just retire man you will never escape the shadow of a boomer named Steel. Rossy, Aleko and corey just join a new team for the love of God

posted about 2 years ago

this thread is so funny I laughed so hard, I laughed so hard I threw my phone, my stomach hurt, my nose started bleeding and I fell of of my bed and then I laughed so hard that the vibration from my laughter caused me to slide across the floor like some kind of fucked up caterpillar. Then I laughed so hard that I cried. Then I laughed so hard that I began flying. I flew threw the roof of my house and continued to fly up up up, up into the sky and I continued flying upwards until I went to outer space, I laughed so hard I went to outer space. Then I continued to laugh and the radiation from outer space started to disintegrate my body, my body disintegrated but I continued to laugh. Then I met God, God wasn’t a man or woman, God was two different cubes with different colors and I transcended God because I laughed so hard. I transcended God into a world of light and laughter. I could not stop laughing, all I could do is laughter now. I miss my friends, I miss my home I hope that I can see them again but I know that I never will, because I will never stop laughing I will laugh for eternity.

posted about 2 years ago

TSM and TL in the same sentence

posted about 2 years ago

Gold 2 cant win a round on icebox

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Liquid hasnt learnt anything, Sliggy forgetting how hard it was to get on site without duelists

posted about 2 years ago

stopped reading at WONDERWEISS

posted about 2 years ago

is this even a comparison

posted about 2 years ago

Im worried about bind ScreaM fan, our lulquid clowns cant ban bind even if their life depends on it

posted about 2 years ago

Acend breeze isnt great, VK almost owned them

posted about 2 years ago

Challengers 3 soulcas is back, never doubt yourself

posted about 2 years ago

Acend match didnt even have a breeze game and Breeze is lulquids best map ngl

posted about 2 years ago

We are getting smashed, get off copium

posted about 2 years ago

pointless dramas, cheating, stalling and delaying over 2 hours for just 1 game. ggwp NA pgl production cosplay. no wonder with watchparty with famous streamers Valorant just barely peak the iceland views and yeah pretty dissapointing as someone enjoys this ( not forced by gf or any girls that i meet in low elo ranked to say i enjoy this but myself honestly :) )

posted about 2 years ago

switch to and wait till it come back

posted about 2 years ago

EU production KEKW

posted about 2 years ago

Scared to get diffed by nivera no cap

posted about 2 years ago

nAts too tired of getting read like a book at champs

posted about 2 years ago

Liquid wins 2-0 or Gambit wins 2-1, Liquid aint winning bind as decider map 💀

posted about 2 years ago

"we would have won with mixwell"

posted about 2 years ago

game over?

posted about 2 years ago

Not gonna happen, Spencer "Hiko" Martin will first bait his whole team to end up in a 1v5 but then 1tap everyone on the server with his grey recon guardian every round of the match 26 Aces, 26 1V5 clutches, ez win for 100T GG go next C9

posted about 2 years ago

I think someone like magnum is a better comparison than derke

posted about 2 years ago

Group stages dont get pickems

posted about 2 years ago

dexter and prtsty going hard after seeing this

posted about 2 years ago

4 hrs 7 mins

posted about 2 years ago

not gonna miss Lulquid game this time

posted about 2 years ago

Liquid vs Gambit stage 3 and Liquid vs V1 in iceland

posted about 2 years ago

#BrotherBuff #BaldBuff

posted about 2 years ago

We all believe that Shahz should adopt shadowisBAD

posted about 2 years ago

Funny how they didnt realise lmfao

posted about 2 years ago

Ultra common W

posted about 2 years ago

i dont like them tbh

posted about 2 years ago

sad really

posted about 2 years ago

Wont be too surprised, SEN always owned NA online

posted about 2 years ago

you missed fluffy and netero 0/8

posted about 2 years ago

no but actually yes

posted about 2 years ago

this thread is so funny I laughed so hard, I laughed so hard I threw my phone, my stomach hurt, my nose started bleeding and I fell of of my bed and then I laughed so hard that the vibration from my laughter caused me to slide across the floor like some kind of fucked up caterpillar. Then I laughed so hard that I cried. Then I laughed so hard that I began flying. I flew threw the roof of my house and continued to fly up up up, up into the sky and I continued flying upwards until I went to outer space, I laughed so hard I went to outer space. Then I continued to laugh and the radiation from outer space started to disintegrate my body, my body disintegrated but I continued to laugh. Then I met God, God wasn’t a man or woman, God was two different cubes with different colors and I transcended God because I laughed so hard. I transcended God into a world of light and laughter. I could not stop laughing, all I could do is laughter now. I miss my friends, I miss my home I hope that I can see them again but I know that I never will, because I will never stop laughing I will laugh for eternity.

posted about 2 years ago

25s and 30s smokes what is this bs lmfaoo

posted about 2 years ago

L1NK with judge on brimmy in hookah hits different

posted about 2 years ago

nah im pretty ure enigma wont personally seed them that high after beating C9, so they will just get a few points not anywhere near 2400

posted about 2 years ago

carrying off the server

posted about 2 years ago
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